What's wrong with America being the world police? Isn't that what Great Britain was when it was the dominant power?

What's wrong with America being the world police? Isn't that what Great Britain was when it was the dominant power?

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america isn't doing a very good job of it

>the middle east

i think britain did it better but they also had it a lot easier

It's just the fact that they've been humiliatingly defeated in every operation they've ubdertsjen in the last thirty years that's the problem.

It's because they've secured a relative world peace unlike any other time in human history, and prosperity. They've die it for so long that most people have gotten use to it and now criticise it not knowing how terrible the world can be.

>It's because they've secured a relative world peace


Because America has the world watching them.
See when the British Empire was decaying shit they could have gotten away with shit free got noticed and Britain hurt by the bad rep like the mau mau rebellion and other restitance to them.

Implying Crimea or Afghanistan was not a British shitshow

The problem is 'world police' thinking they're above the law.

But they have.

Against Empire argues that modern American foreign policy is in large part conducted for the purpose of securing the continuation of extractive industries to reap the natural resources of the third world at their expense for the benefit of first world organizations.


timeline beginns 1999

They don't think, they are.

So similar but not exactly like imperialism.

The author specifically considers it imperialism albeit sometimes a more subtle kind than outright subjugation through force. You should check the book out, it's a decent read. I think it offers an interesting good point of view even if you don't agree with it.

Britain was never the world police Britain was just there to maintain a balance of power.

because america wasn't meant to become an empire


I like America as the world's hegemon when compared to say modern China and Russia.

They have retarded amounts of Soft Power, but they love to flex their Hard Power in everyone's faces. Which doesn't always pan out. And all of their Soft Power is wasted by having them project their domestic problems on the wider world.

Both runners up don't have the cultural/economic/military output to take up the mantle of global peacekeeper.

And honestly, the only reason we are evn able to discuss this is because America allows for self reflection and critique - unlike the others who behave like frail princesses everytime someone voices just a little feedback.

Meant America in the second paragraph

>Isn't that what Great Britain was when it was the dominant power?

Nope, Britain never was the dominant power in Europe
As soon as France lost its statut of dominant power in 1815, Russia took over this role, and then Germany did

Britain only ever dominated third world shithole, but acted more as a criminal than as the police in those places

>oppressing third worlders

>British Imperialism

Libshit detected

Britain had the world's largest navy, they could have definitely gone to war against any of the great powers and have a chance of winning.

It isnt being a world police its a terrorist state, there is no world policing done by America at all.

>implying back then people thought it was okay that Britain policed the world.

>they could have definitely gone to war against any of the great powers and have a chance of winning.

Maybe the "great powers" among african tribes
But in each of its wars against an european great power, Britain needed strong allies

name a more peaceful era...

It's a massive thankless burden where civilians are punished for mistakes while military contractors pocket the gains.

The Royal Navy spent half the nineteenth century chasing slavers around the Atlantic after Wilberforce guilt tripped parliament.

So far, after ww2, we had the most prosperous and peaceful age ever.
I moved from russia to germany, and FUCK russia, and thanks americans for breaking russias back, and sponsoring germany to become a propper country.

America at the rudder made the world a waay better place. At least so far.

Now, if you could break russia again, and cripple the middle eastern dictator bullshit, that would rock. I don't see who else even could do this.

this tbqh


To be fair, America ignores black on black crime just like most police departments do, so...not sure what the point is here.


America been doing that shit since South America finished their wars of independence. It's nothing new. They just took it to the big leagues after WWII.

>What's wrong with America being the world police?

literally nothing. Theres always got to be some big swinging dick running the show, and all the people who bitch about America as the worse thing ever have the option of being ruled over by the Chinese or Russians.