Why did white people nearly exterminate the Jews

Why did white people nearly exterminate the Jews.

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Actually op most white people stepped on to save them.

Not that zionists make the distinction.

If you want to know why Hitler tried it read his book.

Jealously and tribalism
T. Guy who did his A Level coursework on it

As a professor at Yale for Semitic studies this is hogwash.

Would you like to drop your card then, if your friends find out it doesn't matter as you can say you're a colonist from r/socialism, and it's a blue board anyway

Do what you like, Hitler wrote an entire book justifying his actions in his psyche.

And none of it mentions jealousy but a lot of it talks about jewish tribalism.

So you're half right I guess. Still gonna give you a C-

Antisemitism is fairly ubiquitous and perennial, We live in the odd part of history where it's been heavily legislated against because of the way this atrocity (the holocaust) has been marketed.

Late Victorian British liberals loathed the Hebrew influence on their society and began to call them out for their causal role on the frivolous spending on British tax money and worse, British lives.
Hobson writes in 1900:
> recent developments of Transvaal gold-mining have thrown the economic resources of the country more and more into the hands of a small group of international financiers, chiefly German in origin and Jewish in race.

It is a fact, universally observed that wherever Jews are - they're grossly over-represented in the illicit and depraved trades (gambling, usury, liquor and other narcotic dealings, prostitution, fraud, and worst of all, law and government).

Even in their remonstrances of the NoI's questionable work ("The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews") jews are forced to concede a gross over-representation of their number in the transatlantic slave trade, an event they are seldom held responsible for.

You can check right now, 3 of the 8 remaining supreme court justices are Jews, all irredeemably liberal despite them being less than 1/70 of the population. In the USA they also populate the lists of the perpetrators responsible for fraud. In recent years we've seen he perpetrator of the largest fraud in U.S history was Jewish, what are the chances?

Jews also have the most Nobel prizes per capita, especially when you include the economy ones. They also score high on IQ tests. They're simpy genetically more capable, that's it.


Jews are whites though. I don't understand where the resentment comes from on a racial basis as they are of the same race.

You're not white.

No, but we can accuse you of perverting the facts, consider that even before all this recent shit Jews were hated despite being benign as far as religious groups went. The reason they took jobs centred around money lending and banking was because they were prohibited from other professions.

Most of the hatred towards Jews stems from the middle-ages where Christians still viewed them as being responsible for Christ's death, many were skilled tradesmen or craft workers.

Hell even in England they were persecuted because they had lent money to the English kings, and had the audacity to actually ask for repayment, thus they were slandered and massacred and ultimately expelled from the country, and the kings went back to borrowing from Arabian merchants.

Bear in mind that modern banking emerged from Jewish tradition due to major opposition by the Christian Church on religious grounds. Argue about the ethical standing of modern banks as much as you wish but for them it's a tradition and one they did not take by choice.

I know I'm likely to not dissuade you from your way of thinking, but I'd encourage you to consider the implications of judging any collective to be 'parasites' based on your own confirmation bias.

"White people" didn't do anything because they don't constitute a collective hivemind, the same way jews don't.

Only sensible response itt.

This, Jews are like white people in this way. They are one of the superior/master races, next to whites and the Chinese, and with that they have high highs and low lows. Whites did a lot of fucked up shit too, but I wouldn't want to get rid of them and all of their accomplishment because of that. And like whites, the Jews are a loose collection of people who aren't necessarily the same. Some are good, some are bad.
Antisemitism stems from jealousy. Behind all of this empty moralizing is a fat gentile who was outcompeted in business by a Jew and so takes out his frustrations on the entire race. The Jews were the only people who were allowed to lend money for centuries, of course they float to the top in finance.

Kek, your quote proves that it was nothing more but petty jealousy.

What about all the good we Jews brought to the world?

You see that you didn't even need the official version of the holocaust to be true, in order for this to be horrific. If even only these people in the picture died, and that accidentally, not by gassing but by starvation and tifus, it is already pretty bad. But people die like that daily. People die in Palestine like that daily. You either embrace the fact that humanity was a mistake and should go extinct mode, or you go full all against all survival mode.

Tons of scientists are Jews, also a higher than expected amount of great writers, artists, and musicians are ethic Jews

Why did white people saved Jews from extermination?

