What was life like in Nationalist Spain after the civil war...

What was life like in Nationalist Spain after the civil war? Especially for those who supported the government rather than those who opposed it (we know what happened to them)


For the general populace: miserable. The civil war destroyed Spain and the subsequent autarky system implemented in the '40s turned out to be disastrous economically speaking. Spain would only start recovering by the mid '50s.

A lot of the old Falangists found themselves marginalised

How so?


Franco and his Muslim dogs ruined the country.

still better than communism.


At their peak actual Muslims were 7% of Franco's army

It was a glorious, fascist utopia.

>use colonial soldiers as subordinates in the army

Franco and his government wasn't a fascist, but he worked with and received support from actual fascists during the war. He was just your average authoritarian.

Why is it only Spaniards get to pull off the whole generic dictator thing in the west? Everyone else attached some sort of retarded ideology to their government, what happened to just ruling whatever way works best at the time with an iron fist?

You'd think that'd be one of the high points for an authoritarian regime, that you can quickly get shit done and adapt to changing conditions since there's no bureaucracy to work through.

Hi did have a retarded ideology tho. He was an ultracatholic reactionary and all of his policies reflect that. He just got cucked so hard by the US that he had to adapt his economic views to suit them.

It was comparable to what north Korea is now. If you are in the inner circle meaning high ranking military or some sort of politics then you lived pretty fucking great. On the other hand, all the others lived like miserable pieces of shit especially after the civil war.

>It was comparable to what north Korea is now
Nope.There was a lot more freedom in Spain at the time that there was in North Korea ever.
>If you are in the inner circle meaning high ranking military or some sort of politics then you lived pretty fucking great
>On the other hand, all the others lived like miserable pieces of shit especially after the civil war.
False.Most old people still claim that life was better under Franco.The middle clase rose to 60% of the population and there were no such things as mortages or debt.The goverment just loaned money without interests to families to build businesses to study or buy a home. The working hours were just 8 hours a day by law and most people started to afoard cars or electronics.

>life was better under Franco

maybe in the 60s and 70s, not right after the war

>maybe in the 60s and 70s, not right after the war
Yes but all of Europe was shit during the post war period and Spain had an embargo on top of that.I would say that Spaniards in the 60's were more wealthy and happy than they are currently

It was a bona fide police state with a lot of corporatism going on and a strong catholic influence. You could ask your local police officer to unlock your door if you forgot your keys, but authority was something to respect and especially to fear. The infamous Policía Armada ("los grises", because of their gray uniforms) earned a fearsome reputation supressing protests. Just a stare from one of them was enough for a group of football fans to remain silent during matches.

Immediately after the civil war, life was pretty bad because Spain was shunned by the international community for its ties with the Axis and political repression was at its highest. Food was rationed. Pre-war economic levels weren't reached until the 50s. From 1960 onwards the Cold War made Spain a western ally and the economy (and with it, overall freedom too) boomed after technocrats enacted liberalization policies. Spain was the second fastest growing country in the world after Japan until the 70s.

By the way, falangists were cucked: they supported Franco, but Franco didn't subscribe to any particular ideology and considered them a threat to traditional privileged classes, so they became irrelevant quickly (and were a minority to begin with).

I'm not a far right winger, just your average conservative and I'd say probably not that bad.

1940s definitely sucked. Pro-Axis bias locked them out of the Marshall Plan and the economy really tanked.

1950s were much better. The Pact of Madrid meant that Franco could start liberalizing the economy and also received a decent amount of money from the US government. Things weren't getting good just as yet, but they were improving.

Post 1959 was nothing short of amazing, as says. The Spanish Miracle was the result of Franco integrating Spain into the international economic structure. They had like $400 million+ in foreign backing and lots of FDI, which meant that the economy grew really fast.

Seriously 1959-1974 Spain was probably a great place to live in. It had the highest economic growth of any country during that period except Japan.

>Seriously 1959-1974 Spain was probably a great place to live in. It had the highest economic growth of any country during that period except Japan.
It also had to grow from lower levels.

