Realized that south slavs are from iranian origin

>realized that south slavs are from iranian origin

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What proof is there for this, I am genuenly interested ?


There is none. It's just we-wuzzing

Polish nobility was sarmatian too, and Bulgars were Turan.

>Polish nobility was sarmatian


Pick one, that map is abouth the tribe Bulgars who united the slavic tribes of modern day Bulgaria, giving the country its name in the process, the Bulgars themselves werent slavic, they were either turkic or iranian, or a mix.

Bulgars, not slavs. Different things.

Do bulgarians have Bulgar admixture? Or do they look wierd because of turks

Bulgarians' short stocky stature + large-wide faces are most likely from Steppe-Turkic Bulgar origins.

Conclusively disproven on the scale you're suggesting.

Scythians only had their way with Slavic women and cucked Slav men. That's all there is to it and Poles LARP as Iranians.

Croatians were originally a Baloch/Pashtun tribe who fought their way into Europe and took local Illyrian and Slav women as wives, go figure that with so many non-Iranians they become Slav-Illyrian in language, genetics, etc; but they still retained the name of the Arachosians because the upper classes were Iranian. This literally always happens to Slavs. Look at the Bulgars cucking Slavs men. Look at the Tatars cucking Slav men.

So while the upper class were Iranians, they were never more than a small percent of the population, and got absorbed into the numerically vast locals. This is like the English claiming they are Normans and not Celts genetically. Slavs are as Iranian as they are Bulgar, which is to say none at all.

It's probably because of the turks

>Croatians were originally a Baloch/Pashtun tribe who fought their way into Europe and took local Illyrian and Slav women as wives

Nice we wuz history, what comic book did you read that in.

>So while the upper class were Iranians, they were never more than a small percent of the population, and got absorbed into the numerically vast locals.

That theory has been debunked soundly

Great answer
I found it interesting since I am a south slav and my name literally means "the guardian of Iran". Aldough it's probably just a coincidence, you are likely right, we are known for being huge we wuz-ers

>I found it interesting since I am a south slav and my name literally means "the guardian of Iran". Aldough it's probably just a coincidence


Yeah you got that from the Turks m8

>"we are known for being huge we wuz-ers"

Yugo? Wewuzers? Man, sometimes I wish we were southern slavs and not wewuzing LITERALLYWHOs. At least everyone would recognize our culture as "slavicized illyrians" rather than "formerly-commie LARPing turks".

another shitstorm about the southern Slavs after the Serbian we wuzer manged to get 200 replies?

you balkanoids sure are competitive

>my name literally means "the guardian of Iran"

That's right Reza we was south Slavs I'm not bullshitting you, praise Ali and Zarathustra!

The romans were Iranians.

At least we don't have threads about k*rds

The Romanians are Roman, nice try parthian scum.

Romans were romanian

Thats is wrong the first Roman kings came from Romania


can tatars into slavs now?

more like hunnics

>At least everyone would recognize our culture as "slavicized illyrians"

lol those south slavs are we wuzzing. though you're right noone's bigger wewuzzers than the albanians in the balkans

Bulgarians don't look any different than Serbs or Macedonians, the Balkans have a shit ton of variety of looks its not even funny, from scandi looking motherfuckers with blond hair and blue eyes to anatolian looking people, but these are rare outliers, most are in between, not because of Turkish admixture but because turks are basically islamized Greeks. But there isn't a uniform shade of skin color or phenotype that describes us. Apart from Albanians with their square heads, skiny and short stature, large noses and deformed faces from inbreeding. If you see a Serb you won't be able to tell him apart from a Bulgarian on sight, Albanians on the other hand...

Bulgarians are very visibly different from Serbs. Bulgarians are shorter, big-boned and darker features. Serbs are taller and lighter-featured.

The fuck went on with the Vandals?

>quotes 2 sentences out of 10
>too stupid to even contradict 2 statements
Like clockwork.

>denying with no evidence or facts
The Hrvatska came from Arachosia, the land of Pactyans and Aracoshians, an area that today is Balochistan and Pashtunistan. Alexander in Arachosia is believed to be Kandahar.

An invading tribe that we know from genetic evidence left it's Y-DNA mark and even lends it's fucking name onto the entire ethnic group, somehow never happened because you're too much of an idiot to go to google?

The same thing literally happened with Bulgars and Tatars. Are you such an idiot as to claim those never happened either?


>The Hrvatska came from Arachosia, the land of Pactyans and Aracoshians, an area that today is Balochistan and Pashtunistan. Alexander in Arachosia is believed to be Kandahar.

Sorry, "Hrvat" has already been confirmed as a Turkic title: Kur-Bat and Serbs/Slavs within the Avar Khaganate took this name after a certain Kurbat/Kubrat freed them from Avar rule.

This is also mentioned in Da administrado imperio (Chorbatos leading the "Croats" into the Balkans)

And Croat Historian Andrija Kacic Miosic cites this as well in the 18th century in his book "Razgovor ugodni naroda slovinskog" where he says that Kurbat freed the Slavs and these Slavs took his name in his honor. And that these Slavs were by origin Serbs.

Are you fucking retarded? Actually on second thought, I can't tell if this is satire or turk wuzism.

I don't think it's possible for the non-retarded to deny the relationship between

This is a REALLY good meme
