I am not trying to be a /pol/tard here, but how can we explain the information in pic related and the various times this has been "revised"?
Please no ban mods. I just want a civil discussion.
I am not trying to be a /pol/tard here, but how can we explain the information in pic related and the various times this has been "revised"?
Please no ban mods. I just want a civil discussion.
Other urls found in this thread:
It was fewer than 6 million but higher than 1 million
It was mostly the unintended consequences of labor camps
Hitler wanted to exile them to Israel, but some Palestinian authority rejected them, condemning them to death
History is written by the victors
This applies to the 1. Numbers section on that page. nizkor.org
That's only one source
That's 1 more than you posted.
I am not OP
Respectfully, I would say what I posted is just as credible as some 1999 looking website.
Fuck off you /pol/cuck crybaby faggot. Keep your bullshit on your containment board
>muh /pol/ bogeeyman
Figures aren't shrinking, the pic is a mix of lies and cherrypicks. Western historians have always around 1 to 1.5 million.
>Shortly following the camp's liberation, the Soviet government stated that four million people had been killed on the site, a figure now regarded as greatly exaggerated.[171] While under interrogation, Höss said that Adolf Eichmann told him that two and a half million Jews had been killed in gas chambers and about half a million more had died of other causes.[172] Later he wrote, "I regard the figure of two and a half million as far too high. Even Auschwitz had limits to its destructive possibilities".[173] Gerald Reitlinger's 1953 book The Final Solution estimated the number killed to be 800,000 to 900,000,[174] and Raul Hilberg's 1961 work The Destruction of the European Jews estimated the number killed to be a maximum of 1,000,000 Jewish victims.[175] French chemist and author Jean-Claude Pressac estimates that between 631,000 and 711,000 killed at Auschwitz, of whom 470,000 to 550,000 were gassed.[176]
>In 1983, French scholar George Wellers was one of the first to use German data on deportations to estimate the number killed at Auschwitz, arriving at a figure of 1,471,595 deaths, including 1.35 million Jews and 86,675 Poles.[177] A larger study started by Franciszek Piper used timetables of train arrivals combined with deportation records to calculate at least 960,000 Jewish deaths and at least 1.1 million total deaths,[178] a figure adopted as official by the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in the 1990s.[179][e] Piper stated that a figure of as many as 1.5 million total deaths was possible.[179]
I am sure there's no conflict of interests
See, that doesn't actually make a valid argument. If you are unable to defend your position just say so...
>Jewish Databank
Really my guy? That's like using Soviet archives to deny Holodomor.
>everything I don't like is Jews who can't be intellectually honest?
Should we dismiss all of Genmar Rudolf's and Carlo Mattogno's Holocaust denial on the simple fact that they're German and Italian respectively? Can you actually find any problems iwth their material or their methodology, or are you just going to say
>b-b-b-b-b-b-but if it contradicts my propaganda it's not a valid source!
The original claim by stormfags that the jewish population didn't shrink during ww2 comes from a jewish almanac too, retard. As the nizkor link says, the number didn't drop during ww2 while it was using a previous projection and magically dropped in 1949 when fresh estimates were made.
It comes to the same conclusions as the other source I posted and they use different books to source their material. There really is no reason to doubt these numbers are close to accurate
Are you aware that keeping track of population counts is a really new thing? Are you also aware that keeping track of all ethnicities is much more recent than keeping track of the bulk number of people in a particular area. Are you also aware that it was in the interests of minority groups to keep track of their populations so they ended up keeping track of that early and other people (such as the world almanac) did the same thing and came to the same conclusions? Geez
>muh lolocaust
Great rebuttal. I don't expect more from /pol/tards.
>Western historians have always around 1 to 1.5 million.
so exactly what I said
the figure is inflated by 4 million
I'm going to assume you posted all of those replies which I replied to. In your first reply you only tackle the subject of the various statistics that tell the of shoah'd jews at Auchwitz.
amount of*
>There really is no reason to doubt these numbers (6 million) are close to accurate
>Western historians have always around 1 to 1.5 million.
Pick 1
No, the figure of how many died at Auschwitz, which is what the pic in is explicitly talking about, has always been 1-1.5 million outside the USSR, whom nobody in the west believed anyway.
>I am LITERALLY too stupid to tell the difference between 'Died at Auschwitz' and 'died in the holocaust'.
Are you legitimately retarded? You really have no idea what you are talking about, do you? Both your pic and my quote refer to auschwitz, not to the entire holocaust.
>I'm going to assume you posted all of those replies
Not really.
>In your first reply you only tackle the subject of the various statistics that tell the of shoah'd jews at Auchwitz.
We're two different people. Also, you are fucking retarded.
That's an Auschwitz plaque
yup, inflated as fuck
>b-b-b-but it was totally 6 million
oh, I see
Fucking hell, how stupid are you? This has been addressed in the thread already, that number comes from the soviet government and was never taken into account by western historians. Historians have always estimated around 1 to 1.5 million. And while we're at it, the soviets were exaggerating the number of russian victims, not jews.
"Six Million" is some kind of holy number to the Jews, as many of their numbers have symbolic and other meanings. Find it odd how these Jewish run newspapers all pre-condition the masses by using this holy number over and over years before WW2 or the Holocaust? Six million is a high number and historically conflicting to previous accounts of 1-2 million killed. Ever notice how over time that number keeps increasing? Then it was 4 million. Now 6. A new finding says twenty million.
Let's not forget that this number is not purely Jewish death tolls either. Many people of any race that were known homosexuals, lesbians, "queers" and social degenerates were killed along side racially Slavic and Romani people.
>uh oh except the New York Times and the Washington Post!
Please, show us some NYT or Washington post headlines or articles that claimed 4 million died at Auschwitz.
>"Six Million" is some kind of holy number to the Jews, as many of their numbers have symbolic and other meanings. Find it odd how these Jewish run newspapers all pre-condition the masses by using this holy number over and over years before
Maybe you find it odd because you are a retard that believes cherrypicked propaganda. There are as many articles mentioning from 4 to 7 million jews. And it is in line with the amount of jews living in areas under menace by nazis, it's not some magic number.
>Six million is a high number and historically conflicting to previous accounts of 1-2 million killed. Ever notice how over time that number keeps increasing? Then it was 4 million. Now 6. A new finding says twenty million.
It was always and is around six million.
>Let's not forget that this number is not purely Jewish death tolls either. Many people of any race that were known homosexuals, lesbians, "queers" and social degenerates were killed along side racially Slavic and Romani people.
The six million is just jews though. The total number is around 11 million.
forgot pic
I don't even know what you are referencing, but I don't give a fuck about what a newspaper claims. I care about what the academic consensus claims based on evidence.
The academic consensus didn't shift to 1.5 million until the 90s, you lying rat
False. See .
They are saying that a monument was put up. A monument was in fact put up. They in no way endorsed that claim.
The New York Times even had an article in 1989 begging Jews to stop inflating the numbers because it was hurting their cause