>literally the worst post-ICO return on investment of all time
>even the nig's pretend healthcare """blockchain""" would have net you 2.7 times your money
This thread is for the goyim who invested to explain themselves so we might learn from the madness of their crowd and save Western civilization from future Semitic tricks.
Other urls found in this thread:
not trying to defend it but to be fair it just hit exchanges a few days ago. i'm interested to see where it will be one year from now. as a disclaimer i dont own any as i didnt want to part with my mETH
>explain themselves
While we're asking for shit that will never happen I want a set of qt Asian triplet females at my beck and call.
Obvious scam.
Even the shitcoin nmr is skyrocketing. I just can't beleive that bancor hasn't gone up once since its release. Usually a coin newly listed will moon at least once. But bnt has just gone steadily down. Will this be the first coin to never moon once in its existence?
I warned you all
With Jews you lose
Bancor is designed not to moon. When you buy bancor tokens with the smart contract it creates NEW bancor on the spot.
I warned you faggots and you all called me a coping nobanc
Eat shit you deserve this
Remember the shills?
>No ICO hasn't been profitable
>I'm jooo now
>40X in IOU
and if you sell that will mean it deletes bancor you fucking fucktard. watch it go to zero because evreyone sells
>buying a coin where the developers can create more coins for them at will
I wasn't defending bancor you piece of shit. I was just pointing out the silliness of people who expected an infinite supply coin to moon.
It'll take people time to get used to this coin its so different to anything else thats been done on the crypto scene (which is a big deal because it fills an empty gap)
Look at all the partners they have on the website and all the big names that have invested into this wether you like it or not bancor is a name thats going to stick around.
It's definitely not going to be worse ICO of all time give it a chance, but I also don't really think it'll make any ico holders super rich. I would honestly suggest picking up as much as you can as it gets closer to the 0.01eth sell wall if you are an eth holder anyway, it essentially secures your eth and you get a 2 for 1 moon mission ticket, when eth rises you keep the gains as its still equal to the same value of eth and if bancor rises too it's simply double dipping into profit.
wew lad, it's not even been traded for a week yet. wouldn't be so convinced of this coins failure just yet. we will know if it's a failure when more token changers come out.
>the goys are back in town
Once the ETH from the reserve gets drained to the point where the BNT is trading for 0.01 ETH again, how many ETH will remain, i.e how many ETH were in the original contract?
Fine m8, idgaf if the changers are successful and you miss out.
I think whales won't let it get to that point. Maybe I'm wrong though.
Pretty new to this but What app is this? Also I'd like to know where to get on the ground floor of some coins and get into the risk of buying ICO so wheres the best place for announcements/upcoming.
go to icoalert
Thank you very much
>Tries to have some actual discussion regarding bancor
jews xd lmao look at these red numbers ahaha
Dunno why I even come here anymore, also I don't even hold any BNT.
Low iq Nazi larpers flooded this board in the past 3 months. I've already filtered "Jews" "joos" etc and it's much better
token changes are more expensive (slippage, inherent to the protocol) than exchanges for high volume coins, which are obviously the only coins that matter
Enjoy your bags, bancuck
also icostats is the site in OP
What site is this where you can see all ICO's compared?
>buying and uncapped ico
Yes, it creates some, but it is only a fractional amount. This still allows for growth should it happen. It doesn't create 1:1 so there is simply no growth. It is more like for every thousand bancors a couple extra are created.
they dont show you this part
>24 hour ROI
you dumdum
80% of ETH that went over the hidden cap is used to peg BNT at .01 ETH for 2 years.
This coin is meant to stay down.
>The remaining 80% of the exceeding Contributions will be locked for two years in a smart contract serving the purpose of stabilizing the BProtocol ecosystem by purchasing BNT (at the price of 0.01 ETH).
does this mean I should just sell now and take the loss?
you took a lost when you invested in jews
Even though it feels like you're losing, you are actually winning.
"buy high sell low", so yes
When will biz learn?
1 BNT = 0.01 ETH
ETH at 320$, BNT = 3.2$
What morons bought BNT at 4$ when ETH was 360$?
>“We are beginning to explore the possibility of issuing a VC Token for our diverse network of investors, entrepreneurs, local and global businesses. We’d like for this to be a Smart Token, so it can benefit from continuous liquidity from day 1. We look forward to a long collaboration with the Bancor team on this project, and are excited for what BNT has in store.” Said Mr. Draper, Managing Partner of Draper Associates.
Will Nobancs be on suicide watch when tokens like these traded are among future biIlion-dollar Sillicon Valley startups and venture capital firms and those VC tokens hold BNT in reserve?
I think so.
That implements a price floor, not a ceiling, idiot.
You did well in school, user?