Was he right?

was he right?

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No, just another brainwashed American imperialist drone who brainwashed other Americans

>muh ebil gommunism


He was right in that communists were infiltrating the government. He then capitalized on the justified fear of communism and began using it to his advantage.

Yes, he was.

Not only was he right about there being commies in the state department, he was able to identify with some accuracy those commies.

He was right that there were communists in the US but he was wrong in thinking this was a bad thing

>Veeky Forums gladly accepts Russian influence in us government
>believing in Israeli influence in us government means you are a "MUH 1488 BASED VIKES" shill


>At the height of McCarthyism, Belfrage was summoned in 1953 to appear before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC).
>In 1995, the decrypted VENONA intercepts—a project between the US and British intelligence services to decipher Soviet wires — were made public. United States intelligence has alleged that Unnamed Codename Number 9 (UNC/9) was Belfrage.


>In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy referred to Karr as Drew Pearson’s “KGB controller”.
>After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992, in the new atmosphere of openness, Soviet investigative journalist Albats published an article in Izvestia quoting documents from KGB archives that Karr was “a competent KGB source” who ‘‘submitted information to the KGB on the technical capabilities of the United States and other capitalist countries.”


>Called before the HUAC (chaired by Congressman Karl Mundt), Coe denied under oath having ever been a member of the CPUSA.
>A recent investigation into the KGB archives claims that files show Coe to have been a Soviet agent.


>the United States refused to renew his passport in 1954 due to the McCarthyism atmosphere in Washington, DC.
>He appears in the VENONA cables under the cover name 'PAGE', and in Soviet intelligence archives as 'VIM' and as a source for the Golos and Bentley spy networks.

If anything he didn't knew how bad things actually were.

He wasn't wrong about everything. He just took things too far by becoming a demagogue.

He faced the greatest challenge of all free societies: should we give liberty to those who wish to bring tyranny and enslavement on all?

He claimed to have a list of communists. He was right that there were communists around, but the list was bullshit. He had no idea who they were and exploited fear and paranoia for political gain.

>ended foolish Vietnam war effort
>founded EPA
>ruthlessly fought communism
>built relations with China and kept it away from the Soviet/Comintern fold
>about to implement civil rights and economic protections for the little guy before getting impeached
>was cool to Elvis

Yes. Just because you're a Slytherin doesn't make you a death eater

Israeli interests and American interests are largely the same, if they weren't the Arabs would've cannibalized them years ago

Jesus Christ, kys you fucking faggot.

>founded EPA
the organization that accelerated the deterioration of the middle class, this isn't a good thing

Nice bait.

Trumpist nose miner detected

Did we have a communist rebellion in the USA?

You're welcome.

This. As pointed out, there were undoubtedly Communist spies in the US government. However someone with as many vested interests as McCarthy was clearly the wrong person to do something about it.
Too many innocent people whose only "crime" was having political viewpoints that didn't conform to the status quo were ostracized.

>were ostracized

Oh boo boo poor widdle baby ;_;

I wish I could write your name on a pot shard.

Tons of people are ostracized by your progressive leftist society for th "crime" of having political viewpoints that didn't confirm to your status quo.

Your thugs attack citizens in the streets at political rallies and stop ostracized speakers from their platforms.

All McCarthy did was start naming names.

If your side's shenanigans keep up we may be forced to do a repeat...

Environmental regulations directly contribute to deindustrialization, which ultimately puts us at a disadvantage as the world military hegemon

That's what the Civil Rights movement was though

>celebrated by Hollywood
>have their story told in countless books
>were never excluded from academia
>never disowned by their families and friends, had plenty of support in powerful networks

Gee, I wish I was that "ostracized" as those commies were.

Want to know who was actually ostracized? Frank Capra, whose patriotism was considered "naive" by the cultural elites of postwar America.

There were probably spies.

But hey, lets turn our back on what makes us Americans, disregard our constitutions, due process and engage in slander and fear mongering.



fuck off you pasty little virgin

>, he was able to identify with some accuracy those commies.

>/pol/ considers this a viable tactic for arguments

Fuck off back to your containment board, trumpeter.

I meant by the communities of the time. Once they lost their job they were outcasts.

he was right about everything

they couldn't act on his list because there were too many (((coincidences)))

Sort of, but he was out of line calling Ike a communist.

The Venona files have verified many of his claims.

Somewhat. He was 100% that the Soviets infiltrated the States with agents. This is a guaranteed fact.

However, he purposely overestimated the amount and ability of said agents and used the political environment to his advantage by black listing or threatening to black mail political rivals.

>communists are innocent

Well he clearly failed seeing how the same people claiming he purged the commies are also claiming that cultural Marxists are everywhere

>it is okay when we or the government does it!

>muh any sort of imperialism is capitalism, even without a free market, rule of law, political rights, private property rights, etc.
>muh communism can't be imperialistic because imperialism is capitalistic by definition, muh COMECON and muh Africa never happened

The list was not bullshit, and admitting that "there were Communist spies in the US government" would be a grave understatement. Joseph McCarthy clearly had a double agent feeding him information or something. A sizable majority of the people he accused, according to the VENONA files, were likely communist spies. This meant that significant portion of the US government, at the time, was infiltrated by Communists.

Because dumb leftist idiots like you would have preferred to have let our guard down instead of admitting that McCarthy was right. The Communists began the long march through the institutions before World War II even ended.

No because he just wanted power.

>According to the Venona files

Reminder to take this with a grain of salt. The Venona files do not confirm most of the accused Soviet agents and a good deal of the supposed matched names are based entirely on conjecture.

Was McCarthy right in claiming that there are Russian spies? Of coz espionage is everywhere. Is McCarthy right to use that to bludgeon the leftists with HUAC? Nope, not in the 'land of the free'

Was it not him doing most of the brainwashing, basically
>shit, i might not get elected again, better make some shit up
>Shit, that actually worked, better keep it up

Communists aren't human, and therefore don't have rights.

reddit is real

t. classcucks
t. poor retarded classcucks

This is so stupid it doesn't even merit a response.