If a black guy is born and raised in England, is he considered a "real" Brit?
Ethnic Europeans
Yes. Black English, when educated, uphold British values sufficiently well.
The problem is white British.
No he's too handsome and not inbred enough
Absolutely. Culture is more important than race. I'm more likely to get along with culturally similar vs racially similar people. Minorities that fit in culturally where they live in are never a problem.
If I shove a hamster up my ass does it make me pregnant?
This. White British are so bigoted and racist they're holding the UK back.
Black people aren't British. No Brits no Britain the UK will basically be Pakistan in a generation.
If a snake is born in an eagle's nest does it make it an eagle? I mean if the snake integrates into eagle society and eagle culture. Sure the snake can't fly, but I think the Eagles should change their
habits and start crawling in order to better receive their snake, I mean new eagle guests. And the eagle government should enact laws against flight.
What makes a Brit a brit?
Surely not skin the color of shit!
We aren't talking different species. Thats a bad comparison. A better one would be different breeds of dogs.
>We aren't talking different species
We really are though.
Depends on who you ask but the correct answer is no.
>drawing pararels between a difference in race and difference in species
And race is arbitrary as fuck
Yes and Aesop and Andersen aren't talking about literal rabbits, foxes you know?
Do you have bad experiences with white people or what? If you are still butthurt over Brexit, I'm sure there were other reasons with the immigrants playing a role as well. I would like to know though, how are the white british holding the UK back?
Gee you really convinced me. I think blacks shouldn't go Europe and risk mixing those superior genes with those inferior white ones.
Here's your (you)
Ok, if I shove a black baby up my ass, does that make me pregnant?
No more than colonialists are the same as the indigenous population.
If white Americans aren't "native", then neither are black Europeans.
People actually think like this?
When you see Idris Elba having sex with a white, British, woman, do you consider this just two people of the same ethnicity and culture having sex, or do you see it as the conquest of Britain by the strong hand of the aggressive and dominant black male, demonstrating the superiority of the big black cock over white boys who can't compete?
You answer this question, you answer your own question.
People don't give birth through their asshole.
But then where do babies come from?
They do now according to you.
If i hear a british accent from him then its just british people coupling.
White people are holding back the UK from being a progressive multicultural society free of hate. They are bigots who think this country belongs to them (it doesn't).
I'm not getting how you came to this conclusion.
If a white man is born in a Zulu tribe, or in China is considered a Zulu or a Han Chinese? And what if droves of thousands if not millions of white people were to migrate into a Zulu or Native American settlement? Would it all be fine because race doesn't exist and they are just "new Zulus"? Why white nations and only white nations must accept this bullshit?
I mean, it would seem it's pretty common for "immigrants" who are born here, lack the culture of their own parents and their country of their ancestors. But they still don't feel like they belong in the country they were born in. Let's say Britain in this case. So they end up with identity issues. And to top it of with the different skin color, hair texture, nose shape and big lips.
They have been evolved for a different climate than the one in england. Therefor, i would say its hard. They are culturally brittish. Bur are they native brittish, if they are born in brittain, but doesn't look like a stereotypical brit. White skin, straight hair, small noses , etc etc
And why do they always think my posts are spam ? they aren't spam...
You're lying and you know that. You derive pleasure from the ritual humiliation of the white race as more and more white women choose to have sex exclusively with black males. The mere fact that this is happening shows that blacks aren't really able to be European. If they were, they would have sex at the same rates as other, native, European males. When they have so much more sex with native women, it's a testament of their status not as part of the political and cultural body, but as conquerors who came to take over the land and the women.
Egg in the womb.
Yes. It's pretty obvious whites and blacks are a separate species (protip cross fertility doesn't mean shit).
Europeans come from europe, africans come from africa. Once you conflate their origins, you might as well say babies come from someone's asshole.
No. Some lefties and government people just pretend they are. If white Americans aren't "native", then neither are black Europeans.
