How about White We Wuzzers?

We know about Niggers going They Wuz Egyptians/Hebrews/Whatever. But what about Whites like Richard Spencer going We Wuz Kangz?

Richard Spencer went We Wuz Egyptians after some Nigger went We Wuz. He could have just said the Egyptians were Near Easterners.

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Richard Spencer suffers from autism like most of the other Alt-Right leaders

Nothing else to it

I'm going to ask my ant if she can help you with it OP



Look like Near Easterners.

White people are just people without an excess of melanin in their skin, which is an environmental advantage pretty much anywhere that isnt sub Saharan Africa.

My ex was a dark skinned African and she could pic up metal sheets from the oven with her hand and shit.

Basically if youre going to make a qualitative observation based on a single trait, presence of melanin in skin, the whole fucking world is "white".

Well, some Egyptian pharaohs were confirmed to be R1b, and some Egyptian pharaohs were Nubian, so from a purely technical standpoint, both black and white Egyptian we wuzers are right.

They look like maghrebis


Maghrebi phenotypes vary widely from black to Berber.

>it's another haplogroup = ethnicity episode on Veeky Forums



Those are from Lower Egypt. You could try some Uppers.

PTOLEMY dynasty was "white" Nubian dynasties were black you don't have to look at haplogroups at all

>stormcucks only think Northern Europeans are white
>still jerk off to the Romans and Greeks
>b-b-but they wuz Nordic n shiieett

No it wasn't see

Why is it that white supremacists only consider Middle Easterners to be human when talking about Egypt? Suddenly they are transformed into super civilized ubermensch when in every other venue they are "inbred low IQ savages"

Really makes you think


That's from the ptolemaic period, literally the absolute very last 4 (((dynasties))) of the ancient egypt story arc.


They're a race now?

>yeah, we did

lel why is he so retarded

Those are Egyptians. The Hellenistic ruling class didn't mix with the egyptian majority and egyptian genetics show no sign of mixture from them.

With that being said the "Ancient Egyptians" were certainly the browner Southern population still there today.

>Egyptians were whi-

They only got wrecked post-Islam. The original Arabs in Arabia were always barbaric but through Islam, they spread their arab ways (tribalism, dogmatism, cousin marriage)to the entirety of MENA through arabization/Islamization. Prior to arabization, the Middle East and North Africa were home to bro-tier civilizations.

Please stop talking about this shit you faggot.
You guys who bitch about them actually shit up this board WAY more then they do by a huge amount.

>The original Arabs in Arabia were always barbaric

Yes, I used to think this too. Until I found out they developed written language before anyone in the Italian peninsula did. I was just as shocked as you.

>having a written language means your not barbaric

cognitive dissonance.

Richard wpencer was a literal who even amongst the alt right before the media blew him up.

Everything that isn't "Nomadic tribes" here are sedentary civilizations with written language, advanced architecture, sculptures, metallurgy, etc. There is also D'mt in Ethiopia dating to 800 BC which was the precursor to the Kingdom of Axum.

Actually they think even Cleopatra mixed with Egyptians now

Werent there literal red headed pharaohs though?

*was mixed with Egyptian

you didn't answer my question

These guys were black Africans I guess.

It's more than 90% of humanity accomplished (who took their script from other people)

Please explain to me the Racial differences between Greeks/Romans and Egyptians?


Whites are the real niggers throughout history. They constantly chimp out, escape abroad as refugees, and rape/kill the native populations.

Why do we call African-Americans, African-Americans then turn around and say they are unrelated to African culture?

So it means you have to make a more compelling case for them to be just savages when something like the thought of recording themselves occurred within them and not the vast majority of others, who lived before this idea reached them like a muskrat, leaving no record of their existence but a corpse and a crude settlement

I am white and I agree tbqh

I don't call them African-Americans.
Self identified hyphenated americans are cancerous no matter their skin colour.
Also they are unrelated to "African culture", whatever the hell that is, because they've lived their whole lives in America, consuming American culture.

Barbarians could never build something like this.

O'rly it looks like whites are the ones getting raped.

Pure middle eastern

The average African American has 20% European ancestry

Just think about that

So what should we call them then? "Black American" is long and doesn't roll off the tongue.

The size of Israel there is triggering me

Can you prove it was rape.

The entire Balkans has chronic we wuz

>we wuz schythians
>we wuz alexander
>we wuzn't serbs
>we wuz slavs

African-Americans are mostly related to West Africans, on the opposite side of the continent to Egypt.


no one will use Griffe, autist

Albanians say dey wuz Illyrians though, but they might be correct.

shit sorry I meant Illyrians lol

Slaves can't give consent user

Never said they hellenic ruling elite practiced admixture with the locals. Only stated which period they were from. And the fayum drawings are of the ruling elite, which were helleno-persianboos who did intermarriage between seleucids/ptolemaic/"pure" hellenics.

Maybe we should be more specific then. West African-American.

AHH, sorry I forgot ALL Africans were slaves prior to 1865 and that no miscegenation happened after 1865.
Name 5 cases where white slavers violently raped black women and they had children.

>how many slaves have you ever met? Have you asked about whether they liked it, and were an active participant. Maybe they found massa wealth and power sexy?

We will never know, your assumptions are purely speculative and very naive.

Them black girls wanted that big white dick

No it's pretty damn obvious what the term mean form most people asides from you who still needs everything spelt out and printed in block script to actually get.

This is very much a possibility, probably even likely.

SJW's hate this notion. To them everything is rape and blacks are eternal victims. SJWs are the real racists forcing victimhood mentality on unsuspecting blacks so Shlomo can profit.

Your brain is twisted in knots. I apologize.

Nope, you can even see in the article you posted that their statues didn't look Negroid. They were likely a mix of East Africans and Egyptians.

So now your the official spokesperson for "most people". How about we strive for accurate terminology.

>stormcuck logic

All black people look like Leslie jones.

The whole we wuz thing is an American thing. Race is secondary.

Because ancient egyptians were a nilosaharan ethnic group, which was the result of several previous ethnic group of east africa, north africa and subpluvial sahara making a rush for the Nile Valley.

Picrelated is where most of the new world slaves came from. The overwhelming majority is coming from no way near those regions. It's the equivalent of nordcucks larping as romans because both technically belong to the same continent. It's intentionally misdirecting.

Are you talking about hoteps?


The why do we use the term African-American if it is clearly a misleading descriptor. So long as we keep calling them that they have rights to the whole continents worth of culture and history.

They area fucking minority. Why do people like blowing them up or act that they just "discovered" this small part of Afro-American group like they were the first.

It's like if 10 years form now some guy on a Cambodian crayola moving picture board just discovered what "Juggalos" are.

Because Black Americans were brought to the new world as bastards devoid of any traceable roots except that they're from somewhere in west africa.

>truth hurts

Probably because most do not know which region of africa they came from, so using "africa" as a broad indicator of lineage is the next best thing. Sadly it enables a lot of larping. I fear we are simply stuck with it.

Note it's not unique to african-americans from the amount of heritagefagging we see from the white US population.

Because the term means they are descended from people from there.

>They area fucking minority
I agree. But we are clearly talking about those who do ITT, and why they might be predisposed to it. I'm not actually trying to insinuate that trend is common to all black americans.