Operation Veeky Forums Steemit Takeover

Its time anons.

>make a post
>all your friends up vote
>you get $100 in steem


Steemit has lots of voting guilds where they help each other get that sweet free steem to turn into btc. Top steem users even sell their own votes. Now Veeky Forums has its own Voting Guild!

>join steemit
>make quality posts
>share with biz discord
>biz has developed technology to be very efficient
>rake in the steem
>be there when Veeky Forums takes over steemit

We're 3 days in and Anons have made $100, $60, $15, and $10 posts.

Join your fellow bizraelis, the only cost is your time. Lets circle jerk ourselves into a steemit takeover.

Fuck yes

This has potential, I'm in

I made $57 off one post just talking about an old video game I used to play. This site is great

> he STILL isn't part of the Veeky Forumsraeli takeover on Steemit

Do you people hate money and fame or something?

So many Veeky Forumsaelis figure things out after it is too late, glad I caught this steem thing early.

Oh honey buns... you arent going to miss this recruiting drive are you?



This unironically can work if everyone cooperates

This is literally FREE MONEY

No entry fee or payment required, all you gotta do is make an account and start shitting

we have a system to make it fair circle jerking, its kinda hilarious how well its working


How long does the account verification take?

Take a break from failed pump and dumps, get in on these free crypto gains

So far most people report 24 hours or less.

If you're in the discord you can come in all the way to get tips and tricks ready for your first post.

Wtf some guy made easy 0.02 BTC there



No crypto? Low crypto? Join us and we'll upvote each other gaining free Steem transferable to any exchange to be turned into BTC.

>no cost
>a few minutes shitposting
>stackin crypto


Wow you guys are fucked.

Still waiting on (((them))) to "confirm" my account, fucking a I just want my free magic internet money.

Steemit with their 24 hour """""manual activation"""""

>he missed the old Veeky Forums adsense clicking ring
>hes going to miss the Veeky Forums steemit ring

oh user... its like you really do hate money

you're a year late to this one faggot

>its a year old
>its too late
>i wont make any money anyway
>ill skip this one, its not going anywhere

Oh schnookums...

This post doesn't make sense

All aboard anons!