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Judging by your assblasted post, you.
I juat sold my ark for a loss. I figure better get out now and still have some money.
So this is what it feels like to see the weak-handed fold. How very sad.
i told you yesterday that ARK is not needed anymore cause of TenX which has interchain conection build in.
TenX ICO was today.
Atleast one fucker listened too me, next time you should do.
Why didn't you sell at 90 cents?
I've been telling you niggers for 2 weeks to drop this shit. It's always going to be manipulated by bots and whales
Seeing them cry is a little sad so to cheer myself up I buy cheap a couple of days later.
>buy high
>sell for a loss
Interesting strategy.
Stupid nonce don't insult a member of my precious 4
ARK is not a pump and dump and it's not going to gain 1000% in a month. It's a long term hold and an ambitious coin at that. Grow the fuck up and stop investing your parent's money
Have a look at bancor kek. It fell 95% in 3 days. And still falling btw
Better sell now before it hits zero
Every coin is falling right now you dipshit
BTC was at less then 2500 like three hours ago for fucks sake
>he thinks a coin will moon within a week of him purchasing it
Just wait, and it will be UP.
Do You want some quick action? Strap in, because we are going to Mars in a week
yep, which means its easy to make money off of this after you see their bullshit pattern
what about blocknet?
Ark is probably the best coin right now to swing trade, it just keeps bobbing along in the ocean between mid 20ks and lower 30ks. This is the time to buy by the way.
>He felt for other cryptocurrency meme
Kek, Don't trust these fucker. Etherium, Bitcoin and dogecoin will win always.
Anyone that chases shitcoins deserves to be dumped upon.
Anyone's that doesn't know how to spell "Ethereum" can take their opinion and drown in a river with it.
Tired of you crypto noobs acting like you know shit.
It looks like everybody here wants a lambo in a week and a mansion in two. So they a buy a coin, it doesn't moon in a week and change for another one... at a loss.
You guys are goddamn stupid. I recommend you to go to flip burgers. Shit pay but no stress and you don't need more than two neurons to do it. Good luck!
no presence, no volume and god knows how many actual users it has (DX)
granted, I never looked into such data but then again I find it barely mentioned here and there
You're wrong, OP. BAT is the worst. Because it too keeps falling but I actually have money invested in it.
ARK is falling for couple of weeks now
and bitcoin isn't needed because of litecoin and the hundreds of other coins out there that do the same thing or better
oh wait...
No volume because of dPOS and wallets. People have their ARK put away collecting happily from the delegates with little risk.
from a trader's perspective that is actually irrelevant as long as there's space between bollinger bands
should the whole project fail, devs will be the first to abandon it
you misunderstood user, I was addressing BLOCK and how I see it
Almost half of all coins (42%) are being held in staking wallets. It isn't trading in large volumes right now because anyone who has half a brain is accumulating while it's cheap and leaving it in their staking wallet to earn interest/dividends.
I myself cashed out most of my 60+ eth that I mined, and am going to continue to accumulate coins that make side chains easy to implement, because anyone with half a brain can see that eth is literally killing itself with block chain bloat every time a high volume of transactions are requested. Side chains solve this problem. The only eth investment I've kept is etheroll because it's a functional, profitable token that is visibly better than its competitors because it allows for provably fair gambling in an environment where scams are very easy to implement.
I'm balls deep in ark and have lisk as a hedge, and will be riding them as they rise from the ashes of burnt graphics cards eth will leave behind.
Sales pitch was
>it's like Jewish or some shit buy it goyim
Shocked that it didn't pan out
By the time something gets mentioned here its already too late. Dumbass. It's that all of your arguments?
1. I've been to their site, read what they published
2. I've seen pic related, hover is above the point with most volume
this is meant by "here and there" user; I haven't tried the wallet nor used DX, hence user base is unknown to me and I never hear anyone mentioning it unlike waves, for instance
you seem emotional about it and calling me names is hardly conductive to anything
But that proves nothing, in perspective it may look like a small market noise if it goes higher.
What I dont like is that you need to dowload the full clients of every coin you want to exchange, but i heard they are working on sPV....
How the FUCK do you people not notice a pattern on Veeky Forums? That the coins which get pumped the hardest here usually end up in the dirt? I actually search a ticker to make sure it ISN'T here before buying.
Honestly I can't have any sympathy, everyone knows you don't listen to Veeky Forums. Go ahead, ask other users what the #1 rule is on here. They'll tell you the former.
I'd be surprised if blocknet didn't skyrocket though. Look at the fucking marketcap relative to price and circulating supply. If this coins manages to get even something as modest as 300m marketcap, price would be $80
don't skyrocket*
etheroll is literally the only functional dAPP paying dividends - and thus the only project other than golem I'm in atm in a big way.
>mfw i sold at .0033000 USD because i'm not a cuck
Bravo user
Shitty comparison because BTC wouldn't be worth shit if wasn't the first crypto on the market. It's value is completely due to its proven resistance and constant price increase over the years even if all the crypto volatility. BTC is established and secure, thus it's valuable. Ark however, didn't prove shit. It got to the market when there was already many other coins, it isn't established and thus, it needs to depend on its technology to grow.
BTC is valuable because it's used as store for value and as an bridge to trade altcoins, doesn't matter how many altcoins perform better as currencies, BTC will remain valuable because it's secure. Ark doesn't have any similar utility, If a coin that's better than Ark emerges, there will be no reason to use Ark over it.
Is augur not paying yet?
>If a coin that's better than Ark emerges, there will be no reason to use Ark over it.
There are coins WAY better than Ethereum out there that aren't even close to the same market cap.
RE: Etheroll - I mean actual profit based dividends not just random PoS rewards.
The dApp is a casino which currently has earned 200k worth of profit within the past 6 weeks in a stealth launch / no advertising with 1/12 of the final bankroll.
Unlike PoS - all signs point to etheroll growing yuuugely, as advertising comes online as well as increased efficiency with the tx costs with increased gambling volume.
One of the few ICOs that's surpassed ETHs growth. Can only get it on shitty exchanges tho.
ETH's case is somewhat similar to BTC. Although I think that ETH won't survive on the long run.
If you've checked their leddit page they're preparing to make a significant announcement next week sometime, my guess is it's the live release of their dividend contract, or maybe it's an announcement about an agreement with oraclize to cut costs on randomizer calls.
I'm pumped that etheroll has performed well/made me paper money, but I'm in this for the dividends 100%. Bough in at ico, been holding ever since, I'm number 121 on the largest token holder list. Gonna be a bona fide millionaire off this shit.