Post antiheroes of history.
Post antiheroes of history
Other urls found in this thread:
>brutal communist dictator who killed all the gay's in Cuba
>not evil
>overthrow the tetrarchy because it doesn't work
>institute ridiculous economic reforms which centralised power and led to an overblown bureaucracy and the death of he weak economy
>put people in collectives and force them to work to save the economy
>cause the upperclas the seek refuge by the barbarians... by the fucking BARBARIANS
>fight against the death cult who seeks to overthrow your empire
>after you crushed your own economy and fail to destroy or integrate the death cult you decide to become a private citizen (with a giant palace) so you reinstitute the tetrarchy which never worked in the first place
>after the civil wars the reinstitution tetrarchy caused get ask for help with the trouble you caused
>say the new emperor that his problems are none of your business and that you will grow your cabbage watchin him dealing with the problems you caused in the first place
>get rememberd as a good emperor with the only downside that you fought the death cult who seeked to overthrow your empire
This emperor was a god-tier level troll. Just like Caligula.
>fixating on Castro's policies towards homosexuals as justification for calling him evil
>probably ignores how the US treated and treats homosexuals and trans people while praising the US hegemony
> the US violated human rights, therefore Castro's human rights violations are justified
>killing people who do not produce more people in an economic system that relies on increasing population
>inherently evil
or better yet
>killing anybody at all for any reason
>inherently evil
I'm pretty sure killing people is worse than telling them they can't use the wrong bathroom
At least he expressed his regret for doing such things
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
I'm not justifying them, I'm just saying that using that as an argument of "haha! Moral high ground!" is bullshit.
Castro did some shit things, but he created a country which was much more equal overall, which resisted imperialism, and which leads the Western world in medicine and education.
Lots of commies qualify. Mao, Che, Lenin, Trotsky.
Bashar al-Assad
>omfg didn't you know that Castro personally killed three bajillion trillion people!!??
>who killed all the gay's in Cuba
Fidel was pro-gay
Diocletian reforms kept the empire alive.
Notice the ending tian not tian's. We are not sure how much of the reforms belonged to him or his predecessors or his successors like constantine. But without them the empire would have collapsed waaay sooner.
I think next to Heraclius and Constantine he is one of the reasons why the east survived until 1453.
Also Cao Cao.
This guy is defintely anti hero lol. Fell in love with elsass and got braun instead lol.
Try saying executing 4,000 people with firing squads in the name of equality is comparable to anything the US has done here in South Florida and you might get to enjoy some equality yourself.
Not him nor saying castro dindu nuffin or good but fucking hell you diaspora cuban fags are annoying as hell.
Don't think you will get your shit back if there is a regime change in cuba. US will probably sign a deal with the new elite that would die rather than to share the spoils, see 90s russian oligarchs
nice false equivalency. I think there is a good argument to be made that executing people because of their sexual orientation is pretty bad but that's just me. America has never suffered under an ideological tyrant in its history anyway so its not a good comparison at all. Why bring up America anyway? You commies are always playing defense, why is that? Insecure much?
Not Cuban, just surrounded by Cubans. I don't think I've ever heard anyone bitching about wanting their stuff back. What a weird thing to bring up.
>America violates human rights but is still good
>Castro violated human rights and is the devil
Whaaa Castro collectivized grandpa's plantation
t. 3rd gen "Cuban"
The hero Europe needed but didn't deserve.
Why can't we be friends?
Came to post based Vlad. Also pic related
My OC!
> when they look at you (JFK) they see who they want to be
>when they look at me, they see who they really are
The only true answer.
Leftists saying Castro was "on balance good" because at least he gave healthcare alongside repression are just as bad as rightists who defend Pinochet because Chile is wealthy. A dictator is a dictator, even if he uses ideology as a front. Stop trying to justify their actions because they claim to support your preferred end of the political spectrum.
T. Third gen half-Cuban
>X is just bad as anti-X!!
You have truly enlightened me with your radical centrism
Wang Jingwei is history's definitive 'Punished X, a Y denied his Z'
jesus, I'm reading that wiki page now. Thats a fucking tragedy.
>oscar bait?
jesus, he's the villain in a communist party patriotic/propaganda movie.
>he's me
Literally mad because it's true
greatest dictator we ever had
>came up with the idea to ship Africans to Liberia
>suspends habeas corpus
>starts hanging northern Democrats
>Half the country hates him and rebels
>Half of the North hates him
>Wins the civil war with 1/4 support of the country
>becomes the most beloved in history
most based president we ever had
I'm not saying Castro didn't establish a repressive regime. I'm just saying that a lot of the descriptions of his rule are exaggerated. I've heard people tell me that he literally made a wealthy and prosperous country into a Pol Pot-tier disaster while killing hundreds of thousands of people and starving the entire population.
t. King Abrahamus Africanus
>Third-gen half-Cuban
As someone who interacts with modern Central and South Americans as a daily fact, many of them modern Cubans, they really don't give a shit what your half-defector ass thinks, because they actually lived through it and compared wounds.
Nappy is the protag, not the anti-hero
What about Ho makes him an antihero? He was long out of power by the time Vietnam got down to anything exceptionally barbaric.
Classic anti-hero is a protagonist and Napoleon was THE romantic anti-hero figure.
>leads the Western world in medicine and education.