Only two coins that will make it. What're are yours?
Only two coins that will make it. What're are yours?
Other urls found in this thread:
BTC, ETH, GNT, ARK. Last one is a meme. GNT I actually believe in.
BTC, LTC, NEO, and a not yet existent coin
Anyone that says anything but BTC and ETH is a retard tbqh
Anyone that says eth is a retard
Anyone who has included BTC with LTC or any other coin, how are you making any sense?
You are saying that two competitor coins will make it
LTC is just less valuable BTC. Which doesn't even make any fucking sense because you can break BTC down into as small a fraction as you want, so there's no point in having a cheaper version
I don't give a single fuck my friend.
>You are saying that two competitor coins will make it
coke and pepsi both made it
ETH isn't a store of value. Stop comparing it to stores of value. ETH is paying highway tolls. it has nothing to do with buying goods and will never be used in such a way.
hedging bets
To all of this, DYN and SEQ
XRP is about to pump.
You have a baby brain if you can't see that new money is going to pump ltc in the years to come
ANS of course
Hedging bets, and currently I consider both ETH and BTC "making it".
Why would they, when they can just buy BTC?
There's absolutely 0 reason for anyone to buy LTC other than for speculation. Anyone actually wanting crypto currency would use BTC
Anyone trying to buy crypto currency is going to realize, the moment they reach an exchange, that you can buy part of a coin instead of the whole thing. Killing any "perception of being cheaper" advantage that LTC had
You're relying on fantasies you've made up in your own head
should we tell him?
I feel this way too. It doesn't help that LTC bagholders turn rabid as soon as you ask them what the point of their shitty chinese crypto clone is
Byteball is a solid long term coin
literally the opposite because of inflation
The average new person to crypto will never transfer their holdings to an exchange, and will never see anything more than coinbase prices. You don't understand human nature if you believe that people will be happy buying fractions of a bitcoin forever, especially poor people.
the price just keeps going up user
and it's not the only coin with big increases in the supply.
It's also about to go up again before the 7th distribution
Show me one shitcoin that didn't pump in the last months.
What matters is the long term value and it will go down as more people realize they get free Byteball just by holding Bitcoin.
>Poor people will be purchasing any sort of crypto
You're fantasising
Also for coinbase/any purchaser you put in a dollar value that you can pay and it tells you how much of a coin you can get. The first time anyone tries to buy any digital currency they will immediately find out that they do not need to buy a whole coin
You are literally living in a fantasy world
Join bizcord
Real money is used to pay highway tolls. Doesn't stop it from also being used for buying goods.
The ratio is shifting toward better profit on byte hold at each airdrop rather than btc hold, thus increasing the expected gbyte price. Moreover, just the fact that byte counts for airdrop means few people will want to sell, which drives prices up.
the entire purpose of ethereum will suffer as it already is you fucking idiot. ETH isn't a store of value. why can't you retards understand that?
ETH is a russian scam.
Btc is divisible to 8 decimal places, not infinite. Having less than .001 is useless anyway because you'd burn your stack in fees trying to do anything
nah, you can get 0 fee transaction done if you're patient enough, you just may have to dedicate a week or more into it (and keep resubmitting your transaction every 3 days)
or if you send it @ a really lucky time, it confirms instantly :^)
>it's not a a store of value because I said so!
Repeat it 100k times more and maybe you'll convince someone even more retarded than you.
there will be at least 3-4 "big" coins and maybe 5-10 more second tier in the future
you realize that ETH is gas for a network and that's where its value is, as the gas for ethereum, and not as a currency, right?
CFI is the only coin you'll need senpai
how can I do this from Coinbase?
CFI is literally a ticket to buying new shitcoin
Sure. And I guess that gas is worth gummy bears instead of money. Like oil, which doesn't have a price and can't be exchanged for hard cash, right?
ETH is massive premined scamcoin sophisticated ponzi scheme platform
BTC is originator and true king of crypto with decentralized spirit and huge backing worldwide
ETH is not the actual gas, I have no idea why people keep repeating this when its been proven false several times.
fuck you and your cancer coin
What's the REAL reason people don't like ltc? Feels like a reverse shill.
exchanges generally don't give you a private key and have a fixed transaction rate, so i suppose in no way, dunno specifically for coinbase though
>You are saying that two competitor coins will make it
Except they aren't competitors. BTC is a store of value, like gold, LTC is a currency, like dollar.
Bitcoin is uninteresting for developers. I don't even need to be a shill to make this valid point. And I don't say Ethereum can't be replaced with something else, but I simply want my blockchain to come with a programming language to build publicly available apps on it.
BTC is not meant to be something for developers. It's meant to be virtual money.
OK will segwit2x decrease btc TX fees to LTC levels? Will the speed be at LTC LN Rate?
Yes? I'm dropping everything on it. No? There will always be room for LTC
Erm... yeah. That's the reason why it won't stay alone.
What? Literally the whole point of cryptocurrency is to be virtual money.
watch this series and let me know if you still think ETH will make it
Essentially we need a smart contract coin that can be mined.
Is it theoretically possible to build an Ethereum token that is mine able? You can build hidden functions into ethereum, so it should be possible to make a miner that aims for a target hash equal to a hidden contract function.
New free pump group, join before its to late !
LTC will pump purely because normies will soon start buying crypto and it is basically a blue chip crypto
you're fucking retarded if you can't see this