Explain muh modern Italians aren't related to Romans meme
Explain muh modern Italians aren't related to Romans meme
Some are.
Sicilians and Sardinians aren't.
Nordcucks can't accept the Greeks and Romans weren't pink skinned, piss haired fairies like them.
well, Italy was repeatedly invaded and sacked by barbarians.
It's just a meme
How come Padanians are as white as Austrians?
Medcucks BTFO
is this saying the Italians are white or Roman?
How do you explain Roman competence disappearing?
Still there bro. Look up where the headquarters of every Italian company are.
Based Padanians carry the the shitty mess that is Terronia.
But you aren't
North Italians are Meds like everyone else. Snowniggers only start above the alps.
Yeah I bet Sardinians adopted Latin peaceful through trade, right?
Fuck off Sardshit, Sardinians were raped en mass by the Romans
North Italians lack Moorshit admixture. Case closed.
Real Mediterraneans and real Nords are bros. Only Moorish scum try to claim otherwise.
Left = Sicily, Campania, Sardinia, Albania
Right = Padania, France, Northern Portugal
I dunno, they're pretty far away from MENA. Only similarity is that they're dark as fuck and very dolichocephalic.
I don't care. I fucking love the Padanians. Great people who don't talk shit about their European bros.
>All these threads
This really doesn't create as much admixture as you think it does.
And its nowhere more apparent than Egypt. DNA testing shows that modern Egyptians are actually closely related to ancient Egyptians despite centuries of Arab influence.
As per Rome, Romans weren't a ethnic group. It was a cultural thing. A Latin from Rome was as Roman as a Greek in Naples. The ethnic Romans were a mixture of local tribes like the italians, the latins, and the sabines.
Much of which is the same DNA still present in Italy today.
Pretty much this though there definitely was an dominant ethnic Italic component
I'm Venetian. Fuck off snownigga, I'm not related to you. Venice never touched by barbarians since 553 AD besides the eternal A*strian.
Terroni spotted
It's "terrone" for singular. "Terroni" is plural". And I dislike terroni and snownigs equally. Venetian identity is more complicated than you think.
This is false, black hair is only 54% in Sardinia
And? Britons and Swedish ppls are dolicocephalic too and they're extremely accomplished ethnicities
I remember you from a previous thread. Has Venice been swamped by rapefugees yet?
>muh diversity
lombard scum moved in and destroyed any remanent of civilization and superior mediterranean genes
I wonder who is behind "x" are not white threads
t. headlet
>his head is small like an African
Top kek.
They are mostly in Sicily, Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna for now I think, but Veneto has a lot of immigrants.
>his head is as broad as a pigmey
Leftists, SJWs, niggers, spicks, kikes, etc. can't ever admit that white people did anything great.
They are just trying to erase our history, identity, culture, etc.
>modern Italians are all swarthy Sicilians or Calabrians
>Romans were all blonde and blue eyed Nordicks
I don't know which one is worse.
>raping anyone
>not offering himself to be raped by Mahmoud instead
>Those peoples are all look white
kek I unironically seen people argue in the same thread that Italians are either too white because of muh Germanics(muh heritage sudacas) or too dark because of muh arabs(muh Romans Americans/Germanics)
everyone wants a piece of it
>meme tier maps from antiquity
Finns are mongolian too, right?
The first one is about frequency of people with dark hair and eyes by region. The other is about cephalic index, which is the measurement of the top part of the cranium. I don't see how he could have gotten either of those wrong.
>I don't see how he could have gotten either of those wrong.
That's actually pretty damn easy for the swarthiness one.
People's hair and eyes don't necessarily match for one thing. Where are black hair blue eyes people put?
The line between blonde and brown is not objectively definable for another. What is pic related hair colour? I asked it in another thread and I got 5 answers for blonde (surprisingly from americans and northern euros) and 6 of brown.
not him
not sure about the study's methodology but usually they have some standard scales of hair color, it doesn't take rocket science to standardize them and get some results, even if not perfect
also the map is specifically about what is referred as "tipo bruno misto" which by definition includes only people with both brown hair and brown eyes
>only people with both brown hair and brown eyes
It actually says right underneath "black hair and brown/black eyes", which actually makes it even less believable, since 40% black hair regardless of eye colour in the north is absolutely laughable. I might have believed 20% tops. Black is about as rare as blonde in a sea of brown heads.
point is that "black" in the study might have just meant either jet black or dark brown or both, without the reference in the study the absolute numbers don't say much but what's important is the observed gradient
That's light brown with blonde highlights by the looks of it. People seem to forget about "light brown" as a hair color (which is quite common in Italy). Pure yellow blonde is much rarer though. Only 9.3% of the country is pure blonde and blue eyed.
It probably includes dark brown along with black.
>light brown
>dark brown
Basically the whole "brown" category is hard to pin down and yet it basically makes up 80% of the country. It kinda ruins the point of the maps in regards to hair colours. They really should just be used for eye colours.