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>tfw it's a red day
Needs more ANS?
i just started a few days ago
>lost $3,000 in 24 hours
Noone is rating shit, everyone just posting their shit, oh oh look at me. these threads ffs
Should I just dump some of these or still have hope?
ETH and RDD will recover midterm, ARK will moon longterm, I know nothing of SC and STRAT was a clusterfuck from the start.
I like it. Could use more eth tho
more ans in prep for neo
how much did you start with?
yikes. You're brave for holding all that ark.
It's not bad. Seems like a long hold on all of them.
>Not a single BAY
I have 3.55 BTC
>all these bitcoinlets
Anyone has some thoughts on why this day was so ((RED))?
Tempted to buy more ARK
started with about $25. just trying to get my feet wet. not having a ton of fun so far...
Side not: All of that bitcoin is in Numeraire, so the amount is actually around 0.2256.
Nice. I'm heavy into ICN, ETH, and CFI too. Also got some ANT, ARDR, FCT, and DCR.
Stop dipping damn it.
Jesus I keep seeing you post, if you're not faking it then diversify a bit you fucking mad man
Please tell me you cashed out a little bit at least.
almost 2MM in sia
I guess Veeky Forums really is full of idiots who don't actually know anything about what theyre doing huh
>grouping LTC with DGB and RDD
I used to have 88m sia.
the btc are what I'm planning on cashing out within a week.
>canadian dollars
Money is money.
Sall I got. Words of wisdom?
Why? It's the same shit. It's just a shitcoin that will never make anyone rich
Well it grew 60 percent last week so it did make me a decent amount of money
Ex-nocoiner here.
Plz rate
It's been blockfolioed. So far I'm down like $25cad from my 0.0667btc yesterday. Do I just check back in a week and hope for the best or should I be day trading some coins.
I feel like day trading will fuck me in "convenience fees"
All that red
These dips happen at least two or three times a week. Just forget about it until Monday.
Only just this afternoon managed to get my btc transferred to bittrex from cex.io. What an ass.
Bought some for hodling.
(started with $100 a few weeks ago overall)
If you guys hold BTC, remember that you can get free byteballs by proving you own them
where do you actually store your coins? Do you have individual wallets for each alt? Or do you store on an exchange
only retards store them in exchanges, many exchanges have stolen the clients' coins, and many others have been hacked
they are only safe in your wallet in your pc, where you make a backup, and encrypt it and shit
btw, the bitcoin core wallet has a "prune" function so that it doesn't take all your HD space
>3.82 btc of dgb
So do you have one wallet for every coin you own?
Red day indeed. Still I never break from a certain point. It's like I'm always on the same 1.5k up and down zone even when shit is hitting the fan. Last two months I've gone from 2k to almost 12k on a good day and now dipping to 10.5k on a shit day.
user, you don't seem to be the kind of guy that plays with lunch money, but for the love of all that is sacred, get something else.
consider other cheap coin you can get a shitton and will see stupid gains in the near future
but I don't own that many coins
I used to own 50+ coins like 3 years ago, and thanks to saving the wallet.dat from those wallets from back then, I was able to get back in without spending any money, and got around 3 BTC worth of coins today.
vircurex, and other exchanges had some coins too, but now I can't get them out / disappeared.
Save the wallet.dat somewhere safe, really safe, and encrypt it with a password you won't forget.
This crypto craze will pass next month or so, things will go back being worthless, but you can keep your coins and wait for the moment they moon again in 3 years
>get something else.
There's nothing else.
There's never been anything else.
Hold onto ark until it gets to $1.50, but don't sell there, wait until we have a mature conversation about it on biz when people will take it seriously.
>have a mature conversation about it on biz
Started with 20kish in 2014 and now look. I am the Walruss cu cu ca cho my brothers
day 2
started yesterday with 149 euros, this is about 160 euros despite the bitcoin crash
and nice btw
Started with 3.5k, been at it for two weeks. Still have no idea what I'm doing.
you stepped into the antshares mission to the moon I'm guessing?
Oh really, well i can think of something and its name is ANTSHARES
you seem to know what you're doing. how many obelisks should I buy?
Bought some more ICN on the dip a couple of hours ago. Already up just under 8% since I bought. Feeling good about this one.
fuck, that must be hard to keep track of, unless HODL
Why have you not bought any antshares, what is your IQ?
