What would you call a Catholic who rejects the authority of the Papacy? Does such a thing exist?
What would you call a Catholic who rejects the authority of the Papacy? Does such a thing exist?
A lutherin
Papacy? I already took care of it bruv.
An Anglican.
Which of these is closer to Catholicism?
Sedevacantist. Literally "empty-seat-ist". They say that there is no legitimate pope, or in rarer contexts, claim an alternative person is the legitimate pope.
A catholic. Fuck the current libtard pope.
desu The Young Pope has the ideal pope.
A /pol/tard
Sede vacante.
A person with one foot out the door.
Oh, yes, the Nazi contingent that says that the Nazi Pope of WWII was the last "real" pope. You know, the pope that controlled 2/3 of the Axis powers, condoned the Holocaust and coordinated the escape of Nazi war criminals to South America via the Vatican Ratlines.
What, is history too much for you people?
He hardly controlled anything. he attempted to play both sides by being neutral, its very clear privately he didnt like nazi's and even tried to warn and shelter Jews in Rome.
You could argue that implicit criticism in the face of something like fascism is a half measure unworthy of anyone who claims to be the head of Chirst's church, but claiming he was buddy buddy with Hitler is absurd
Op asked a pointed question and was given a direct answer, people who reject the authority of the Pope are called sedevacantists Nazism or no is superfluous
Yes, popes are such frail, powerless things. Not capable of starting wars. Not capable of changing dynasties.
Just poor humble clerics eating scraps of bread and drinking the water from the rain barrel.
The sedevacantists hold that the Nazi Pope of WWII was the last legit pope.
Sedevacantism is the position, held by a minority of traditionalist Catholics, that the alleged present occupant of the Holy See is not truly pope due to the mainstream church's espousal of the heresy of modernism and that, for lack of a valid pope, the see has been vacant since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958.
Do try to know what you're talking about next time. I'd like to learn something here once.
OP Here. Sedevacantists reject the Pope after the 1950s. I'm more referring to what sect of Christianity fundamentally rejects the Papacy, yet still has traditions closest to Catholicism.
>Pope Pius XII in 1958
This would be the Nazi pope for you slower of wit and victims of a Jesuit education.
inb4 he saved 3000 Jews, because he forced them to convert to Catholicism before he would save them (and of course once safe, they all recanted the coerced confession).
The Eastern Orthodox Church.
Keep trying to shoehorn the Nazi connection all you want, Catholics who deny the authority of the Pope are called sedevacantists
I think your confuing the 1940's with the 1440's. Ever since the Italian revolution the popes direct political power almost totally evaporated. Eventually they excepted honorific diginaties from the Italian government but outside the Vatican their power was purely soft.
Germany was only half Catholic, and many in it had no special love for the Catholic church. When it was convenient for them, like in Poland they would arrest priests.
Taking a bold stand agaist the nazis might have been the right thing to do, but it certainly wouldn't have been the politically astute thing for them to do. As it was the German government was already annoyed with the Vatican for most of the war
Papal Concordat with Mussolini 1929
Papal Concordat with Hitler 1933
Don't need a shoehorn dude.
Get a different word, you twit. I literally gave you the definition of what a sedevacantist is.
They deny the authority of any pope WHO FOLLOWED THE DEATH OF THE NAZI POPE.
Not all popes in general.
Oh, yes, we poor folk at the Vatican have not had any power on the world stage since 1440. We are such a small country, so harmless, so innocuous, with embassies in more countries than anyone else for no reason at all, and an order of assassins just for the fun of it all.
We're not gathering all of the world's religions into one emergent church, telling atheists they don't have to believe in God, telling gays they don't have to stop being gay, telling Hindus all roads lead to God; we're just poor, humble servants of our lord, Peter.
Buddy I have a feeling this is going to get very autistic very quickly so I will just leave with you this: according to Otto Skorzeny Hitler didn't particularly care for that Pope and hatched a plot to kidnap him and hold him hostage. Catholics who reject the Pope are called sedevacantists and yes the last Pope they accept happened to be Pope under nazi reign. I don't think it's particularly relevant and from what I understand (I'm not an expert) most people are sedevacantists because of the second Vatican council and masses no longer being offered in Latin. So there. Catholics who reject the pope are called sedevacantists and any nazi connection you wish to draw is merely extra credit.
What's that? Hitler didn't deal openly and honestly with people?
Is that your doctoral thesis?
I'm trying to find any arguments in your post, user, but I can only find faggotry. Tell me one war provoked essensiality and only by the Vatican in the last century.
Protip: You can't.
