Are you happy now, Veeky Forums?

Are you happy now, Veeky Forums?

>/pol/ refugee camping out here until tomorrow

feels good

Not gonna lie, Schadenfreude is an amazing feeling.

>type url
>its real

lol wut the fuck

have you been living under a rock

April's Fools

A pretty good one from Japanese Moot, have to admit

Birds of a feather, eh?

oh ok lol
silly me

WE Veeky Forums NOW OOGA BOOGA WE IS /int/ TOO

Only if you /pol/ guys actually learn something. Which, to be honest, I'm not betting money on.

What would the lesson be?

Learn what?
That /mlp/ subhumans need to be genocided?
That nothing new

This is a good thing for /pol/

Consider yourself lucky this is just for a day

that's 8pol. You guys are basically reddit-tier from their viewpoint.

Wehraboos gonna be mad af when they realize we won't circlejerk with them here


To be honest I don't see that many wehraboos on /pol/. Granted that I only casually browse it but I don't see too many threads or posts about how fantastic the Wehrmacht was. SS maybe.

>only /pol/fags are mad about the April Fools Merger
Of fucking coz. Literally no fun allowed

should be permenant

wehrboos is a giant boogeyman for Veeky Forums which is ironic since they complain about pol having a lot of boogeymen
his is one of the boards with worst self perception on Veeky Forums

Refugees fuck off. We need to build a wall and make /pol/ pay for it