what do we make of this
I dont know what Im reading
is this supposed to make any sense? whats the basic gesalt?
idk I'm asking you schlomo
It should be obvious to anyone here that this dude is larping. His arguments about the valuation of crypto are ridiculous. It doesn't need to become the nwo tomorrow to go to $1 trillion market cap
poorfags like you should stick to their containment board and dont try to understand concepts different than Le Kekistani xD
I guess is time to read
wtf is this shit op
financial collapse is coming
rich fags are moving out f crypto and into bonds
>Ethereum went from $320 to $.10 because of a new trend of completely automated trading.
this idiot has no idea what he's talking about, just regurgitating things he read in articles that cover things beyond his paygrade
not surprising that it's posted on /pol/
Stop shilling to the normies.
I want to buy a Lambo before it all crashes to hell.
Also, his """analysis""" of uber is hilariously bad
Haha look at the moronic /pol/ idiots try to understand gains!
Some faggot LARPing on /pol/
Pure, unadulterated autism.
Ok this thread is a scatter brained mess.
>Look at bond rates.
>Look at drug company stocks.
>Look at ethereum flash crash.
>Look at algorithmic trading.
>'A Flight From Risk To Safety'.
>Look at complacency.
>Algorithmic trading caused ethereum flash crash.
>Look, there's algorithmic trading in stock market.
>Look at bond rates again.
>Fed thinks economys strong but look at bond rates.
>Everythings gonna crash.
>Look at Uber and Lyft, IMO they shouldn't be worth anything.
>It's all gonna crash.
>I'm gonna say the word complacency again.
He's right, the market will crash. But he's wrong that crypto will be abandoned. People will lose all trust in inflationary, centralized fiat, and realize that there is now a real, working alternative available. The crypto golden age is upon us.
>implying people won't just settle for keeping stacks of cash under their bed.
you can't eat memecoins.
Its like someone blowing air into a ballon. If I keep saying, from the very begining, "watch out, its gonna pop" then eventually I'd be right, but I'd be wrong more than I'm right, and being wrong more than you're right is just being wrong when it comes to the market.
If it's getting that desperate, there's a chance that cash isn't going to be very useful either.
You left out the part where the autist broke his laptop during the thread.