Yes I will publishing it soon I'll link you when it's ready xD
high anglican is catholicism w/o Roman popery
I have a working title for you: "Hitler - Maybe not that nice a guy after all?"
Is this real life?
>I'm a Roman Catholic
>but you hate the pope
>well I'm an antipope
One of Hitler's greatest sources of intelligence information came through the Roman catholic confessionals all over the world. Hitler's secret servic, the Gestapo, was built up after the principles of the Jesuit Order, by Heindrich Hemler. Many catholic priests wore the uniform of Hitler's Gestapo. The Jesuit father Himmler, Heindrich Himmler's uncle, was one of the superior officers of the Gestapo. It
was mainly through the Gestapo that six and a half million Jews suffered torture and death; the 20th century catholic inquisition was in full swing. Bible believing protestants that tried to help the Jews also went into the concentration camps. In Yugoslavia, the Greek orthodox church, the Serbians, were terribly tortured and murdered by the Ustachi killer squads, catholic groups that were led by Jesuits. Many catholic priests were members of the Ustachi killer squads. The Jesuit monseigneur Tiso, in Slovakia, chief of the Slovakian state, provided the first contingent of Jews, from Slovakia, to be murdered at Auschwitz. Monseigneur Tiso was hanged as a war criminal after the war was over.
Is this just fantasy
>it's a 'my anime said it was like this so it's real'
Remind me again how accepting the bavarians were of Hitler's dream
This guy is a heretic shill
To be fair, and if what we're discussing is the meaning of terms...I don't believe Pius was a Nazi. So "Nazi Pope" would be, of course, inaccurate.
They were 98% voting for him, that's how much.
Anyway I mean the the Munich putsch
That's like saying the devil himself wasn't technically a Nazi.
But there's your unholy trinity, right in front of your face. Antichrist Hitler, Beast Satan, False Prophet pope.
Parliamentary elections were held in Germany (including recently annexed Austria) on 10 April 1938.[1] They were the final elections to the Reichstag during Nazi rule and took the form of a single-question referendum asking whether voters approved of a single list of Nazis and pro-Nazi "guest" candidates for the 813-member Reichstag as well as the recent annexation of Austria (the Anschluss). Turnout in the election was officially 99.5% with 98.9% voting "yes".[2] In Austria official figures claimed 99.73% voted in favour with a turnout of 99.71%.
Once the pope said "vote for Hitler", the papist drones voted 100% for Hitler.
High Church Anglicanism
Dear God....you did more than drink kool aid you got the IV hooked up to your arm.
These things will become clearer to you, if you survive.
Do you really think the NWO is a human invention?
To be clear, Hitler and the Nazi Pope were types of antichrists and false prophets, not the famous ones who rule over men at the end of this age.
Just heavy foreshadowing, and maybe dry runs. After all, the devil cannot see the future.
Tell me how the Vatican provoked WWII, you dipshit. And I want solid proofs, not some retarded links from your alternative media.
Have you ever met a real-life Jesuit?
Nice paragraph you wrote there user, but you just mentioned how most of the Gestapo, the Nazi's secret service were built up after principles of the Jesuit Order, not how the Vatican provoked directly WWII, are you autistic? That's like saying atheism was the direct reason 60 million chinese died just because Mao was an atheist.
lmao when did the Pope said "vote for Hitler"?
ah, I misunderstood you
Probably some of the Scandinavian Lutherans (don't laugh). Some of them even pray the rosary.
It was the first clause of the reiksconcordant
Really activates the almonds
Yeah unironically the Danish church is there
The Jesuits are the Order of Assassins at the hand of the pope.
It's like you don't know anything about....anything.
By telling Hitler to invade Poland.
This is a history board?
German Catholic theologian Robert Grosche described the Enabling Act in terms of the 1870 decree on the infallibility of the Pope, and stated that the Church had "anticipated on a higher level, that historical decision which is made today on the political level: for the Pope and against the sovereignty of the Council; for the Fuhrer and against the Parliament."[34] On 29 March 1933 Cardinal Pacelli sent word to the German bishops to the effect that they must now change their position with regard to National Socialism.[35] On 28 March 1933, the bishops themselves took up a position favourable to Hitler. According to Falconi (1966) the about-turn came through the influence and instructions of the Vatican. Pope Pius XI indicated in Mit brennender Sorge (1937) that the Germans had asked for the concordat, and Pope Pius XII affirmed this in 1945.
Do you fucks know about Google?
