Is it illegal to buy another human?
I wanted to buy some creepy japanese girls. not for sexual reasons, just to have around.
Is it illegal to buy another human?
I wanted to buy some creepy japanese girls. not for sexual reasons, just to have around.
Renting is ok.
Ya its illegal you fukkin idiot
Yep, if you're rich just keep them on as live in maids. They'll get a paycheck and health insurance.
The only fucking idiot here is you for believing this was a real question.
For now. That's why we're trying to become the new elite remember? I wanna build a new colosseum and make niggers fight tigers and stuff
fucking Veeky Forums never change
does gwen stefani still own those jap grils?
the dream
would watch!!
o i was the idiot all along it all makes cents now
buying outright probably not
ask about extended leasing agreements
oh fuck you are right
we could own legions
Yeah guys, I just visited Rome for the first time and I was really inspired, those guys had shit figured out. You know they filled the colesseum with water and had ship battles? I think the chinese would be on board with setting up gladiator rings in their new african colonies
You can buy both for sexual and non sexual ends. Some people will do literally anything for money, and there's MANY people who don't have much going on for them besides looks, it's the only thing they have to trade and thus, the only way they know to make money.
Pay enough and they will do anything for you. Just remember that you hold the power, not them. Some richfags get too attached to their property(girls)and forget they are the ones who own them, not the contrary. End result being that they end up being controlled by the thing they bought, they let it control them, happens both when your property is a thing or a human being.
Make sure the girls are 18 just to be on the safe side because we both know you're going to fuck those girls. Either you are or I am. I definitely am.
>Make sure the girls are 18
Or he could go to Thailand or some other third world country and buy underage girls
He said he wanted creepy girls not ladyboys.
I know that feel.
I would like to buy some boys. Not for sexual reasons of course.
I wish to buy a girl from Japan also. Not only for household, but also for sexual things. Any good shop around which accepts virtual currency?
>good shop around which accepts virtual currency?
Memes apart, you will likely find something on those lines on the darknet.
As soon as i become a multimillionaire i will buy a thousand boys to my haren.
>Boy who looks like a girl
Why choose a boy at all if you just want something feminine?
You just had to READ it first.
cute boys make the best girls
Veeky Forums needs a good delousing. Someone fetch the Zyklon B.
I ask myself the same thing, i like boys who look like girls and girls who look like boys.
Gays, leave this board. when I make my billions, you are all dead
>falling for the Jewish scheme of promoting gay sex to eliminate the white race
top cay-koo
You know Zyklon B is just a thing to help people to get ride of their bugs, right?
I am not gay, i have a wife and a 2yo girl.
Women are for boys, boys are for fun.
I don't care anymore, the kikes won, deal with it.
nigger youre gay
sexual deviants and gay are basically the same thing. let me ask you a personnel question for my research:
were you ever at all, molested at a young age?
>were you ever at all, molested at a young age?
I had to wait until my teenhood to have sex but i always wanted to have sex since i was pretty young.
>falling for the biological female meme
>sexual deviants and gay are basically the same thing.
I consider myself one hell of a degenerate, but boys do nothing to me.
Is there anything more disgusting than men? How anyone find that attractive?
wait until another crisis or great depression hits. You can buy 8 year old girls on the cheap that occurs only once per lifetime or every few generations
>nigger slavery in the 1850's
>great depression in 1930's
>we are due for buying humans on the cheap within the next decade so save your shekels up!
Men are disgusting, boys are attractive.
Are you seriously asking if slavery is legal?
kys. then resurrect. then kys again.
Young boys are just shit-tier young girls m8
I didn't know there are elites here wanting to buy cunnys on Veeky Forums not really surprising.
>here is your menu, prices to be announced
>tfw the quote "women are the niggers of the world"
>he didn't mean "muh oppression"
>he meant they're all fucking "GIBS" niggers
this is a weird album sick
I'm wondering how many cryptocoins do I need to buy the entire menu. Shit is probably expensive.
Oh well, sometimes we need to make compromises I guess
harsh noise is GOTY
cunny is literally woke-as-fuck
y'all niggers don't even understand
still not interested? lets move up to the bigger leagues that will catch your eye. Get yours before she is ruined!
>listening to people banging metal together and scratching nails on chalkboard
>thinks its good because /mu/ calls it "patrish"
>cares more about looking deep than actually listening to enjoyable music
this, this is why the elite can easily control normies and buy humans up without prosecutions.
>who is next to be an elite?
I dont browse /mu/ faggot I legitimately like harsh noise
its soothing, I listen to noise albums 24/7
Boys are girls with penis.
We need to make a cunnycoin so that we can buy those fine specimen with maximum efficiency
what a disgusting art
hot, but this board is SFW
btw, who is artist?
go ahead, just don't let it fall like niggercoin did ;_;
We just need to use an truly decentralized exchange instead of ((((their)))) service
is it bad that i though this was bill cosby at first
Where can I buy a ZyklonBCoin (ZBC)?