So today I invested my first couple bucks in alts on Bittrex ever. Don’t worry
>Didn't invest in DGB, RDD, ANS, ANT, or some other scamcoin
I've never traded before in my life but I did some research and I made it a rule to:
>buy only on dips
>only sell above 15% increase
>never sell below the principle on an asset unless it drops under 3/4 of initial investment.
I did some research, made a plan, and took advantage of the initial red candles and bought about $95USD worth over about 35 different coins at $2.62 a coin with 5.35 in ETH and 3.17 in LTC being the only exceptions from the average. This was all a few hours ago, but now the price is at $80. That being said, I have a concern: if this is the weekend and the collective of crypto is already falling, does that mean on Monday when the weekend effect kicks in, that everything is gonna be really REALLY bad?
>never traded before in you life
>talks shit about RDD
lol i love my 3 million rdd.
im leling at your life right now
Its true though.
>Splitting $95 across 35 coins
Nigga either you're gambling on one of those being a long term moon mission or you're gonna get raped in fees
I'd probably have picked 3-5 with 1 or 2 being stable and the rest risky
I don't think I'd buy 35 coins with $1000 desu
That said everything's basically trending sideways after a month of steep growth, wait it out and don't panic. If you can't afford to lose $100 you probly shouldn't be doing this.
Since you've already bought so many just watch them and put more into two or three that perform best out of the bunch
Boy howdy all of you invalids are going to be eating crow one day. Microsoft literally hosted their conference a few days ago. They're about to be listed on a new Chinese exchange on July 15th started by some very rich slants. Poloniex listing might be coming soon too, but that's more of an iffy rumor. Even if you have no faith in this coin, it would be retarded not to hold a little bit just in case. It's not likely to go much lower, and even if it does it's still pretty fucking cheap and you're 99% likely to turn a profit on it eventually.
This dip happens every weekend. People cash out and buy copious amounts of cocaine to fuel their weekend
> only sell above 15% increase
Why? That's a terrible rule. Why in the world would you choose a flat percentage to apply to all stocks? Choosed based on your analysis of the existing price chart for that particular coin.
> does that mean on Monday when the weekend effect kicks in, that everything is gonna be really REALLY bad?
No one can predict what will happen, and anyone who pretends like they do is FUD. The prices fluctuate a lot, it is what it is. ETH is still up 60% more than it was last month, that's pretty amazing. Jumping to conclusions based on a little price correction for the past week or two is silly.
>scam coin
stay poor
I really wanted to trade full time. I decided to test with $100 and after the fees (which was about 8% overall once i got my fiat into the alts themselves) i was gonna trade the gainz on PnDs or reinvest in future mooning coins. I can afford to lose this couple bucks because this was all to get my feet wet, but in the future, i plan to spread $1000 across the collective, but more so on the up and coming mooners once I know who they are.
Speaking of which, how does everyone always know that announcements and events by the crypto's devs signal the masses or whales to pump a coin> whales i get may be coordinating, but what about coins with high trade volumes?
trade bitcoin before you try to tade shitcoins. at least on bitcoin you can get pissed and walk away for 2 mouths and come back with gains
>splitting across 35 coins
If you aren't a neet/full time crypto maniac you shoudln't be splitting above 8.
>working a real job because idc about getting rich quick
i'm thousands in student loan debt. i need money asap. I don't have 6 months to 4 years to bank on one coin to barely make a month's worth of profits that a job could pay me. the crypto market is becoming more and more mainstream and if i walk away from any of these coins for a week, at least 1 of them i'm sure will get a stable 10x to cash out on. If i i walk away for a month and there are moon missions left and right, i know i could at least make said month's worth of a normie job wage. If i invest it all back in new coins that take off like eBoost and NMR today for example, i could retire on 2 trades with a simple investment of $2. imagine what I could do on 35 coins + new coins entering the market and mooning
it changes 100 dollars a day. in vest 10 grand you and make 300 a day thats 130k a year.
I'm not even gonna read your full post because you outed yourself as a nigger with your lack of interpretation.
I'm investing in cryptos, specially "alt" cryptos.
And I'm not dumb to split across 35 coins. When "I" have 95$ dollars.
as i said, i'm taking it slow, getting use to the feel of trading and how exchanges operate. I'm only using bittrex right now, but i wanna get in on others too. when i'm more comfortable, i'll pour a couple grand in, but i don't have anywhere near that right now to fool around with. also, i'm a poorfag.
>changes 100/ day
>constant gains of 300/ day
chill the assburgers my man. As i said, this is only a test to get used to trading. more meat in the grinder will come later when i've picked a few that have served me well with this initial investment
you have one bitcoin that changes 100 dollars a day. times that by 3 because you have 3 bitcoin thats 100 times 3 equals 300.
you didnt say bitcoin alone, so i was assuming the market cap altogether, which changes a lot more than 100, so idk wtf you meant. If i'm gonna deal in one coin and one coin alone, i'm playing arbitrage, especially with BTC
buy bitcoin now and use that to buy RDDcoin. this is a rdd coin wallet
when you become a millair you can thank me. also buy and hold dont trade cyptros on a day to day unless your in profit. even then most of the time they will not correct to the valve you bought at. never sell at a lost
Am I supposed to do something with this.
yes give me reddcoiin