This board would be objectively superior if a bot autobanned everyone who used the words "goy" and "shekel".
Prove me wrong.
This board would be objectively superior if a bot autobanned everyone who used the words "goy" and "shekel".
Prove me wrong.
You're right.
G o y, Shek el
You are welcome, jew.
True honestly
Humanities are what's fucking this board up son, shekels have nothing to do with it
misspelled /pol/
Tbqh, I wouldn't change this board for the world, its charmingly shit.
Jidf got a new wave of funding huh
and /leftypol/
I hear this being said yet half the board's shitposts are history and the history-posts that are left almost only talk about Rome, Hitler, and world wars
What if someone wanted to post about the shekel's use as a unit of currency in a historical context?
Why censor legitimate, on-topic discussion?
Well yes, that's a problem, however that problem is magnified when you browse the threads and next to one another you see "so did hitler have only one ball" right next to that " how is God not a sky fairy" next to that " stalin did nothing wrong, proove that he did, pro tip you cant" next to that " is (this random thing) a spook" next to it "are greeks homosex" next to it "(some random bhudist spirituality bullshit )" thread.
History and humanitis should deffinetly be seperate boards, and maybe then you could clear them both up and make decent boards. While together shitposting from both only causes more shitposting
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise
So..... nobody rules over me? Because I can pretty omnidirectionally hurl abuse, let alone valid criticism. It's pretty sweet.
who attempts to rule over you then
in this case op the jew
But people criticise OP all the time. OP being a faggot is a very common meme. You're not making any sense at all, user.
Go back there!
Well, the main problem is that originally, /pol/ was satire, at that time few years ago when political correctness remained unchallenged so it was funny to play the stupid racist stereotype to trigger the oversensitive internet.
Now it's filled with children and retards that were originally meant to be trolled there by edgy /b/ spewing the most ridiculous shit on purpose and posting intentionally easily disputable info-graphics. They literally still use the red pill reference from matrix without getting the irony about the Wachowski's.
When you see someone posting pol stuff outside pol you immediately recognize that this is one of the retards that's being trolled there since anyone else from there would not like like /po/ outside of it.
Sharing the board with such retards goes against the whole point of having an edgy board for smart people playing stupid. Irony depends on people being smart enough to get it, after all.
What's wrong with those words? Are you an anti-semite?
When was Humanities added to the board?
wordfillers usually end in the shitposters making new words and continuing on anyway
like buttmad and weeaboo
Use word I don't like. BANNED
This board would be better if people stopped getting triggered by valid discussion about the Holocaust and ww2.
>This board would be better if people stopped reacting to pol shitposting about the Holocaust and ww2 so they threads die.
Here fixed this for you
Well that's what happens when you get your kicks pretending to be retarded and your entire board is based on trying to one up each other with edgy bullshit. Now your entire board is 99% r/the_donald transplants who brazenly crossboard and shitpost and have no respect for board culture. For a board that hates refugees not assimilating the irony is on a scale that is hard to comprehend
Well, they would have go by now if their board weren't protected by this safe for work bullshit. That's exactly what all those shemale nigger folders are for.