WW2 wasn't about the Jews. Even wealthy American Jews didn't care about their poor brothers from East Europe.

As SS-Sergeant and camp guard Franz Suchomel put it, "Treblinka was a primitive but efficient production line of death. Understand? Primitive, yes. But it worked well, that production line of death."

"Before they reach their end, the pigs get a shower, a real one. Water sprays from all angles to wash the farm off of them. Then they begin to feel crowded. The pen narrows like a funnel; the drivers behind urge the pigs forward, until one at a time they climb onto a moving ramp. The ramp's sides move as well as it's floor. The floor is cleated to give the pigs footing. The sides are made of blocks of wood so that they will not bruise, and they slant inward to wedge the pigs along. Now they scream, never having been on such a ramp, smelling the smells they smell ahead. I do not want to over dramatize, because you have read all this before. But it was a frightening experience, seeing their fear, seeing so many of them go by. It had to remind me of things no one wants to be reminded of any more, all mobs, all death marches, all mass murders and extinctions, the slaughter of the buffalo, the slaughter of the Indian, the Inferno, Judgment Day, complicity, expensive races, races living at the expense of the race."

>white people
You mean Nazi Germany which is a minority of whites on earth. Also white people are the reasons jews still breathe so say thanks you jewish fuckhead!


All nothing but a part of their chameleon act.
>Jews are the master race
Jew detected.

Even 10% is nothing. I've seen plenty of self identifying whites with 5% native american and another 5% west african. And they literally look the same. There's also no such thing as a pure race. Everyone is mixed in some way.

>hurr all Jews are evil nation-wreckers
You're a fucking retard, that's literally just like saying that all whites are evil imperialist slave owners.

Some Jews are good, some are bad. Because of their high intelligence, good Jews do a lot of good but bad Jews do a lot of bad, just like whites.

That's all very convenient and coincidental, no?

Are you OK?

Nah jews are all evil, all of you are apart of the plan to enslave humanity. You get instructions of what you are meant to do to us at your Bar Mitzvahs. Meanwhile the jew is the one how calls us nonjew soulless cattle oh fuck off already.

Does Isaac Newton have a prize? NO?
Then they're probably not perfectly distributed to the most formidable intellects in there respective fields are they?
I hate this response, you've taken antisemitism and flipped it to be anti-literally everyone else.
The fact of the the matter is an Israeli is far less likely to be the recipient of a prize than the native of a Germanic nation which, even if i conceded the merit of this barometer, means that Jews are only disproportional successful - when placed in industrious societies. Just as a parasite amounts to more when given a healthy host.
Of-course a group who inherit an obscene amount of political and liquid capital, and who rarely "work" for a living are going to receive more swedish gold coins than those they endlessly exploit.
Jews are genetically more capable? Then why were six million of the most exalted among them turned to ash by a drug-addled failed art student from Austria?
Their position of privilege is entirely predicated on the momentum of their sins.
>they were prohibited from other professions.
How about go somewhere and found your own society instead of resorting to this ridiculous excuse for living an ignoble life in a foreign land. The Jews are spiritually obliged to charge interest on non-Jews and to not do so with their own - an affront to the basic human tenant of reciprocity.
>it's a tradition and one they did not take by choice.
Jesus Christ. You write great fiction about the English monarchy though.
This shouldn't enrich my argument, but it may diminish yours, my paternal grandmother was an Ashekanzi Jew, and I like you used to be very averse to antisemitism. An honest and voracious reading of history cured me of that intellectual hiccup.

Is this bait?

Why should I be pro semitic?

Just fuck off already you evil humans, no one will bow down and worship you like your mad instruction manual to kill us all the Protocols of Zion say. Not even blacks are as horrible as you are, you are the only humans who should have never existed at all that is how cancerous you are.

Most intelligent people (ie not you) are neither pro- nor anti-Semitic. They are neutral towards the Jews, they're thought to just be regular people like you and me.

Protocols of Zion is literally copied from a novel, I'm starting to think that you're false-flagging as a /pol/ack

As of 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency set the value of a human life at $9.1 million. Meanwhile, the Food and Drug Administration put it at $7.9 million — and the Department of Transportation figure was around $6 million. Jul 21, 2012

>they're thought to just be regular people like you and me.
Doesn't jive desu considering they're an intellectual and financial elite with a ridiculous amount of influence

And by "voracious reading" I mean I read all infopics I could find.