I'm not much of a day trader so it isn't too much hassle. I just invest in things I believe to be undervalued and/or things that have huge upside potential.
If this is real. Gratz man
kys neet faggot. i own only paper money. a real cash. do you know anyone who actually cashed out all that anime monopoly money?
regards from /pol/
pic related: when you accidentally open Veeky Forums
gtfo /pol cuck, prep some bull
Can you detail your strategy?
How long have you been investing for?
How much did you start investing?
I can assure you it's not. Im a crypto millionaire my man
I suggest you buy blocknet and bitbay next cos I'm going hard in on them
Dont trust chinks.
Thanks friend.
2 strats I have. First is to look at an exchange's markets and go through look at the volume/%change in price/current price/and the marketcap of coins. If you find a coin that looks good. (volume steadily rising, in the green everyday) then you google it and see if it any news is coming out soon.
You can see the VRM I have. I saw it on Bittrex and noticed the volume was steadily rising over a couple days. So I stuck $500 in at random and now it has doubled and keeps rising. Another example I have is a coin called TRIG (Blocksafe). Saw it one day, did a little googling and saw that it had just been invited to a big conference so I stuck some money in and woke up the very next day and had x7 it.
To be honest its a lot of gut instincts.
The 2nd way I have found is TWITTER. I am not kidding, find good twitter crypto accounts to follow. I will even give you guys one twitter account to follow.
Started with 1.5k back in March.
DESU, its also a decent bit of luck. No one can predict the markets. BUT I will say this, the old sayings are true. The rich get richer and you gotta spend money to make money.
Dumping 10 bucks here or there wont do anything for you. You have to take risks.
Turning 10 into 100 is nothing when you can turn 100 into 1000.
>Im a crypto millionaire my man
>cos I'm going hard in on them
you are a porch monkey
I'm not going to invest in chinese eth.
You lucky bastard with all that ANS. You're gonna be a multi-millionare! What price did you buy in?
grats on the success user.
I know you said it's mostly instinct and luck, but is there anything more to your strategy other than looking for a steady increase in volume? Hoe does the marketcap or dips in past performance weigh in? There's a lot of altcoins on bittrex with increasing volume. Do you google every one for news?
likewise with twitter you shared, looks like they mostly post volume increases via coindera. Is that all there really is to it?
How am I doing biz?
goodbye money :(
What do you think, biz?
The marketcap does weigh in. Lower marketcaps are better. If something is already at 1bil marketcap youre never gonna see something like 10x returns.
I also dont care much for really old coins. most of them are where they need to be I feel like.
Googling the news doesnt take much time or effort. There are two things to look for. News and their official coin twitter. Their twitter will post any relevant news that would raise their price. They arent gonna be posting news that would hurt them.
This is just my observations and like I said, a lot of gut instinct.
Invested £464 over the past month.
Do you keep much of your capital in BTC/ETH? Or are your gains mostly from alts
No, mostly alts. MGO is going to go to 10 dollars soon at which point I will move majority of those gains to BTC and ETH.
Can i have some bro im in need
Bitccoin adress: 1AD51unKkB9qWhMQrNTwdKvnewCBadSaqN
Looking grim boys
how much of spread is too much spread for coiners?
>beep boop, I'm a bot.
>0 wojaks rewarded to
>for DUBS
None of you have PINK?
its about to moon and you guys are sitting here losing money. WOW
do you suck dicks?
I have a question. how to I reflect transfers and shut on blockfolio? like I have x btc on coinbase. I transfer y to bitter and use it to buy ans.
but my portfolio now shows my ans and the original x btc. how do I make it show x-y btc?
is that the app one of the anons was making?
What do? Holding cfi bags hardcore but don't mind hodling
Just been testing the waters for a couple days now
put a new transaction as a sell
Forgot pic
This shitty bot doesn't get banned because we have no mods
>not a single person in mue
lol you think that's a bot?
it's just some dude copy/pasting brah
Gondor needs no mods
Rate me bros. Any advice from whales much appreciated.
nice spread and some solid coins in there, my two biggest positions are Stratis and ANS and ive got some Factom and Decred too
thinking about selling my last 12k worth of ETH to put some more into ANS and maybe BTC
I have a similar amount in AUD and Im all in BTC RN