Who does have more right for the country than the people whose ancestors have lived there forever?
>multicultural society free of hate
I have never seen this work, and all of the hate honestly is not to blame on white people. Blacks can be racist against whites as well, and some of the hate and suspicion of the muslims is clearly rightful.
>If white Americans aren't "native", then neither are black Europeans.
Funny how this psyop is playing out. White americans are settlers and invaders but Somalis born in London are quintessentialy British. Should be obvious what the agenda is...the only consistent aspect of it is that it is anti white..
The Anglos are the Borg, we stopped fucking for reproduction for the most part so we import immigrants and culture them into being Anglo. Whether it's the US, UK, Canada or Australia after a generation or so the people are British, American, Canadian or Australian.
Are they English, Scottish, or Welsh, no. But they are British
Brazil is a multicultural dystopia. Why would anyone, white or otherwise, would wish this upon themselves and their fellow citizens is beyond me. Why don't Brits who want to live in multicultural don't move here to Brazil? I'd gladly switch places with you if I could! Why do you want to inflict such irreversible punishment to your compatriots?
White people actually contributed to the world more than they fucked up. Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US are all first world countries.
The natives would have died of disease sooner or later, they would´ve had a worse fate if the Chinese or Ottomans/Arabs found them.
Keep your spirits up Nigel, you'll be needing them when they are cracking the whip over your heads in a generation
No I am not lying. I am very skeptical of this, most black men I see get with black women. Rarely do I see them with white women. The only prevalent racemixing I see is white men with asian women. Even the most liberal white women tend to get with white men. I think you seem to obsess or fantasize about this, and seek to confirm your bias. It's not healthy.
The difference is white people in the US didn't assimilate to Native culture. Some whites did try to assimiliate to native groups they ran off too cause they liked that way of life better. But colonial authorities of Britain and France found this problematic.
America's still culturally Anglo, despite having waves of immigrants
No one is assimilating into shit my shit for brains friend...as the native American culture was destroyed so will the native British one
Have fun!
Argentina's virtually all Italians and Spaniards, and they're just as much of a shithole, while America is more diverse than you and rich, powerful and livable.
Brazil is a shithole because it's Brazil, not because there are different races there.
>cross fertility doesn't mean shit
Except it does. That is the literal scientific definition of speciation.
You're only looking at GDP. Argentina , Uruguay and Southern Brazil have standards of living comparable to European levels.
America was basically white until the 1950s. When the mass migration started the foundations were already laid down. But even Americs is starting to metamorphose into a welfare superstate to accomodate the demographic changes.
>welfare superstate to accomodate the demographic changes
What are you on about, we have the least generous welfare state in the developed world?
> America was basically white until the 1950s
So black people didn't count until they were uppity and the southwest is an illusion
You do realize America wasn't just New England to Washington DC, right?
I'm didn't say they didn't count. But they were a minority in the real sense of the word, and even today are only 12% of the American population.
My grandfather who is white was born & raised in South Africa. He moved to America when my father was little.Does that make my father & I African American?
All the niggers in the US say they are African American & they are at least 15 generations removed from there. I'm 2 generations removed & white as snow.
Am I African American? I know it's hard to have a serious conversation on /b but what do you think?
this isnt /b/
youve got lost
This. Blacks should be against multiculturalism too, as when a lot of whites start moving to their societies, it fucks their society up. Only self-hating, self-loathing white cucks and globalist elitists support multiculturalism.
I'm this poster.
White British are amazingly not bigoted and non-racist. This is not the problem.
I'm a teacher.
For some years now, the least able or least intelligent group in Britain has been the white British. Asians, and even black British, outperform them massively.
This is due to a culture of anti-intellectualism, lack of morals and manners, and a general malaise and degeneracy of attitude.
Some white people cannot be considered higher than the functionally retarded; they are in no fit shape to inherit this island. If it takes the newer generations of more intelligent immigrants to make this country great again, then so be it.
