What race were the Ottomans?
What race were the Ottomans?
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Did the Ottomans self-identify as a Rome? Because Muslim apocalyptic literature mentions the faithful facing off against the forces of the Rum on the Last Day. Is it like the RCC identifying with the Roman Empire despite Revelation identifying Rome as the enemy?
They identify as Trojans
White Aryan master race
That is one of the craziest LARPs I have ever read.
How do turks maintain the whole Turan LARP with the Trojan LARP? You can't have both.
Turks subsumed by the native Greek/Anatolian populace
That's a complete myth, made up by some modern Turkish historiography.
They just copied some elements of Byzantine administration/bureaucracy, but the national creed and identity was thoroughly Islamic.
They consider Hittite to be a Turkic language
Wasn't Hittite an early IE language?
It is theorized by Sun language experts to be mostly Turkic. They dispute the existence of IE altogether seeing it as nothing but a creole of Turkic and other Ural-Altaic.
Turks LARP as turkics, while in reality they are not a single race. There's arab turks, armenian turks, kurdish turks, and above all, turks that mixed with the already native aegean population.
My turkish friend is about the same colour as gleaming bronze, but claims to be a Tatar. Go figure.
Thats not true though.
There aren't many people who know about the hittites out of Veeky Forums anyway.
Turkic identity comes with the language though, literally everyone can be turk it comes with the nomadic mindset.
You can't be a nomad and be xenophobe.
The question was:
>Did the Ottomans self-identify as a Rome?
Not Romans, but Rome. Which is what they did at least partly. Ottoman Sultans called themselves Roman Emperors and I am fairly sure in one of their treatises with the HRE had clauses of the Sultan being the true Emperor or something along those lines.
>Been living in central Anatolia since they invaded a thousand years ago
she is a cute roach
isn't it obvious?
Ottoman is a loose term. The dynasty is turkish. At thier States Apogee thier sailors were greek, thier army Bulgarian, and thier best ministers Albanian.
What I meant was that nomads didnt hae problems with race kixing with the peoples they found during their migrations.
Also turkey itself is mixed as fuck you can find people who look like a fuckung saudi to people who look like russians and people have accepted that so if a german for example would fit in turkish society he or she would be accepted as a turk.