Decentralized Porn Storage?

Look at reddit. A major porn website (eroshare) that allowed self uploads is shutting down. Couldn't keep up with the costs. If we allowed these people to upload their degenerate porn to a blockchain it would be genius. Then we could add in features relating to a currency such as a tipping feature, or pay with coins to see a camshow from your favourite redditor. Its genius.

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It's a good idea in theory, but wouldn't it be a nightmare after it becomes full of CP and can't be stopped?

h@h is already distributed
not everything greatly benefits from blockchain tech

Who knows, maybe steem will adopt some sort of porn community to use with it's existing feature set.

Eroshare was the shit
user I will be a long time investor if you can make it happen


Honestly though I am so in my nag. This disgusting degenerate anal jank is actually exactly what crypto needs to bring it mainstream. Hella nocoiner bros will invest when these girls are popping coins out of there many crevices

could be decentralized but I do think we need to take a stance against CP and have a ToS. The normies get paid for storing the porn on their computers and accessing it on our website.

You do understand that decentralized = the wild wild west. That's the point.

Decentralization makes for difficulty in regulating the content, this is my long position for steem, porn makes everything better.

It's impossible to make it wild west though. I think normies would be totally okay if it wasn't 100% decentralized. Would be no rules except CP.

I find its only crypto autists that get mad about centralization.

Porn isn't important enough to worry about preserving. If it all disappeared tomorrow the world would be better off.

If you don't agree with this sentiment that simply means that you are a slave to your own vices.

nonono cp is a good thing; if there's suddenly a massive amount of cp made freely available, think of all the pedos that would pour money into it. free money and we can jack off to our greatest desires


I would need a source...

the entire fucking point is that it's supposed to be censorship resistant

this is such a dumb fucking take. i agree porn isnt important. but neither are drugs and alcohol. news flash retard, everyone is a slave to their vices

normies dont want to see CP. It's bad for business. They want their fetishes but not CP. We want to make money.

fuck off faggots


Have you lost your mind desu?

Pedos are a hell of a lot more willing to pay than normalfags.

Do you not understand how quickly the government will get involved? Whats wrong with you pedos?

Why wouldn't people just storj or sia

>CP coin
>marketed to "miners" aka stooges that actually store the CP on their HDD as "Coin Parking"
>marketed to pedos as CP
>pedos pay to access decentralized CP stored on chumps computerss
>dev takes all payments while freshly forged coins go to miners
I think we could make a shitload of cash but the catch is this may kill all blockchain tech if the media hears about it.

Who gives a shit, I don't believe in this shit anyway

>wanting fiat to live any long than it already has
You are either a fool or a banker.

Do you not understand "decentralization"?
>I didn't know that these pedo fucks would use this, I've since changed the code and forked away but they keep using the original chain, I can't do anything Mr. FBI.

Could someone like infect a PC by putting files on someone's computer (Siacoin)

This just do it tor style

Just fork Sia and give it a porny sounding name

Join bizcord

I would imagine the files are stored somehow encrypted so that the host couldn't see what he's hosting.