ITT: Unfairly vilified events that were 100% justifiable
ITT: Unfairly vilified events that were 100% justifiable
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The Lusitania wouldn't have exploded if it wasn't carrying tons of gunpowder below deck. Such an act was illegal. Had the ship's magazine not exploded, the sinking would have taken hours and given plenty of time to evacuate.
Torpedoes alone cannot blow up ships.
>invade 90% of europe
>bomb civilian targets during said invasions
>launch V1s and V2s at civilian targets rather than military targets
>launch V2s as late as March 1945 at civilian targets
play stupid games, win stupid prizes. stay down.
>inb4 9/11
The h word
I'm pretty sure the ship exploded because the coal dust left in the bunkers ignited.
Dow on Serbia 1914 by AH.
Oh, then whats all this ammunition doing in Lusitania´s cargo hold marked made in USA, mister anglo?
In that case, the rape of every German woman, plundering of German cities, and massacre of German prisoners by Soviet forces was 100% justified.
Byzantium had it coming, the Fourth Crusade did nothing wrong.
2003 Invasion of Iraq
Nope. Germans are people. Jews are vermin. Learn the difference.
Also, is that way
His only mistake was simply starving them and not using extermination through labour
The Vietnam War
>owe us reparations for all the white american men they killed in their senseless wars of hate
So they owe nothing to yanks then? After all there are no white Americans so they can't have killed any white American males during their chimpouts.
No one vilifies this campaign except for assdevastated dixiecucks.
>white american men
on one hand, the US attempted to contain the rapidly growing soviet sphere of influence in the world
on the other hand, vietnamese people were just trying to overthrow the french colonial powers and found an independent vietnam, and the US allied the french in attempts to subdue their independence
>on the other hand, vietnamese people were just trying to overthrow the french colonial powers and found an independent vietnam, and the US allied the french in attempts to subdue their independence
The French had been gone for over a year by the time the U.S. became militarily involved.
maybe...but its since been confirmed it was illegally carrying a shit ton of ammo also.
Ever heard of South Vietnam? The US were just trying to make sure the right side won in the local civil war just like in the Korean War
>The French had been gone for over a year by the time the U.S. became militarily involved.
yes, but the US took over in their exit
they occupied the south in the attempt to block a unified and independent vietnamese state, which looks a fair bit like 20th century imperialism
the viet cong in their conception was just a group of liberation movements, including both communists and non-commies, and didn't become exclusively communist until the US flaunted such imperial authority in the region
the referendum on unification under a commie government was essentially sideswiped because a) the commies were pretty obviously going to win and b) the soviets didn't trust outside powers to supervise the referendum
after a while with no referendum the whole thing just escalated again and boom vietnam war in full force 2bh
Germans in Warsaw: Don't do it Poles. I have the high ground.
Poles: You underestimate my power!
Hitler: Commander Dirlewanger, the time has come. Activate order 66
Dirlewanger: Yes, my Fuhrer.
The US only took over the defence of the south they never tried to make it their colony like the french had.
Viet Cong was always a commie movement, atleast at the top.
>they occupied the south
In 1965... 11 years after independence. Please stop posting.
Partitions of Poland.
The March to the Sea is vastly over dramatized by butthurt southerners. Sherman's army never actively targeted civilians in any way, rapes and murders were extremely uncommon and punished harshly and swiftly. Fucking Gone With the Wind and active southern revisionism hyped it up like crazy
And Nazi Einsatzgruppen were just specialized anti-terrorist units.
Look at any primary source documentation of the March to the Sea and it was a pretty clean operation unless you're a fan of railroad track and telegraph lines.
>wah wah, dem darn yankees stole muh food and slaves
the comparison to the Eins is absurd
Wrong war
If you read the Pentagon papers, US aid was instrumental in the foundation of South Vietnam in 1955/56, which is why the country wasn't unified as the Paris Peace Accords stipulated.
Bombing commies is never wrong, but you can't exactly screw them out of something they were promised and then expect them not to go back to what works.
kek thought it was Titanic sinking when I saw it in the catalog
Literally a war fought for niggers. Dixie pride is obsession with black people.
Imagine if the South never imported slaves. The US would be almost completely white.
