What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
The fall of the Soviet Union.
Not a thing.
The music industry
Gay Cubans
American corporations were able to stop paying American workers based on how much value they added to the corporation.
The solution that the government and business came up with to keep people from rioting was to promise that government would pay and business would provide credit for mandatory expenses that were no longer affordable.
When you cannot afford to accumulate equity, but are instead paying off unjust debts, society cannot progress.
Americans vote FOR these things because the parties promise to give them the opposite.
>another 50's nostalgia thread from depressed losers who have achieved nothing
Why does the lady looked photoshopped
that's a damn hot loli
I will always support such threads
project all you like
>no black people in sight because they're too afraid to step outside becuase of those cops
>woman in the photo gets beaten by her husband
>old guy is an ex-nazi who hates jews
you can see the old guy is from texas no doubt with that bolo tie, the wife beating meme is something that's overplayed
no black people because they can't afford to live in the area I'd reckon
>america is progressively getting worse the less white it becomes
>they can't afford to live in the area
Because no one will hire them simply because of the color of their skin and there aren't yet laws to prevent such a thing.
Look, I understand a sense of nostalgia for the past but appearances can be deceiving and things aren't always as they seem, no era was perfect. And if you did live in the 50s, maybe you'd be nostalgic for the naughts.
Riveting yarn, ol' chap.
how could you be nostalgic for an era that hadn't happened yet.
The 1900 naughts.
kids happily playing, decades later blacks would be shooting up the place and setting it on fire
Norman Rockwell paintings are like the most accurate depiction of Wasp culture.
oh wow a shithole those defintely don't exist now
show us the crime rates of poor white areas 'chap'
I like Rockwell paintings desu senpai
When was the last time you saw white children playing outside in a poor area?
Cleaner than Richmond or oakland today
no argument here
Wasp is such a foolish word, simply because this is accurate for americans of the period, this could have been any thanksgiving at my own family's home, and we're not from new england
No argument made.
>Wasp is such a foolish word, simply because this is accurate for americans of the period, this could have been any thanksgiving at my own family's home, and we're not from new england
Wasp doesn't mean new england. It just means a Protestant white american.
White Anglo Saxon Protestant.
*urban area
yes I understand that, but it refers to people from new england predominantly, hence the anglo saxon, and I personally see it used by people that's don't have a clue
>its another "retards try to make the 50's seem either like 100% dystopia or utopia" thread
>quickly changes the goalposts after getting proven wrong
shall i say there are no poor white urban areas so you can lose again my friend?
I don't see it as a utopia, merely a time that possesses a great many qualities I prefer over the contemporary
suburbs > urban
suburban areas are always Norman Rockwell while Urban areas were usually trashheaps from 50s to present
If you zoomed in on any of these faces they are all good reaction images
there are plenty of great cities in america, but then there is a certain reason that becomes apparent for this
>but it refers to people from new england predominantly
>hence the anglo saxon
Anglo-saxon is a "catch-all" for Germanic-English speakers. Nordic Americans.
Their culture is typical "whitebread" america, ham sandwiches, hotdogs, gee willikers, white-picket fence etc though since the 1960s the wage gap between the Wasps has increased, so today people only consider the super wealthy ones Wasps, while the poor ones are called White Trash.
that's simply america to me, my family is all catholic
Yeah, you're a Mick-Dago-Wop.
The KKK would have their way with you, Oreo!
but I'm not any of those things
there's never been an italian in my family, do you have enough knowledge of history to know that germans are catholic as well?
Only the Germanicized Italo-Celts.
Better than the inner cities today desu
only the impoverished black neighborhoods of inner cities are shitty. Most of the rest are as clean and crime free as they've been in decades.
You won't find one single pack of starving orphans roaming the streets
I should think not, this isn't Ecuador
because they've all been priced out into the suburbs and rural areas lmao
what about a pack of blonde kids playing stickball?
>oh how i miss innocent white america
>American corporations were able to stop paying American workers based on how much value they added to the corporation.
You have no idea what you are talking about. The average american worker makes more now than they did in the past.
Ok, the 50s were great as long as you were white, not a poorfag and not a weirdo, which means no one from this site would have a good time on those times