If this country isn't Macedonia. What should it be called instead?
If this country isn't Macedonia. What should it be called instead?
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Nothing, because it shouldn't exist.
>Macedonia, Romania
So Balkan countries are WEWUZ?
Balkan countires are all literal niggers. but Alb*nia is the most disappointing of them all. We gave them the gift of Islam and gave them privileged positions..yet what do they do? become absolute larper fags and filthy gommunist fedoras. Shqiptards need to be eliminated immediately...
>We gave them the gift of Islam and gave them privileged positions.
Basically welfare monkeys.
Every nation under muslims stagnates.
We're not supposed to call it Macedonia so we don't offend Greece, right? We should call it something noncontroversial like "Country That Is Much Better Than Greece, which Sucks"
There's already a country called Bulgaria.
Either Bulgaria or Serbia.
This isn't the days of fucking Alexander the Great. Thrace and Iberia no longer exist, and neither should fucking Macedonia.
Slavic Macedonia
Northern Macedonia
Just Macedonia, it belongs to the geographic region of Macedonia, though Greece holds the largest part, that part is a part of Greece while Macedonia is 100% within the region Macedonia.
A mistake.
Nothing. It shouldn't exist. It should either be a part of Bulgaria or Serbia.
Thanks Mehmet. You people are truly a beacon of civilization
The toughest redpills to swallow.
Albanians are Illyrians.
Bulgarians are Bulgars.
Hungarians are Huns, Sumerians, and Scythians.
Turks are Anatolians.
Macedonians are Macedonians.
>Albanians are Illyrians.
Lol. That's literally impossible.
>ywn know the bliss of the WEpill
why even live
I know you meant Sarmatians but that's not accurate. You also missed Avars
>tfw black people were kangz but I was only an embryo
it's not fair, how did their mothers even carry them to term if they were kangz an shit
No trust me. He meant Sumerians. Hungarians are actually "we wuz kangs" when it comes to Sumerians.
from my understanding the overwhelming majority of the everyday population isn't wewuzzing or claiming to be the direct descendants of Ancient Macedonia, the people/language/culture is slavic and even those who live in the country admit that, but the country's name identifies more with the geographic region of Macedonia.
if it's the region of Macedonia, there really shouldn't be much controversy to the name as it corresponds to the location.
The only other name I can see befitting the region is Vardar, which isn't unheard of for a state/country to get it's name from a river (ex: India from the Indus River)
it's no Macedon that's for sure
It is, they are inbred as fuck and have a giant victim complex, just like any other inferior society that got btfo
No man, they definitely are not.
1. Illyrians are extinct by 200AD
2. Illyrians were I2, Albanians have no I2.
3. Illyrians were located in the Dinaric alps, Albanians are not.
4. Illyrians spoke a Centum lang, Albs Satem.
5. Illyrians were a maritime nation, Albs have no maritime vocab or traditions.
6. No Albanians ever traditionally considered themselves illyrians.
7. No record that Illyrians were christianized.
The problem is the region and the inhabitants have been called Macedonia and Macedonian for centuries, granted not as a national identifier. Nobody objected to SR Macedonia during yugo times but when we dropped the Socialist part shit hit the fan. The problem is some homo Greeks can't tell me what to call myself, its unprecedented, just because Greece has the more authentic larping set doesn't mean they aren't larping either
I was memeing, the ancient Greeks, Macedonians, thracians and illyrians all disappeared into a sea of Romans, with only the Greek language surviving due tonits importance and widespread use, Balkan countries can only go back as far as medieval times for their ethnogenesis, but nationalist and romantic fervor saw everyone claiming ancestors as far back as they could to give legitimacy to territorial expansion. Greeks are the descendants of the byzantine empire IMO and thats much better than homo Greeks and its sad they overlook that to roleplay as hoplites IMO. Some Greeks called themselves romei well into the 20th century.
>from my understanding the overwhelming majority of the everyday population isn't wewuzzing
Look at the downtown of their capital. It's like disneyland dedicated to Alexander the Great. Also their airport is named Alexander the Great and they have songs about being from Alexander the Great.
They and the Albanians are the biggest wewuzzers in the Balkans.
That's all retarded I live here, I'm passing by the statue as we speak and most statues are dedicated to IMRO fighters. Most people hate the statues, only rednecks and old people like it because they have no taste and think well get tourists. None of our traditional folk songs are related to Alex, only diaspora faggots do that, this whole wewuz thing is because our Aegean prime minister is a known Grekophile who destroyed this country, he is intentionally pissing off Greece to.block us from NATO and the EU, so he can run this country like his fief. His grandfather Nikos gruyos fought for the Greek army in ww2
>Illyrians were I2
You don't actually know that.
The Cardium Pottery and Starcevo Cultures which predate Illyria are mainly I2a. No E1b1b which is associated with Albanians.
>I'm passing by the statue as we speak and most statues are dedicated to IMRO fighters.