>Seriously 1959-1974 Spain was probably a great place to live in. It had the highest economic growth of any country during that period except Japan.
economic growth != quality of life
Think what you are saying before opening your mouth
Spain 1960 to 1995 was a poor country that slowly became an average EU country. From a highly corrupt represive ultracatholic state to a mildly corrupt open-minded non-religious state (at least in the popular levels, politics and main companies are still dominated by right-wing ultracatholics).

>economic growth != quality of life
If you speak to any old people they will tell you that life was better under Franco. Full employment,no income tax,no mortages,no crime and the list goes on
>main companies are still dominated by right-wing ultracatholics
>This fucking delusion

and quality of life != how easy your access to video games and shitty consumer goods is
Face it, left-cuck, the people of Spain under Franco had great lives

During the war didn't Fraco's forces desecrate churchs or did all sides do it
>saved from communism and nazism


What was life like in nationalist Portugal after the civil war/ww2? Similar to Franco Spain?

Pretty bad regardless if you were a gommie or a fascist
The war pretty much destroyed the country side and so Spain's agricultural output. One of the main reason Franco never joined the war was because Spain was dependant on food imports from britain. It was getting so bad people were collapsing in the street

>This fucking delusion
This is from the webpage of Fundación Madrid Vivo, an Opus Dei lobby group. Look on the right page, who pays for it?

Also, how many of the PP ministers are members of the Opus Dei or are vinculated to them? How many high-ranking members of the police, the guardia civil and the army? How many bankers? How many presidents of football clubs? How many judges?

>Life was better when families went every sunday to the curch and we can beat up dirty hippes without remorse
Fuck off,

Definatly more mild then Franco's Spain.
Salazar was quiter and cerebral (he was a university professor of Law) and didnt really care for a militarized society.
Still, ot was a fascist regime so you can expect censorship, lack of free speech and equal rights.
Also the PIDE secret police was stressful, you could be drinking a coffee and if you said anything that could be considered anti-regime and an officer under disguise was next you, you go to jail.

How is a country that has the most gay rights in the world,free abortion and free sex exchanges ruled by ultracatholics,you dumb piece of shit?

Smelly dumb podemos scum

These changes were accepted by the society faster than it were from its elites, thanks to years of repression.

>gay rights, abortions and sex change
These were adopted during the socialist government. The right wing tried several times to abolish them, but found so much backlash from the society they had to leave them as they are. They are still trying to push reforms in this sense, but they have bigger problems to deal with right now (the country is in an all-but-name bankruptcy and only keeps the face thanks to the EU monetary policy and the low oil prices).

There is a clear rift between spanish society and its ruling elites, i.e, see the coming primaries for the socialist party.

lol people really will argue stuff was better in the good old days no matter how objectively awful it was, won't they?

hope i'll be around to see NK dictatorship collapse and then 30 years later people saying how good life was back then

There were several generic dictators in Europe, not just Franco. Poland had one for example.

>These changes were accepted by the society faster than it were from its elites, thanks to years of repression.
Wtf are you talking about?
>The right wing tried several times to abolish them
When? There was an attempt for a minor reform for abortion and just that.You are a fucking imbecile if you believe what you are saying .The most right wing party in Spain with representation is to the left of the labour party you fucking mongoloid
>how objectively awful it was
How was it objectively awful? The 60's was probably the decade with the higher standards of living in Spain's history

>The 60's was probably the decade with the higher standards of living in Spain's history

what metrics are you using to say this? education? food poverty? free time? go on...

Significant increase in literacy rates,full employment,low personal debt,huge increase in the middle class,8 laboral hours of work,stable jobs,massive increase in purchasing power,low crime and the list goes on.

Ok now show me some data comparing it with the 80s, 00s etc

It was shit, food was rationed and Spain did not start recovering until the late 50s when Franco bowed to the yanks and started sucking their dicks.
Also the growth of the country ws due by the ultracatholic ministers, the tecnocratas, Franco was smart enough to let them rule the country while he gave speeches and pretended that nobody hated him.


>>Life was better when families went every sunday to the curch and we can beat up dirty hippes without remorse