>it took 2 crack SS divisions + reinforcements 2 months to defeat a rag tag group of Untermensch teenagers armed with pistols, grenades and homemade smgs
>be Dirlewanger
>rape children before the war, lose Nazi membership
>get later put in charge of a group of sadists in a SS brigade
>massacre civilians because cant into urban combat
>"oh shid the vatniks are fast approaching!!"
>escape towards the Americans, get captured
>put in a POW camp
>"this isnt so bad, atleast im not freezing in Siberia"
>3 Polish soldiers walk into your cell
>proceed to literally beat you to death
not one JUST, but 2 ( t w o )
Wasn't slave labour a big part of the reason why the US became so wealthy?
It could've been, it's not like the Iceberg did anything wrong
Slave labor is terrible for the economy. It allows a few people to create huge margins but slows development in the rest of the region. The North and Europeans loved taking that cotton cock, but it would have made much more sense for plantations to use paid workers instead of slave labor. You can tax workers and have economic mobility, which is great for society.
Also, cotton exports weren't the only reason why the US became so wealthy. The value of slaves was fucking insane, higher than all the value in southern banks and factories. There's a reason why they fought so hard to keep slavery intact, there was too much money sunk into it.
Slavery was shit for the nation. It introduced millions of Africans to a nation that should have been primarily white European. Southern politicians slowed expansion to keep the slave-free state balance intact. Plus we fought a ridiculous war for far too long losing too many people.
Sure thing Karol
I've read the Pentagon papers. Material and monetary aid is a very far cry from occupation.
>which is why the country wasn't unified as the Paris Peace Accords stipulated.
You mean Geneva Accords.
>Bombing commies is never wrong, but you can't exactly screw them out of something they were promised and then expect them not to go back to what works.
Except the South had absolutely no intentions of holding the referendum which is something you would know if YOU read the Pentagon Papers (I recommend the abridged edition by Herring desu). They weren't screwed out of anything. They made a conscious decision and the U.S. backed that decision after it was made.
If European Americans would have stayed in Europe, they'd be more likely to preserve their ethnic purity.
did you issue your daily apology yet?
Not German, Just a connoisseur in Polish suffering, my sub 50 IQ friend (Average Pole).
did Marek stand too close behind you in a sklep?
Most of the immigrants to the original colonies were Europeans though. The founding fathers designed this country for it to be led by white males. Ethnic purity could have largely still been preserved.
>Partitions of Poland.
Arguably the worst thing that ever happened to Europe, as the loss of an independent Poland set the stage for the Napoleonic Wars, WWI, WWII, Cold War and all the bullshit going on today.
>screw them out of something they were promised
There were no free elections in N.Vietnam and there wouldn't be any in S.Vietnam when the Commies took over; the Communists broke the agreement right from the start.
>Wasn't slave labour a big part of the reason why the US became so wealthy?
Not the U.S., only a handful of 1%er plantation owners.
In fact, slavery is the reason the South is poorer and dumber then the rest of the U.S. today.
This is true but only partially. It would have been impossible to mobilize a large cotton industry without imported permanent labor before the US developed a respectable naturalized population -- when a massive chunk of your nation is first or second generation immigrants who are there voluntarily, the labor pool for what are essentially serfs just isn't there.
The problem is that even after Southern agriculture became well-developed there was no impetus for any plantation owner to deviate from slavery. On paper it's much smarter to have your workers earn spendable wages but nobody would ever be the first one to do it, so the ball can't get rolling.
t. hans
Dubs confirm
Maybe you shouldn't had packed it full of munitions m8.
Fuck off G
>be Jerzy Sebastian Lubomirski, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth commander
>country in crisis on several fronts
>the biggest threat is a huge Swedish invasion rolling in
>king flees country, mass defections to enemy side
>be one of the only high level commanders to stay alive and loyal
>damn near single-handedly save the country, turn the war around and win it, be a huge hero
>after things calm down the king decides give himself extra powers and weaken parliament
>the majority of nobles & parliament are against it and you're the leader of the parliamentary opposition
>so the king does the logical thing and tries to assassinate you
>when that fails he accuses you of plotting against him, strips you of all titles and sentences you to death without trial
>you refuse to get executed and a huge uprising erupts
>you try to negotiate but the king musters his forces and attacks you
>you deal the royal army an absolutely humiliating pair of crushing defeats
>you offer the defeated king the following terms: the king officially restores your good name and abandons the royal power reform, and you officially apologize for the uprising and leave the country in exile
>the king has no other option but to agree
>350 years later popular history vilifies you as wicked traitor for not letting yourself get executed on trumped-up charges because it buried the chances of the king strengthening his position
What's the source for these?
