Biggest dip in ETH ever

From June 14th up till today has been the biggest dip in ETH ever. It went from $390 to $290 in a matter of a few weeks. That is a 25% decrease.

Is ETH going to keep dropping and then plateau around $200? Should we sell?

Hypothetically, why would ETH ever come back up?

it won't you fucking idiot. cant you read charts

Nigga I sold two weeks ago.

Proof of Stake being deployed might be big news.

Raiden being deployed might be big news.

These should give eth a price boost when they happen.

No I just made my first investment last week

So you nigs think I should sell my ETH? I have three coins that I bought at $310

same here pretty much. I'm holding long term though. In a few yrs from now, it'll either be worth 2k+ each or like 10 bucks each

I like how people who post these threads never post pictures of their short orders

really makes u think

Fucking kek think you can predict ETHs future looking at charts. Sad no coiner

Why is proof of stake a good thing? Doesn't that restrict most new coins to the small % of people with the largest stake?


Limits circulating supply significantly.

reduces liquidity

But still, it would restrict most of the new coins to the 1% that hold most of the coins right? With Stratis for example, you need 25k coins just to get 1 per day. That's roughly 75 BTC worth of coins just to get ~0.003 per day. Why would anyone bother unless they had millions of dollars worth of Ethereum? Thus restricting any new coins to the people who already hold most of it.

>From June 14th up till today has been the biggest dip in ETH ever. It went from $390 to $290 in a matter of a few weeks. That is a 25% decrease.

wrong. At one point ETH dipped from 30 bucks to 8 bucks.


Pull up the ETH and BTC charts and look at their dip/rise patterns. This is the first time we are seeing this exact pattern. Usually after a spike, there is a dip, and then it stabilizes and slowly rises.

We're seeing a dip, like one day of stablization, and then another dip.

Looks like we're hitting some shit here lads. To sell or not to sell?

Listen to me. Forget everything you know and buy ANS. I've made more more money than 99.99% of this board on crypto, and I literally just completed an all-in on antshares. It's the best tech on the market and when the name NEO hits, it's going to skyrocket.

It dropped to like $16 last week

For like 10 mins then bounced back. It's been at 300 for like 12 hours

I might buy some tomorrow

Premined 50% of all ANS or 50 million are held by the development team. fuck that.

>down to $16 then up to $300
what made this happen? I'm new.

>this is the first time this has ever happened to ETH or BTC
How new are you to crypto? I'm guessing sometime this year.

seems to me whenever something rises very quickly you should sell it the minute it seems to calm down

what difference does it make to you if they hold it or someone else does

It matters because when a coin is heavily premined(or poorly distributed) a massive dump that drastically reduces the price can happen far more easily than when its well distributed.

it dropped to 10 cents for all of 1 second
Completely worthless statement for an event that rebounded from 300 back to 300 faster than anything but the automatic orders could react

Eth has some problems and bad press right now.
I'm not speculating on it right now - I cashed out near to the ath and got more bitcoins and fiat, and speculated on some Alts which have lost a bit of value.

I think eth will take a while to recover - will take a while for normie acceptance. Could be as quick as a couple of weeks if bitcoin has issues, could be a few months.
It could keep dipping. If you got into eth late and are not enjoying the same gains as early investors, might as well hodl.

If you went all in on eth - tough lesson!

ETH is going down to 0.7 and if you didn't sell in the 1.2 - 1.5 range then I don't know what to tell you. Your just a fucking cultist.