What would a 13th century Western European Knight think of the current state of Europe?

What would a 13th century Western European Knight think of the current state of Europe?

>the current state of Europe?

Unironic, non-pol tier, actual cuckolds deluding themselves Islam won't become the official state region of Germany, France, Sweden, etc. The only knights that'd look favorably on a modern EU country would be the Poles

uhh no they would not the polish winged hussars fought against Islamic Turks.


I'm sure a handful of Poles partook in the crusade, or maybe not

He probably couldnt understand a society where blasphemy was not illegal.

A better question is why should we care what a barely literate thug with a pedigree has to say about our society?

I think in Northern Europe he'd be very pissed for the fact that they abandoned the Pope, eventhough that happened so many centuries ago. He'd probably not want anything to do with the heretics living in his country.

The Crusade would be against the degenerate Protestants, and later the Muslims.

>A better question is why should we care what a barely literate thug with a pedigree has to say about our society?

I thought you cared!

Sad. Very sad state.

Lots of Crusading needed against all those protestant heretics, merchants and liberals.

Lift the sword and Deus Vult.

"I gave my life to keep the Saracens out of Christendom and now they are being welcomed in?"

what would a 13th century knight think of all the replies that this stupid thread is getting

Spotted the heretic

reddit pls go

>lift the sword and God Wills It
what did he mean by this

>13th century Western European Knight

>dumb /pol/ thread
i'll bite
What you want us to say, is that they would not be thrilled at all the non-whites in the metro. This is probably true.
What you might also be fishing for is that they are not thrilled with the general general secularization of society and moral decay of society. Again this is probably true.

But there are hundreds of other things they would react strongly to

>no carriages
>no horses/people shitting in the street

>increased upward mobility of lower classes, military service not required to advance into the ruling class

>decreased value of religion and religious services in modern europe
¡dios mío!

>blacks and muslims
mercantes exóticos?

>But there are hundreds of other things they would react strongly to
Tell me then. That's the purpose of the thread

The average 12th century knight would have been barely literate. He'd care more about the stuff like televisions, delicious junk food and horseless carts than black people.
I imagine they'd adore anime.

>why the fuck do none of the crucifixes have the Lord on them
>why are none of the Masses in Latin
>where are everyone's swords
>when did the English make their tongue even more guttural
>why does France hate my uniform
>who let the serfs vote on things
>what the hell is a 'video game' and why is the hooded man stabbing me
>what the fuck did you mean there's a whole other continent
>wait, there's two
>why does the Pope not rule Rome anymore
>how did the backwoods pagan hicks in Poland become more devout than literally all of Europe
>why isn't Austria part of this new Holy Roman Empire
>where are everyone's horses
>where did all the sons of Ham come from
>we gave the Holy Land to who now
>so you're telling me hardly anyone shits themselves to death at 50 anymore
>and I can find millions of tits for free with this 'internet' thing
>and one of those new continents is literally all catholics
>holy shit, the future is awesome

He'd mostly find it confusing.

>and one of those new continents is literally all catholics

Spain and Portugal kangz should have been named Honorary Popes just for this. Nobody had so much success converting people to Catholicism. It was literally Muhammad tier

>I imagine they'd adore anime.
nah man they'd love power rangers. bunch of bros in colorful gear fighting infernal beasts just like the folk tales

>and one of those new continents is literally all catholics
gimme one o dem peruvian bitches

>thinks technology is witchcraft, tries to kill us all

>with a spear

>of Europe

nobody from the 13th century has that broad of a worldview you monkey. a knight barely knows there is land outside of his seigneurie unless he's been on crusade. personal travel was rare and expensive in the 1200s.


>12th century
>concept of uniform exists


I can tell you with a high degree of certainty that he would love the 1257 AD Mount and Blade mod.

bannerlord when


The game is beibg made by turks in a cave. Patience

bless us lord erdogan

Kinda surprising, now that you think about it. Apparently you needed to be martyred in Japan or something to get in on the hot canonization action.

He'd say "hmm I don't quite understand this language"

>>we gave the Holy Land to who now

Fucking kek

What the hell are you referring to

Except medieval people didn't have a hate boner for witchcraft and would have easily been able to discern what technology is after being taught.

>Why are these wild animals in my motherland?
>Disgusting muslim scum everywhere!

kill himself as soon as he say Londonstan or Paristan


Probably this everywhere

>"Hello, mario. Yes. Get me the pope"
>"Pope here. What is it?"
>"We have to call a crusade on ourselves.

He would go home and tell his people to just give up because its not worth it.

>The Crusade would be against the degenerate Protestants, and later the Muslims.

I mean, there was never a crusade that was meant to be against the byzantines (fourth crusade was just a complete fuckup that was meant to be against the muslims again). If orthodoxy can be ignored while the muslims control the holy land then surely protestantism can too.


Tarmaced roads.

Relative social equality in class.

Healthier people irrespective of their social standing or wealth.

Differing clothing materials.




Exhaust fumes.

Personal property being widespread.

>personal travel was rare and expensive in the 1200s.
Pilgrimages were common you pleb.

Yeah but you don't normally shit yourself to death and lose three quarters of your number on your bank holiday do you?

Unless you're flying with Easyjet.

>13th century

spot the retard

Why the fuck would Poles like islam you retard?

Neither did they, idiot.

Travelling was extremely dangerous if you were alone

>Badly equipped to deal with diseases they would procure on long journeys.
>No knowledge of first aid beyond basic binding of wounds unless they had specialised knowledge.
>Many of them would have barely been a few miles outside their home town unless they were regularly travelling from farm to market.

Unless it was Brits travelling from somewhere like York to Canterbury then casualties or injuries were inevitable, that's not even mentioning the potential loss of income from not tending to farming or their various other employment within the timeframe it took them to travel.

And besides, that's even depending on what you define as 'personal' travel for leisure or relaxation, it was EXTREMELY rare due to the cost, and usually any sort of personal journey came with the caveat of official business or a royal visit to some location.

People didn't commonly travel alone for most of history
Unless you post some statistics you're just spewing conjecture. Of course some injuries happened. Just like today. It wasn't a mass scale unpleasant experience, otherwise people wouldn't do it.

Why are all these people covered in mud? Isn't this place supposed to be sanitary?

You sire wash off that mud
"yo wat u sayin to me" *pop* *pop* *pop*

What even was the difference between western european and eastern european knights?

"I love roleplaying as a defender of European culture but the way I do that is posting"





There weren't eastern european knights

>Poland, Lithuania and Bohemia didn't exist

I wonder what country you're from could you by any means be a fucking burgershart?