This guy made the American media right wing and spread the lie of the "holodomor". He's one of the major reasons why westerners are brainwashed classcucks who believe that Stalin killed 1000 gajillion.
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Yes yes, the problem is the one right-winger in the media
He had the most influential media empire that survives to this day, and even in the infancy of this empire, brainwashed americans into starting the spanish-american war of 1898.
>Im a classcuck who eagerly slurps cum from the MSM of the western empire
>brainwashed americans into starting the spanish-american war of 1898
Yeah, we hadn't been looking for any excuse for the previous 20 years or anything. It was totally Hearst and Hearst alone.
>implying that the only two options in the MSM are not New Leftist and Neocons.
>Im a cuck who eagerly slurps cum from Jason Unruhe and the Jewish media empire
Does marxism count as Jewish kabbalah vis a vis board rules?
Becuause that's what it is. Kabbalah.
Both profit from spreading lies about the USSR and propping neoliberal bourgeois governments who exploit Eastern Europe(including my own country)
I didn't vote for capitalists and protested the color revolution in my country.
t. Belarus
Marxism is just Hegelian dialectic without the occult elements.
Or WITH the occult elements, if you're particularly /x/ or /pol/ inclined.
Damn right, I don't want to food prices to up, my job layed off, and western corporations and corrupt neoliberals together with nazis to steal my Belarus's resources.
You commies are the greatest denier in the history. Enough with your marxist history bullshit which is only based on classes. Enough with your bullshit "we wuz gut westurn liars" stuff. You are the worst, not the USSR, not Stalin, not even Pol Pot. You damn fanatics are even worse than historical butthurts. You're trying to cover up your low IQ with lies and yelling at every god damn thing. Just enough.
not an argument
What's wrong with remembering western lies and finding the truth?
>unironically being proud of having Russian cock so far up your ass that your speech is overcome by semen gargling
There is a reason that literally everyone hates you, even Russia
the reason the spanish-american war started is because spics bombed an american battleship.
We are russia's natural ally, and have mutual benefits in allying against western imperialism, not mention Russia has given us economic assistance while the west wants to privatize our industry(because that worked SO well in ukraine and the Blatics).
t. Anders Kowalski
>Russias natural ally
>wants you the least of the former empire
>Impplying Russia wants an empire
>literally invading their neighbors at every opportunity
>refuses to annex the willing Belarus
Yeah, they want an empire and they don't want your shithole to be a part of it.
>literally invading their neighbors at every opportunity
You really a retarded faggot aren't you?Or you're just living in a parallel universe?
There haven't been invasions.
Why would Russia want to invade any of the US-sucking shitholes surrounding it? They already have enough problems with developing their country as it is.
t. Zimantas Paulevicius