Which is a Bulgarian organization. Still wewuzzing
OK now that's too far
>you cant be Macedonian you are bulgarian
>you cant wewuz as bulgarians
Well goddamn it, you claim you aren't bulgarians and don't speak bulgarian so you can't claim bulgarian figures now.
All you're allowed is Tose Proeski.
Skopje. Or it should join Bulgaria.
>completely surrounded on all sides
>no access to the seas
>no actual relation to the cool Macedonia
>literal we wuz the country
embarrassing the whole country should an hero immediately
What about Nikola Tesslaski, proud Macedonian inventor?
my friends
considering I am a master of strategy and an enlightened military history fan, I believe that we should first understand how alexander would have done it. Alexander The Great aka King of Persia, Conquerer of India, the greatest most beautiful human of all time, would have taken the initiative and hammer and anviled anyone that disliked his country like I hammer and anvil aka delete and block anyone that says something that isn't pure praise on my youtube videos. Macedonia should reclaim the glory of the past.
This is Prince of Macedon signing off
Oh who can forget him.
And Mother Teresaski
>Turks are Anatolians
lul a corruption of LOL
Πηγαινε πισω στο /int ρε Καραγkιόζη...
south squatistan
iberia exists, its spain and portugal and britain sweety
>Albanians are Illyrians.
>Bulgarians are Thracians.
>Hungarians are Magyars, Huns, Alans and Celts.
>Turks are Phrygians, Anatolians, Greeks, Armenians.
>Macedonians are Thracians.
>Albanians are Thracians
>Bulgarians are Serbified Tatars
>Hungarians are Huns
>Turks are Greeks, Serbs and Armenians
>Macedonians are Serbified Tatars
>Albanians are Turks.
>Bulgarians are Turks.
>Hungarians are Turks.
>Turks are Greeco-Mongol-Arabs.
>Macedonians are Turks.
Romanians are Ostrogoths.
Dacians and Goths
>Albania's national hero is a man who spent the later half of his life fighting to protect Albania from Islamic invaders
rly maeks u think
Vardaria actually sounds pretty neat.
pic related is in skopje. they claim to be descendants of alexande rthe great lmao
And Andorra, you fucking cunt
I can't even tell if it's a meme or just literal retardation.
forgot pic
Upper Dyrrachion
The Landlocked Republic of Epirus
what a rhetoric question... of course it would be called south serbia
What do you call it when it eventually starts dismantling itself?
>east South Serbia
>North South Serbia
>Kind of Greek South Serbia
>Bulgarian Eastern North South Serbia
>The Kosovarian Republic of Southern South Serbia
Romania is the "homeland" of the Dacian/Getae tribes. Also the Goths settled there for a time.
So did the Huns and neither left much of a mark.
So non-Balkan countries are NEVERWUZ?
>neither left a mark
The haplogroups for most of these ancient peoples is all guesswork.
But at least WEWUZ
YOUWUZNT so fuck off
Sure, but it's very improbable since the proto-Romanian population has migrated towards higher ground, while most Gothic and Hun remains have been found outside the Carpathian Arc. There was likely some mixing but genetics are not the only thing that defines a nation, since you'll find there's not a lot tying you to the people that lived 1000 years ago where you live now. I'm talking about lasting things, like cultural marks or linguistics, neither of which were influenced by a rampaging horde that comes and goes. To influence someone enough you have to settle and the Magyars were the only nomads that did that in the area.
"West Bulgaria" would probably make the most sense.
The Balkans were a mistake.
It's funny how far a single shitpost can take us.
"Skjopia" makes sense
It shouldn't exist.
It should be a part of Bulgaria.
what was there originally? canada?
The country is just one big fraud stealing the glory of greek Macedonia
Atleast they are better than turks...
Albanians? Literally no
Turks had several empires and conquered vast territories.
Albanians did jack shit
Doesnt matter
Turks are the scum of the earth albanians arent
>and britain
I know that Algarve is pretty much a British colony these days but it's still oficially Portuguese last time I checked.
success breeds jealousy, cuck
run along now, this board isn't for conquered subjects
No need to rename it.In 50 years it's going to be 80% albanian
Illyrians weren't just coastal people you faggot. Dardanians were Illyrians and were landlocked. There's no proof that I2 is Illyrian. Nobody knows if Illyrians were Balkan natives or migrants from the north that enslaved natives. Albanians are Balkan peoples so the glove fits if Illyrians were just Balkan people.
>He doesn't like bunkers
South Serbia
Anybody have that gif of an Albanian sucking a cat's paw while masturbating?
Fyrom, obviously. Not even the acronym, just Fyrom
Pure hungarians are decedents of siberian peoples
I feel kind of bad for you Macedonians, literally nobody really cares except for the butthurt Greeks with their autistic screeching. They should really focus on paying their debts instead of getting upset over what another country calls itself, which is really none of their business.