make Questions That Dont Deserve Their Own Thread

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Why didn't Napoleon simply blockade Russia along with Britain?

Is egoism just figuring out why you do what you do and seeing if it makes sense.

Why do people say Charlemagne split up his empire

Do you people really think events can be split into neet packages like the middle ages

Was there any way a viable kingdom could arise between France and Germany.

>Is egoism just figuring out why you do what you do and seeing if it makes sense.
A simplified but not incorrect summary

>Why do people say Charlemagne split up his empire
Prior to the death of Charlemagne, the Empire was divided among various members of the Carolingian dynasty. These included King Charles the Younger, son of Charlemagne, who received Neustria; King Louis the Pious, who received Aquitaine; and King Pepin, who received Italy. Pepin died with an illegitimate son, Bernard, in 810, and Charles died without heirs in 811. Although Bernard succeeded Pepin as King of Italy, Louis was made co-Emperor in 813, and the entire Empire passed to him with Charlemagne's death in the winter of 814.[4]

A couple of generations later it properly collapsed, but that was inevitable without Charlemange's prestige holding it together

>Do you people really think events can be split into neet packages like the middle ages
If you're giving a very basic summary of events, yes.

>Was there any way a viable kingdom could arise between France and Germany.
No, the Netherlands are fictional

With what navy?
Also, Russia didn't need to import food.

how a small kingdom as asturias survive the the umayyads

Apparently the Pope like them more than he liked Muslims

Napoleon specifically attacked Russia for one and only one reason - it stopped blockading Britain.
So why would you break your own blockade of Britain to blockade the guy who you are only at war with because he broke his blockade of Britain?

>make Questions That Dont Deserve Their Own Thread

Where do Bulgarians come from? Where did the Thracians go?

Barren terrain, lasting military occupation not possible, threat of Frankish invasion

Were the bavarians related to the avars.
Did the Mughals call themselves mongols

>Were the bavarians related to the avars.
In the sense that their name probably comes from the avars, yes.
I think Bavaria used to be called "the avar march", as in the frontier against the avars.
They are different peoples though, as far as real life allows for it.

>Did the Mughals call themselves mongols
Yes. At first the persians called them that, and later they adopted it for more legitimacy.
Babur, who started the Mughal dynasty, called himself that.

>still believing that those shitty arrows explain pro-modern migration

If Budapest is named for Attila's brother is Hungary named for the huns?

Although they wewuz, the name in Hungarian is Magyarország, meaning they accept their magyar descent

Hungary is like Byzantium, a later made up name that the people didn't use.
It was called Hungaria in the middle ages at some point, but the hungarians themselves did, and still do, call themselves Magyars, since they are magyars and not huns.
Hungaria is land of the Huns from latin, and was called that by the romans for obvious reasons, and after the dark ages it was rediscovered and stuck.
Persians also never called themselves that either, they always called themselves aryans (from there Iran).

Buda was some king that ruled there, and had a city named after him, thats part of modern Budapest, from there the name.

Thanks guys. I figured it was just a coincidence but didn't know where to look to follow up

Its not a coincidence, its just a mistake repeated by enough people over enough centuries.
The name Hungary does come from the huns, but thats because nobody asked the hungarians who they are or where they come from.

Its more complicated with Bulgaria.

Do you know any good books on the magyars? Or history of the region in general

Good as in entertaining, or good as in informative? The two tend not to match a lot.

I literally just googled about the question like a month ago and read this, and I liked it.
It is a lot of citations and sources though, not a good dramatization and a compelling narrative like many more popular american and british history books of the last decade.

Our duke Philip the Good wanted to recreate Middle France (or Lotharingia,), but on the coronation day the Enperor escaped.

What would life be like for an orthodox, nestorian or coptic christian in catholic europe?

*medieval catholic europe.

99% of people don't know almost anything about the religion they worship, so they wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
And the priests would have no reason to show the difference.

So unless you are some Nicean coming into Frankia and buying property and making trouble for the church, nobody would know or care.
Perhaps some casual iconoclasm if you get too public, but nothing out of the ordinary situation of a majority persecuting a minority.

At any rate, an eastern christian would live more comfortably in medieval catholic Europe than a jew did, or an atheist.

What does "States of the Church" mean? Papal States? Why is Venice part of it?

States of the Church on that map looks to be just the Roman Empire, as it was at the time.
As in, the Western Roman Empire, the actual one, and whats left of it.

What process if there was any standard process, was used to become a catholic priest in the late 5th century in what's now France?

Did Jewish nepotism and tribalism really contributed that much for their success?

Yes, but they were created by others oppressing them and forcing such qualities to develop. So whitey is Dr. Frankenstein.

Whitey created device for his own demise.

The ancients before christianity would allow divorce. You needed to go to your local judge/politician and give your reason, and they'd judge your case individually and decide if you are reasonable in wanting divorce.

At any rate its not a new development, divorce is an older institution than christianity or the idea of "the west".

In Christian theology, the Christian Church is traditionally divided into:
- the Church Militant (Latin: Ecclesia militans), which consists of Christians on earth who struggle as soldiers of Christ against sin, the devil, and "the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places";
- the Church Penitent (Latin: Ecclesia poenitens), also called the Church Suffering (Latin: Ecclesia dolens) or the Church Expectant (Latin: Ecclesia expectans), which in the theology of certain churches, especially that of the Catholic Church, consists of those Christians presently in Purgatory;
- the Church Triumphant (Latin: Ecclesia triumphans), which consists of those who have the beatific vision and are in Heaven.
These divisions are known as the three states of the Church, especially within Catholic ecclesiology.

If you're talking about the temporal domains of the church, that's the Papal States. Venice was never at any point part of it.

austria was a superpower throughout most of medieval europe, not to mention being the emperor for alot of the time helps

Nigga you just went full retard.


>Frankish migrating from Germany

They migrated from Pannonia, to the Rhine, then to Thuringia, then to Cambrais and the Somme, then settled around Paris-Orléans-Reims-Soissons.

how did spain decline from global superpower to backwoods afterthought


To expand on his statement, Spain pulled so much precious metal out of the Americas that their currency imploded. Funnily enough, they took the Ottomans down with them.

What did native Americans call their own continent?

It was always called the americas, as by god's choosing