More whites need to give themselves, and their feral children, a good fucking slap. And become great again.
He's not ethnically British. British in the civic/national sense.
I've seen black americans online tell Afrikaners they're not african because their ancestors came from western europe a couple of centuries ago.
I wouldn't be surprised if these same people would insist that Idris Elba is just as British as the ethnic ones.
Sorry guys
Wow. never see such a bigoted post even by stormfags.
This is also a problem with every single other race in Britain, not just blacks.
White children sitting indoors on their arses all day.
Entirely true.
Asians, Blacks, Orientals, Africans all care about their children's education. Hence the massive increase in university attendance.
Whites do not give a fuck, and they are suffering. Very, very badly.
The only thing demising is the attitude and morals of whites.
I'd take a class of non-English speaking Polish/Somalian/Romanian kids over 30 white British any day of the week.
because they're the ones who started all this shit by colonizing, murdering and enslaving people forcing them to learn their language and adopt their customs, stupid.
White people's chickens are coming home to roost, and I as a non-white, find it hilarious to no end.
I think that the problem with white kids is mostly due to them basically getting everything they need for nothing. Whereas migrants have had to flee their country due to sometimes real reasons ,like war, and other times not, they can appreciate what they get and are more willing to learn. White kids get everything handed for them for free and they might not see what is so great about learning stuff. I agree on more intelligent immigrants, they should be welcome to any country. Here in Finland the problem with immigrants seems to be that there are lots and lots who have no interest in actually becoming part of the society and are happy to sort of abuse the welfare system.
So it's like this huh? You wish whites would be genocided because some rich white people in the past benefited from the exploitation of non-whites? Maybe the races will never get along after all. Maybe stormfags are right.
It's the spoiled rich kid vs the street-wise kid. White people need to learn to fucking earn what they get so they learn to appreciate it. I say abolish welfare, abolish public education and abolish inheritance to fix that.
In today's world British describes more a set of values, culture and language than any ethnic marker. Not unlike how even someone who immigrated in adulthood can be considered an a American. And how even those born and raised in America can be considered 'un-American' if they lack certain values.
I was born somewhere else but I've lived in the UK for most of my life. I have a perfect Thames Estuary accent. I got top grades in school. I understand the culture and I'm knowledgable about the history. I support the people and hope for a good government. I also support the police and armed forces even if I don't always agree with their actions. I'm British and no 'native' has ever disputed that who wasn't a bigoted chav.
Britain has had a long history of this; see the Gurkhas and the Commonwealth as a whole. And it is a noble tradition; just as the Romans considered anyone who exhibited Romanitas and was a legal citizen to be a fellow Roman, regardless of Gaul, African, or Judean.
But it would be a different story in Japan because the cultural milleu is entirely different. There is no one size fits all.
it's primarily working class culture that is anti intellectual and stupid, which is why working class kids who fly under the radar and go to uni are quick to segregate themselves into the land of waitrose and complacency with the rest of the middle class.
fact: the most problematic immigrants are the ones who don't buy into the class meme and seperate themselves out (usually religious communities).
the immigrants who do buy into the class meme pretty much act like others of their class. a paki in a tracksuit and a clapped out hot hatch is pretty identical to a black or a white in a tracksuit and clapped out hot hatch.
you get extremists from all of these communities (including whites) who buy into snowflake politics and then start wearing whatever uniform their subculture issues them with, but for the most part segregate themselves on the basis of class. if you're from surbiton and went to uni and now work in a professional job, it's easier to chat to hakim or mensah who also went to uni and who also shop in waitrose and have a mortgage and opinions on hedge trimmers, than to speak to dave, with whom you have absolutely nothing in common apart from your skin colour.
I would add however that I don't consider myself 'English' beyond living in England. That's more of an ethnic marker than British.
Maybe they never disputed that because their fucking government will put them in jail for that. No you're not British. Don't get me wrong. You sound like a very chill individual, but British you're not. Just deal with it.