And? Whites are an intellectual and financial elite compared to blacks too. You're acting just like stupid nigs who can't come up with any reason why there are barely any successful blacks without resorting to "da whitey is opreshun me n shit"

White people and black people usually have conflicting interests it isn't expected for black people to be pro white do I ask again why should I be pro semitic?

Why aren't you joining forces with blacks against jews is the bigger question?

Why does a Jew always answer a question with a question?

>White people and black people usually have conflicting interests
Not really, no.
>it isn't expected for black people to be pro white do I ask again why should I be pro semitic?
Ideally, blacks would try to compete with whites as equals instead of getting butthurt and blaming them for all their problems.

So you aren't willing to put differences aside and unite even though it'd be in your best interest, I see.

Expected by who? And what the fuck does it mean to be "pro" an heterogeneous group of millions of different people? What conflicting interests? And why do /pol/tards constantly write as if there were some supra-individual entities controlling races?

It's not though. Overwhelming majority of black people are dead weight. I can do without the NBA and rap """"""music""""" desu

Again. Why should I be pro semitic? You can't answer. Go to sleep Moshe

I like that they include what the reader of the infopic should think now. If you're going to brainwash retards you might as well go all the way through.

>oy vey goyim nothing to see here we simply control the entirety of the mass media nothing to see here heheheheheh

Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold.

Leo Tolstoy

As usual, you can see the stormfag starts hallucinating imaginary quotes when confronted as a defense mechanism.

Two thousand years in making.

You're asking for root cause without realizing the root cause stretches thousands of years.

Main reason is antagonism between Christianity/Judiasm. Specifically the role jews played in Jesus's crucifixion, or atleast that's how the narrative was spun as by the political elites and the common foilks.

Hitler's final solution wasn't a thing out of vacuum, but rather a historical continuation of the Jewish hate.

Go away moshe

Well, your mind is controlled by shitty /pol/ infographics. And if they are as reliable as their pictures about history then I'm sure you are more brainwashed than any normal person.

>waaah the Jews are just too successful and we whites just can't keep up waah

pic related is you right now.

I don't even browse /pol/ and Jewish over representation in media isn't exactly controversial or esoteric. But okay. Whatever you say.

As usual, you can see the stormfag starts accusing everyone of being jewish when confronted as a defense mechanism.
The next step is usually either a stormfag meme/infopic or a "t. somethingberg".

Meant for .

It must be embarrassing to be called out on citing a fake document as evidence of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy

You're obviously framing it as a conspiracy. Jews get into positions of power for the same reason whites do, they're simply more intelligent than everybody else.

It's literally just jealousy. Religion, dark magic, rituals, degeneracy, conspiracies and all this nonsense are merely excuses. It's obvious if you read some anti-Semitic publications from the 19th century.

No jew its how you acting right, you are acting as though you have been found out thats why you are doing typical jew tricks and trying to shame into agreeing with you

Ejected out of hundreds of countries, yet not cancer to mankind hmmmm.
No Jews get positions due to racial nepotism the top colleges in America and Europe are infested with jews.

>It's literally just jealousy.
Typical jew behavior, the inability to comprehend why non jews would hate them beyond wanting to be like them.

>get called on a lie
>AH-HA! getting called on a lie is proof that you're a jew, conspiracy confirmed!
You are a schizophrenic and your conspiracy is unfalsifiable.

How does it feel to be fighting an enemy that doesn't exist? Your ressentiment is showing

What conspiracy? Merely suggesting jews look out for each other and would probably push a narrative beneficial to the jews is a conspiracy now? Well it's not really a conspiracy it's merely emergent behavior.

You're being silly.

>literally doing exactly what I just said
The jew displays his inability to ever not be a hypocrite.

Conspiracy? HAHAHAHHAHAHA oh not its fact by now if you pay attention to the world.

>we don't even exist goy! pay no attention to Jewish domination of the media, the latest rap magic™ album is on sale on iTunes!

This ignores that "the Jews" don't all have the same interests, they are a group composed of diverse individuals. Just like how there are white communists, fascists, liberals, Buddhists, Christians, atheists, etc.