By the middle of 1997, I was in a state of moral shock. The material I had gathered amounted not to an exoneration but to an indictment more scandalous than Hochhuth’s. The evidence was explosive. It showed for the first time that Pacelli was patently, and by the proof of his own words, anti-Jewish. It revealed that he had helped Hitler to power and at the same time undermined potential Catholic resistance in Germany. It showed that he had implicitly denied and trivialized the Holocaust, despite having reliable knowledge of its true extent. And, worse, that he was a hypocrite, for after the war he had retrospectively taken undue credit for speaking out boldly against the Nazis’ persecution of the Jews.
"Hitler's Pope" by John Cornwell
>Gee, they didn't teach me this in CCD!!!
You gotta be an autistic moron if that's what you got from that
"Article 16
Before bishops take possession of their dioceses they are to take an oath of loyalty either to the Reich governor of the state (Land) concerned or to the President of the Reich respectively, according to the following formula:
"Before God and on the Holy Gospels I swear and promise, as becomes a bishop, loyalty to the German Reich and to the State (Land) of . . . I swear and promise to honour the legally constituted government and to cause the clergy of my diocese to honour it. With dutiful concern for the welfare and the interests of the German state, in the performance of the ecclesiastical office entrusted to me, I will endeavour to prevent everything injurious which might threaten it."
Recognizing the Fuhrer as the leader of Germany is not the same as endorsing the germans to vote for him. That's a pretty lame way of distoringt things. Yes, it helped him rise to power but it's not remotely close as saying "Vote for him", you can do better than that, user.
A smart person.
This is a conspiracy board?
lmao a'ight user, I guess my uncle is a professional assasin.
>It's like you don't know anything about....anything.
It's like you love to read alternative media.. a lot.
But he (the Nazi Pope) continued to seek to appease Hitler by attempting to persuade the Poles to make concessions over Germany’s territorial claims. After Hitler’s invasion of Poland, on September 1, 1939, he declined to condemn Germany, to the bafflement of the Allies. His first public statement, the encyclical known in the English-speaking world as Darkness over the Earth, was full of papal rhetoric and equivocations.
>this autistic rage
Your uncle is one of the most evil people on the face of the earth.
You're like Hitler's dog, who thinks Hitler is a really swell guy because he provides treats.
When the blood of tens if not hundreds of millions of people murdered by the Vatican is repaid in full by God himself, the rage will subside.
Pacelli’s first wartime act of reticence in failing to speak out against Fascist brutality occurred in the summer of 1941, following Hitler’s invasion of Yugoslavia and the formation of the Catholic and Fascist state of Croatia. In a wave of appalling ethnic cleansing, the Croat Fascist separatists, known as the Ustashe, under the leadership of Ante Pavelić, the Croat Führer, embarked on a campaign of enforced conversions, deportations, and mass extermination targeting a population of 2.2 million Serb Orthodox Christians and a smaller number of Jews and Gypsies. According to the Italian writer Carlo Falconi, as early as April, in a typical act of atrocity, a band of Ustashe had rounded up 331 Serbs in a place called Otočac. The victims were forced to dig their own graves before being hacked to death with axes. The local priest was forced to recite the prayers for the dying while his son was chopped to pieces before his eyes. Then the priest was tortured. His hair and beard were torn off, his eyes were gouged out. Finally he was skinned alive. The very next month Pacelli greeted Pavelić at the Vatican.
>one book proves I am right!
Dude you are fuckin dumb
A book written and sourced from the Vatican archives.
The fucking stupidity of you thinking only one book details the atrocities of the Catholic church.
You absolutely must be a fucking catholic.
>Tell me how the Vatican provoked WWII
>provoked essensiality and only by the Vatican
Do you fucks know how to read? Helping to the rise of Hitler isn't the same as direclty provoking the war, by your logic, anybody who helped Hitler rise to power or made Germany the shithole it became post WWI and made germans go full nationalistic is the main provoker of WWII, the dude that didn't kill Hitler provoked WWII, the jewish doctor who saved Hitler provoked WWII, do I keep going or now you realizing how autistic you guys are?
It is proven that it was directly written from the Vatican archives?
>failing to understand the sarcasm by using a backwards formatting system
Come on we can't let those skinheads win the long war
>tfw your priest is from some African country and English is his second language
>tfw he stumbles through every Gospel reading week after week
>tfw he gives you Protestant theology
>tfw he drives a Mercedes-Benz
>tfw the music at your parish is 200 years old but the head musician plays it like folk rock, even when he has organ accompaniment
>tfw this Pope is heavy on mercy but light on morality
>tfw you will never know what Catholicism was like pre-Vatican II
Every Sunday I get closer to thinking that Luther was right.
>HA! The position you're defending is a position that you hold! I've got you now! HAHA!