TFW cashed out 100% of crypto

>TFW cashed out 100% of crypto
>TFW I can lay on the beach and not think about crypto until after the Aug 1 BTC fork

Any other cashed out till August masterraces here?

newfag here, whats gonna happen on august?


Satoshi Nakamoto is set to finally reveal his identity. Some think it might not happen. Either way, it's impossible to predict what it will do to the price.

nothing. OP's a retard

UASF vs The China miner bitch that's threatening a hard fork show down is on the 1st

>Satoshi Nakamoto
which i assume is a chance at lamboland? correct?


i know im asking a dumb question, but does anyone have an idea of how much a BTC will increase in value if if even does increase. im asking because i have a good amount of cash that im willing to invest.

Cashed out Thursday. Feels nice to no longer have to check my blockfolio every 5 minutes.

>cashing out
Just buy shit with BTC you invalids

This is a joke. There's going to be a hard fork which will duplicate the block chain and everyone's coins. Other things might fuck it up too

no one knows, and anyone who claims to know is a liar or delusional

10x. Buy the dip.

>hard fork
gracias my dude, dont feel like losing my 86 pile

The assumption is that bitcoin is going to crash and take everything down with it, dummy.

ill prolly end up short selling

betting on the opposite
going to make money selling other storage coins like LTC
panick selling isnt going to start until july

people will be panick buying btc to get back in after nothing from people who bought cheap


after nothing happens*

tfw i have a chance at multiplying my 86k investment
*spidey senses tingling*
