Wtf was the Bosnian War all about? Why did so many Serbs rebel?
Wtf was the Bosnian War all about? Why did so many Serbs rebel?
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>Why so many rebelled
Because they didn't want to live in a muslim country obviously.
But they wanted to keep the Muslims living in a Christian country?
Watch this documentary
It all started because some snackbar shot some christcuck at a wedding?
Muslim propaganda
That's what broke the camel's back. The tensions were already there due to Croatian war.
Lol it's actually serb propaganda and was a prototype to the weight of chains
Touche, just looked at the title.
So was the whole thing a move by the Vatican to maintain another State?
And did President Bill Clinton actually go to proxy war with the Pope??
Serbs wanted to keep Yugoslavia, once they saw that they're unable to do that, they wanted to create an ethnically clean and enlarged Serbia. It was 19th century imperialist autism transferred into the 1990s. Had nothing to do with religion.
It's frankly so fucking convoluted i'm not sure how to answer it.
Tensions were already high because of the war in Croatia. And Bosnian Serbs made it perfectly clear that secession was out of the question, and that Bosnian secession will "take Bosnia to hell".
It backfired on the Muslims when Croats stabbed them in the back, which was to be expected.
So you had 3 factions all fighting each other in Bosnia for most of the war (until Billy forced two to compromise).
The Bosniak national identity is entirely based on their religion.
It was balkaniggers chimping out without their authoritarian strongman to hold them together.
>It was balkaniggers chimping out without their authoritarian strongman to hold them together.
Held them together at the expense of the Serbs.
The Bosnians are the primitive high lander phenotype. They were the laughing stock of Yugoslavia then, and they are the laughing stock of the region now. They are of pure uninterrupted crogmanon stock tracing back to the last ice age.
Serbs(Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro), Bosniaks and Bosnian Croats have the same genetics and phenotypes.
serbs arent smart people
they didnt want to keep anyone
it was a ethnic conflict where local serbs backed by serbia and what was then still the yugo army tried to seceed from a country that seceeded from yugoslavia, so as to join serbia, and they did their best to ethnicaly clense the area in the process, then conquer the rest of the country and repeat same
simultaneously local hercegovian croats backed by croatia and whatever zagreb could put together at that point wanted to seceed from bosna
bosnians themselves seceeded from yugoslavia but then ended up fighting each other over political bullshit because izetbegović couldnt control all the sides
bosnians and croats were allied against serbs but at the same time fighting each other because of the above mentioned hercegovians
serbs started strong and began removing kebab, spirits were high and rakija flowed in hectolitres, but then it turned out people wouldnt realy just be exterminated without a fight, and so the serbian forces got bogged down in actual fighting, and it all turned midieval
eventualy the quick victory belgrade hoped for didnt happen, so milošević stopped backing karađić and the insurgent serbs were fucked from then on, but still found the time and energy to pull off srebrenica
the same thing was generaly tried in croatia, it didnt work either in bosna or croatia, in croatia they achieved the opposite, they started out all high and mighty and killed or kicked out all non serbs from their area, but eventualy they lost and then most of them fled to banjaluka, makes sense since having started the ethnic clensing shit they expected to get the same treatment so didnt stick around to find out, whereas in bosna it was the fucking dayton agreement that saved them, i mean literaly saved them since after being subjected to 5 years of genocide the bosnians were just about ready to eat them alive
dayton made bosna into a ungovernable monstrosity and shit will not be resolved untill the next war
>it was the fucking dayton agreement that saved them
God giveth, and God taketh away.
God in this case being Billy. Serbs in Bosnia wouldn't have been in a losing situation in the first place had it not been of Clintons air campaign and brokering a peace between Croats and Muslims
>not bosnian muslims
kek. you revealed yourself, Mustafa.
>but then it turned out people wouldnt realy just be exterminated without a fight, and so the serbian forces got bogged down in actual fighting
Jesus, do your homework.
weird thing is it seemed like serbs got it all figured out, all planned out, croats were allready in a fatalistic defence mode, it was bosnians that didnt seem to get what the fucking fuck was going on
then as the war picked up, croats kept their fatalism and fought on, bosnians started fighting with tooth and nail and whatever they could smuggle or improvise in basement workshops, and serbs kinda started loosing steam
it wasnt just the occasional nato airstrike, it was like someone just explained to them its all gonna be a stroll and over before christmass and so they all got merrily drunk and decided to make it a orgy while theyre at it, but then the enemy actualy started shooting back and it wasnt fun any more
its seems that when you send people into war on hot air, it soon runs out, but when people are terrorised and cornered they start fighting like crazy
Is this drunk history?
Bosnian and Bosniak are pretty much interchangeable. No Bosnian Serb or Croat would call himself a Bosnian.
I wouldn't agree. Bosnian is a regional distinction. Bosnian Serbs often call themselves Bosnians (or Herzegovinians if they're from the south).
A mufti from Serbia autistically screeched about how Bosnian and Bosniak are not interchangeable, and that he speaks da Bosniak language.
>Bosnian and Bosniak are pretty much interchangeable. No Bosnian Serb or Croat would call himself a Bosnian.
Please stop your armchair history, you don't know what you're talking about. Bosnian is a regional term - Bosniaks called themselves 'Muslims' until 1993. Even today there is a split between those who identify as Muslim by nationality, and Bosniak.
I've met enough Serbs and Croats, some of them from Bosnia, and the last thing any one of them would want to hear is that they are Bosnians.
The Bosnian=/=Bosniak thing is mostly a thing among the muslim Bosnians.
>I've met enough Serbs and Croats, some of them from Bosnia, and the last thing any one of them would want to hear is that they are Bosnians.
Anecdotal evidence fallacy.
Currently it's not politically popular for a non-muslim to call themselves Bosnians because they don't want to support the propped-up Bosnian NATO state which is trying to impose civic nationalism in Bosnia.
Were you talking in English?
Bosnian = Bosanac
Bosniak = Bošnjak
Of course they're touchy when due to asymmetry of information you'd assume they're Bosniaks.
Like, when talking to Serbs from Serbia, you wouldn't expect them to say they're a Sumacinac, Nislija, Sremac etc. Because you wouldn't understand, you'd assume it's an ethnicity.
Same works for Croats: Dalmatinac (other than that it's also a dog breed), Zagorac, Slavonac, Licanin (tho Serbs are Licani too)
It's not politically popular? To them, it's offensive.
I wasn't, no, I am from Slovenia. I am aware of the things you wrote.
Treci entitet, when?
>It's not politically popular? To them, it's offensive.
It's offensive because they feel muslims have tarnished that term.
But again, not all find it offensive, it's just that the Serbs and Croats of Bosnia are under pressure from the Muslims so they have to identify stronger as Serbs/Croats.
Bosnia and Herzegovina is a NATO colony, it will fall sooner or later.