Redpill me on the Caspian Sea, Veeky Forums. Tell me its secrets.
Redpill me on the Caspian Sea, Veeky Forums. Tell me its secrets
I heard that THEY WUZ KANGS
I heard a theory that Indoeuropeans came from there, because the sea wasdry 9000 years ago and they formed Atlantis/The Atlantic confederation, that's where Sumerians came from too
Its a lake
What goes on there? Is it related to the Balkans?
What are these purple tumors in Georgia? Actually, what is Georgia doing in the fucking middle east?
South Ossetia and Abkhazia
>What are these purple tumors in Georgia
Rightful russian clay
>what are these purple tumors in Georgia?
these are our lands currently occupied by vladi.
>what is georgia doing in the fucking middle east?
surviving kiddo, surviving
Dunno. Turks and Turkophiles (like An*elina Jolie) will have you believe the name Balkans is etymologically turkish, meaning blood and honey.
Probably Russian puppet states.
where did you think it was? Next to austria?
Georgia is in da souf boy.
Who's worse.. the Muslims or Russians?
i dont care, both have done harm, both want our land, we just want to be left alone
>we just want to be left alone
To bombard cities in the middle of the night?
The ultimate redpill.
The Caspian basin is important today because it's rich in fossil fuel resources. It's history is unimportant and insignificant compared to other historical locations in the region.
I'm pretty sure that the name "Balkans" is indeed considered to be of Turkic origin by scholars, if not specifically Turkish.
>the Armenia-Azerbaijan border
Its pretty nice there. My family is from the Iranian coastal region so I spent some time up there.
IIRC its actually of persian origin.
Caucasus is the transitional zone between middle east and europe
Some of the most pointless navies on the planet exist on the Caspian Sea.
Using the Volga Don canal those navies can travel into the black sea or towards St Petersburg via the Volga.
It's shrinking and Soviets tested diseases and biological weapons on islands there.
Well I don't know anything about this but let's say russia and iran go to war, russia can't send planes and bombs and shit over azerbaijan or kazakhstan and turkmenistan without causing a huge international incident, so as long as iran has naval supremacy in the caspian sea they can shoot everything down and no russian bombs or troops themselves can get over there, they'd have to go around the long way