They don't want to be exactly like them, they want their money. Modern anti-Semitism appeared in 19th century after Jewish emancipation because they started to dominate in many fields.

The Protocols of Zion is literally lifted straight out of an obscure Russian novel. It's not real. Do you deny this?

>Jews are only disproportional successful - when placed in industrious societies.
I assume German jews are not overrepresented among German Nobel Prize Winners since both ethnic Germans and German jews both live in the same industrious country, am I right?

So, you posted a fake historical document. What kind of response do you think a non-jew would make to call you out on your lie without granting an accusation of being a jew from you?

Not every single jew has to agree with every single other jew for there to be broad overarching Jewish interests. Stop being a moron.

Are you also against whites who are in positions of power, or just the (((le joos)))?

What are these "overarching Jewish interests"? And don't say Israel, there are tons of anti-Zionist Jews

>they want their money.
No we white males simply want to advance and better humanity, you jews are just wild animals who cant think beyond your base impulses

The very econonomic system of today was created by your evil race meaning all the poverty in the world is CAUSED BY YOU.

>Modern anti-Semitism appeared in 19th century after Jewish emancipation because they started to dominate in many fields.
You mean jews infest businesses with only jews and use their media influence to remove goyim competition.
>Zions is not real I swear goy
Not the stuff in them is happening and has been happening since 300 years ago.

>what is 1 + 1 please don't say 2

>What conspiracy?
>literally posted a pic saying jews control everyone's minds
>literally implies all jews are part of some hivemind with single interests

Whites are not racial lunatics like jews, we just use media to report things but jews use media to destroy countries.


>Not the stuff in them is happening and has been happening since 300 years ago.
Probably because it's so vague and, you know, fictional
Not all Jews support Israel retard
>whites have never done anything bad
Dying rn

Israel exists because of zionist jews in the west so shut up with the HURR ISRAEL IS INNOCENT I SWEAR GOY.

Its all a giant chamelon act they play on us, they use the Ashkenazim to make jews look like they are helping the world, while the Israelis poison the globe.

There is actually less poverty today than in the past. It seems like the Jews made the world a better place to live.

Are you retarded?

>No we white males simply want
When did I vote for you as the leader of some hivemind?

Israelis and Zionists =/= all Jews

>Not all Jews support Israel retard
Not all jews have to you stupid fuck and guess what anti Zionist jews live and travel to Israel all the same

>doing something bad is racial lunacy
I thought Ashkenazim were smart.
>Seriously goy just do what we tell you already stop trying to figure things out.
The poverty of the previous world had no global economic system and was the cause of independent nations, jews created this enslavement we call the world economy to hold countries hostage.

Who said israel is innocent again?

Then not all Jews are bad.
>no racial lunacy
l m a o

>anti Zionist jews live and travel to Israel all the same
Stormfags make the most arbitrary and unfalsifiable statements, lel.

>division and conquest by pretending to be a white person
Typical kike behavior.

What racial lunacy do whites have?

White supremacy was created to stop whites from releasing feral african savages into their societies like today.

>Not all jews
>Not all jews
>Not all jews
>Not all jews
Doesnt change the fact you are trying to enslave humanity.

>Typical kike behavior.
Unfalsifiable accusation of being jew as defense mechanism. Typical stormfag behaviour.

That wasn't me. And that guy didn't say anything of the sort. Stop making up imaginary people and quotes.

Of course you are a jew, only a jew will continue to defend kikes for so long, and react in your manner. The fact you went HURR YOU MAD BECAUSE WE BETTER THAN YOU shows you are a fucking jew.

Post all the nice jews you want, you are still evil humans who do nothing but ruin this planet.

Schlomo when will realize thanks to the internet you can no longer control the narrative?


Jews are pro israel even when they aren't

>Of course you are a jew, only a jew will continue to defend kikes for so long, and react in your manner.
Anyone that refutes you proves you right because they must be jews, and anyone who doesn't proves you right. You're an absolute retard.

>The fact you went HURR YOU MAD BECAUSE WE BETTER THAN YOU shows you are a fucking jew.
Again, you are discussing with several people, retard. I never posted anything like that.

>Post all the nice jews you want, you are still evil humans who do nothing but ruin this planet.
Sure, m8, there's literally millions of different people with the same interests controlled by a hivemind trying to destroy the world like some cartoon baddy.