To anyone who can find me a link to zip for 2015 MCAT full length practice tests from AAMC or Examkrackers. If you can find me 101 passages from examkrackers too, I'll even throw in another Litecoin for ya.

If you can find me all 3 (AAMC Full length, Examkrackers Full Length, and ExamKrackers 101 Passages) I'll pay you 3 LTC. THEY MUST BE THE NEW 2015 VERSION.


Other urls found in this thread: verbal 101 passages in mcat verbal reasoning.pdf

lol barbie doll leg

I'm searching...

So far I haven't found anything. But I'll keep looking.


its time for Veeky Forums to build smart contracts so threads like "roll a tripple and get 1btc" will get the user 1btc. would be cool.
We could also integrate a machine learning programm which recognized sharpies in pooper.
We could then build a pool of coins and stupid ass pics earn money fraud free.

gen . lib . rus . ec for all your book needs.


>lol flour not seductively sprinkled on tits, 0/10

I am searching too, this is what I have found until now. verbal 101 passages in mcat verbal reasoning.pdf

I'll keep trying, also, my LTC address:

There isn't shit on the internet, but I've learned a lot in the mean time. You live in Canada. You should fucking buy it and study it faggot.

Get out.

> verbal 101 passages in mcat verbal reasoning.pdf

That ones too old.

Here's proof that I'm not dicking with you guys, I have the cash.

>Examkrackers 101 passages in mcat verbal reasoning
filesflash com/n25qumpx
>ExamKrackers MCAT Organic Chemistry Book
filesflash com/g7z4hjtk

LTC: LLBqJDqvtwanFU2jWjQ8kRp8BkdYHNW4cs

OP, don't listen to these autists.

Here's the real deal


too old, and also not full length
site doesnt have any full lengths or newer stuff

oh well, I guess I'm just gonna have to hand money to the (((exam creators)))

I keep trying, mate.

Nice trips, btw.

Ok, nothing of what you asked for yet but this might help you:

Also this:

neither help because I'm just trying to do practice problems at this point.

Thanks for trying though. If it's worth anything, I have like 50,000 wojaks you can have. Just leave your waves client address.

Pirate bay is your friend. Study. Knowing this info off the cuff will make you way more hireable than your shit tier co-workers/classmates.

Better than nothing, I guess. Thanks.
Is this what you're looking for?

user, just some tips for the MCAT from someone who scored a 517 (129/130/131/127) with just AAMC materials/ Kaplan books (free online)/TPR (free online)/some EK materials.
lel@ Psych but I only read the book once and the passages were absolute bullshit graph interpretations that would never make it in any journal paper.

1. I suggest that you take the FL tests released by AAMC at AAMC and just spend the $ there. Plus, buy the section banks for whatever section you're weak in. I'd buy it all and use it as mini-tests to simulate exams. AAMC stuff is the closest system simulation and questions that emulate the MCAT's real testing conditions. Save the major practice tests (think they have two now) for a week or two before the actual test.
2. EK is shit. I used the 2015 books and the questions are not representative enough in any of the sections for me. The material was better explained in Kaplan if I wanted brevity and I felt TPR prepped me better overall since I needed deeper coverage of sciences. CARs is different though and that depends on you can effectively read and organize thoughts to answer the BS questions they ask you. You need to find a system that best works for you and the 'feel good/like the passage' to do better bullshit didn't work at all.


there's a whole subreddit for this


2. Practice tests. You need to do one every week and you can easily find Kaplan/TPR material out there. Simulate the conditions and spend a day a week in the two months leading up to it if not doing 2 tests per week in the last month. If you're burning out like the wussies on SDN, just remind yourself you're not fucking retarded.
3. It's not as hard as people make it out to be. If you're scoring 500+ on the Kaplan stuff and high percentiles on the TPR tests (both of which are readily available), you have the knowledge and content down. It's a matter of having hardened test taking skills and being prepared sufficiently.
4. Remember that the DO option exists and it's a valid career option if you score in the 500-510 range. But if you properly allocated time, you'd easily hit 510+. Just avoid schools that just recently opened and try finding somewhere that gives federal loans with good pass rates on USMLEs.



jfc. So should I do the full lengths from TPR and Kaplan? I just read that those weren't representative so I wasn't gonna take those.

Lol i have the 2017 shit. Im taking mine on july 27. I can send you all the shit including the practice tests but itll have to be in a bit Op

I got a 520 and am matriculating this august. I did TPR (they were harder than the actual one).

While the practice tests are good to practice with, you HAVE to (no joke), get the AAMC question packs and practice with them. They are the most representative of the actual exam material in terms of difficulty. I legit just went through 1 EK test, TPR tests, and just did AAMC question packs.

Best of luck OP. If you need any more advice let me know since I'm literally just memeing around until med school starts (got in around Dec and have been bored AF)

Muh nigga. DO for me since there is a school nearby from my family home that runs students through my dad's hospital. Pretty sweet mang

Kaplan with their prep packages also includes the AAMC section banks.

>crypto is going to pay for my med school

I know someone who mined BTC while in the dorms my freshman year and is going to pay for med school with crypto

but yeah, definitely do the question packs. For the bio, there isn't as much physio-- it's more molecular bio integrated

Hah. Nothing is as representative as AAMC stuff. You need to do full lengths constantly. TPR & Kaplan tests are overly hard. The purpose of these tests is to get you into the grind and you need to simulate test conditions to get yourself used to it. By test day, you'd have built up stamina and it's all routine. Just burn through the Kaplan stuff early on to get a feel of what's needed. Go through TPR and then AAMC as you get closer to your test date.

Ya bio is mainly pure memorization. 3rd time taking it for me. Scored 500, and 505 respectively but wasn't happy with the score so I'm acually studying this time with material.

If anything I'm insanley weak on Ochem and Biochem which are the sections I'm hammering.

>scored 130 and 129 on CARs which apparenlty is pretty good

aight so Im defintely buying the AAMC stuff shit but damn if I can only get a link to the tpr and kaplan shit

I found one torrent for the kaplan but I dont think it came with the 3 FLs

>tfw applied a cycle and wailisted after interviews so taking another fucking year preparing to apply so I don't get toyed with b/c of my numbers again

I can help... give me a throwaway email

[email protected]

Thanks. I appreciate it.

I'm doing a medical mission/ community outreach in the Philippines so my internet connection is shit, but when I'm out of the boonies I'll shoot you an email, that cool?

Yeah, feel free to shoot me an LTC address too.

Ill email ya it bb