I agree on everything other than abolishing public education. I do think that it's important to get kids educated regardless of what kind of a family they come from, but I do think that something needs to be done so white kids would be more motivated to take advantage of what they are taught.
>t: the ethnicity police
you fucking joke
fpbp. To wit, Boers have been in South Africa, and yet negroes who are not even indigenous to the region say "white man out".
people like you are part of the reason why this country is a shithole, desu. you and the liberals are two sides bedfellows; two sides of the same coin.
Why would you want to be something you're not? If I moved to Japan or Saudi Arabia I wouldn't beg them to consider me a Japanese or a Saudi because one, it's not true, and two, it's fucking ridiculous.
*400 years*
Britain is an ancient country, and a white country. My family name is in the Domesday book, so I think I speak for all true Britons, when I say, you really should consider going back.
if i moved to japan, and got citizenship, and was a massive weeb, i'd want to be known as a japanese citizen.
however, if my children and grandchildren, who have known nothing other than japan apart from stories of where i came from and the occasional visiting of relatives, want to call themselves japanese, then i'd see that as perfectly reasonable. if the nips reject that, like you do, then it's perfectly reasonable to call them out for being racists and/or xenophobes, like you are.
You're just like a tranny that demands society acknowledges him as a woman despite him having a penis, or else...
>racists and/or xenophobes
Your "magic words that shut discussions down" don't work here.
well, my family came over with hengist and horsa, and i think he's fine to call himself british, just like my family did after they raped some britons and built a wattle and daub hut in the courtyard of a ruined villa.
>quack quack quack
>"you're a duck"
He will be in about 10,000 years. That is, if climate change hasn't wiped out England by then.
We are talking about blacks.
>quack quack quack
>"you're a duck"
Greek living in London here. Their culture is completely alien to the average Anglo anyway. Obsession with grime music and all that. They're actually more similar to black people in the US.
>different species are the same as different cultures within the same species
good comeback
They produce different cultures because they're different people in the first place.
>comparing ducks to humans in the first place
Good start.
Working class culture isn't fundamentally anti-intellectual. Plenty of working class people educate themselves and value knowledge/responsibility. The british working class has a strong tradition of solidarity and progress.
The problem is that since the 80s working class people have had their jobs taken away and communities hollowed out, creating an underclass of people who have no social grounding whatsoever and no prospects in life.
Speaking as a working class person who went to a good uni and has rubbed shoulders with the higher orders, theres nothing more intelligent about them. They just went to better schools and grew up with more support and nothing to worry about - with the expectation from birth of success.
As to the OP question, of course they are - why not? British nationality is a largely civic-imperial construct anyway, ethnicity has virtually nothing to do with it.
>missing an obvious figure of speech
You're probably blind if you don't realize that most white women are being taken by blacks.
>I can play autistic literatist when I want but you can't
of course they're different people.
but they are the same species. feel free to provide actual evidence to support your claim.
Meant for
m8, the only white women i've seen with blacks has tended to be trashy white women, and they get with trashy black men. do you want a fatass r&b luvin singel mum whos kids r her world
and if middle class white chicks end up with middle class black men (and vice versa) it's because they have the same accent and share a love of IKEA
class endogamy - if anything we're becoming like india.
ok bud you win i'm a cuck white power britain 4 da britons etc etc or whatever your endgame is.
Do you go to parties? That's where middle class and upper middle class white women have sex with tattooed black thugs and drug dealers.
And even within the middle class, black men hold sexual supremacy because they are naturally more aggressive and dominant than shy and introverted white boys.
>small noses
You guys have (relatively) thin noses, but they're long as fuck and tend to protrude. Especially South Europeans and Armenians, the latter being damn near Abbo tier. Blacks have wide noses that are somewhat short, and Asians are either have smaller yet longer noses than whites or black tier noses. And the less I say about Indians and Arabs, the better.