Reminder that real money never crashes

Reminder that real money never crashes.

move to venezuela, zimbabwe, 1915's germany

>loses 30% of it's value
>never crashes
What did he mean by this?

I mean if you don't buy on that dark green line you're basically an incompetent moron, it never crashes for me personally.

that dark green line moves, moron. support lines can be crossed.

>drawing a target where the arrow landed

If it can go up, it can go down

What he said

>applying the rules of gambling on imaginary digital debt asset dollarinos to gold

>Gold will never go down
>Has been steadily declining since 2012.

Friendly reminder that one asteroid can contain more gold than all gold mined on Earth.

You kikes own any physical metals?
>I do, to Us the IRS jew
>into certain mint silver and occasional kilo bars when the price is 40% over extraction cost myself.

nice pipe dream elon, too bad Trump will cut your supply of free money off you fucking hippie

Problem with gold and silver is that we will never know what the true value of them. The price is so manipulated.

It's still a no brainer to put like 10-15% of your wealth into silver or gold, it's either going to give you like 4% annually over the long term or go to the moon so you can't really lose.

There are a lot of theories about the true value of silver but honestly it's incalculable, from roman times to around 1900 1 oz was the equivalent of 900$, however now that it's used up in vast quantities and the ratio of above ground gold to silver is skewed to probably 1:1 there is no real telling.

JP Morgan has over 60 million oz of physical silver, they make 100b a year so yeah... you do a bunch of math I can't understand myself and supposedly their position is based on an estimate of silver going to around 1k

No one really knows, the manipulation could go on for another 20 years.

My most recent overpriced(?) pickup btw

so no purchsing for 7 years then?

fucking numpty

Looks like the bubble chart right before it goes off the cliff.

>free money

>implying the first company that mines asteroids won't become a massive "De Beers Diamonds of space" and become the richest company on Earth.

>Implying the current trend in reduction of access to space won't make this event inevitable with the next 50-100 years

>Muh Trump

How's community college going?

So let me get this straight, you attempt to insult my intelligence and then imply that there are space rocks composed of 100% gold?

And how much would it even cost to go there and bring it back?

Without the Billions in subsidies for his inneficient electric companies Musk would have been underwater long ago.

Btw deep space is only accessible from Antarctica, look at a map of space junk.

So basically you're trying to tell me some company is going to build an antarctic space base, fly thousands of times further into space than anyone ever has and then tow back an asteroid like it's a broken down space kia. mk

And that multi trillion dollar project, which is impossible to finance anyways will somehow tank the price of Gold ... If it was even possible they wouldn't be trying to get gold, there are rarer and infinitely more useful elements

>never crashes
>60% of ATH
>in decline for half a decade

Gold pill: gold is ~ as rare in space as it is on earth. Forget golden asteroids, they dont exist. There might be bodies in space with a few % gold in them, and the energy expended to mine that gold will make that gold expensive, same as on earth.

Well, it sure is a good thing Elon Musk has Billion in subsidies, otherwise he'd be underwater.

>what is sarcasm

Why would you need money at that point if you're at a point where you have zero competition to the access all the other metals you're harvesting along with gold from asteroids? You don't need to purchase raw materials from any other companies, you're based on a continent with no major nation presence besides research facilities, and if you're going to establish a base there anyways, might as well set up some basic manufacturing and production so you're moving towards self-sufficiency. Musk would be in the process of becoming some Bond villain.

>real money never crashes.
fucking retard