>damn near single-handedly save the country,
You what
Nice half life reference
hard to say this even though we all know this ended up being the best case scenario in terms of lives lost
uh the usa literally started the cambodian genocide in the process it is definitely not unfairly vilified.
They were both very significant, but Lubomirski far more so.
The fact that people believe Czarniecki did it alone and often don't even remember Lubomirski who was the primary commander of pretty much every important victorious engagement throughout the war and financed a huge proportion of the war effort from his own family funds just speaks of how pervasive the anti-Lubomirski propaganda has been.
Henryk "Okay So Lubomirski Didn't Actually Do Anything Wrong But I'm Sure He Secretly WANTED To Do Wicked Things Which Is Even Worse Than Actually Doing Them" Sienkiewicz is at fault here, among others..
*tl;dr: Czarniecki is a meme (although he was a hero too).
The cambodian genocide was carried out by the commies so how can you blame the americans for it? Is it their fault because they fought the commies? That doesnt make any sense
I think the reasoning is that America bombed Cambodja under the pretext of the vietnam war, sending the country into chaos and indirectly strenghtening the khmer rouge revolutaries (by weaking the rulers they were fighting)
The North Vietnamese were the ones who started it by entering Cambodia in the first place and if the americans had never even been there the Khmer Rouge would have a much easier time as Vietnam would be able to help them alot more while the Cambodian government wouldnt get any outside support.
>implying the khmer rouge were of the same flavour of communism as the north vietnamese
just shut up man
They supported each other so who gives a shit if they were a tiny little bit different
>4 million genocided people
the point being made was that americans kickstarted the process that led to the genocide.
to the point of similarities between the two, in the end, it had to be the vietname communists to bring down pol pot
>They supported each other
Vietnam literally removed the Khmer rouge from power
story behind pic?
Polish pole vaulter at the 1980 Olympics in Moscow was getting booed by the Russian supporters during his jumps.
His last jump set a new world record and won him the gold medal, and the pic related gesture towards the Russians was the first thing he did when he landed.
Some Soviet officials (and the Soviet ambassador to Poland in particular) wanted to have him for it.
*wanted to have him disqualified for it
>After the 1980 Olympics ended, the Soviet ambassador to Poland demanded that Kozakiewicz be stripped of his medal over his "insult to the Soviet people".[3] The official response of the Polish government was that Kozakiewicz's arm gesture had been an involuntary muscle spasm caused by his exertion
toppest of kek's, vatniks got banter'd
The 1204 sack of Constantinople.
They had it coming.
>2003 Invasion of Iraq
Dick, pls
Having less economic growth would have been a very good trade for no slavery. I completely agree that is was necessary in some areas to grow the cotton industry. I'm just saying that we never should have allowed it in the first place.
It's not like we sat down and came up with the idea of slavery.
Slavery was a thing, and a normal thing at that, for all of human history and in most cultures until Westerners decided it's bad and started abolishing it.
>Polish pole vaulter
>Torpedoes alone cannot blow up ships.
If you really believe that I'd love the chance to fire some torpedoes at you.
This isn't star wars, ship's don't just up and explode.
they even tried to cover it up lmao
It was. Kikes and krauts are not human.
I think you might want to read more before wading into an argument
South Vietnam was a tin pot dictatorship that was kept propped up only with American assistance. The top level leadership of the Viet Cong was commie, I agree with you on that, but there nationalist sentiments throughout their ranks.
To begin with, Ho Chi Minh tried to get American assistance against the French, which the Americans refused because France was their ally (despite the fact that the US didn't really want them in the winner's table after WWII, and that France would end up becoming neutral and temporarily leaving NATO in the near future).
Ho Chi Minh was then forced to go get support from the Soviets, which they were more than happy to give as long as he accepted their gommie kool aid.
What did Veeky Forums think of pic related?