The most brilliant political system is history

>the most brilliant political system is history

>vote for idiots and warmonger like Hitler and Tr

So Democratic system a mistake? Monarchism when?

Other urls found in this thread:

Democracies are like concrete, they get stronger the older they are.

Dictatorships are like wood, they're easy to set up, but they rot eventually.

>the Donald Trump is objectively the most liberal president in decades except for his immigration policies
How? I don't like him but this is a strange statement, most of the Trump boys I know note his conservative stance, or his playing into standard neo-con politics

>tfw Donald Trump is objectively the most liberal president in decades except for his immigration policies
>tfw his immigration policy simply upholds agreed laws of the land
>libs still compare the most liberal President in decades to Hitler in an embarrassing play for negative consensus anyway
>because the alienated their base by playing to extremist minority groups one too many times

democracies are superior because people worship the system instead of a singular strong man. this leads to far more stable lines of succession. in monarchies you COULD have a decent string of great to inoffensive leaders, but a few bad ones and its a civil war or assassination. with a democratic republic likethe USA the opposition can just wait the 4 years for a new election.

That's a hell of a lot of wrong in one post. Kudos

>he listens to SNL, Colbert and daily news and thinks he's part of the cool club

Crucify yourself citizen

Colbert was god-tier before he got the Late Show

that was like 10 years ago my dude
let it go


Nothing lasts forever

>representative democracy

You yourself showed a democratic, or demagogic vein when you appealed to let Hitler as the figure of ultimate "evil", knowing full well that this would gain sympathy for your position. If you are truly anti democratic in principle you should be able to oppose democracy even at its "best" (as popularly understood) and not only at its "worst" (according to democratic propaganda).

The best system is constitutional Christian conservatism.


The best system (so far) is the one we have. To competing opposites hamstrung by judicial and constitutional authority constantly keeping each other honest.

God help us all if America ever has a consensus. The whole world couldn't stop us then.

Wouldn't you know it, more wrong shit

Lol you know who listens to SNL, Colbert and the msm?

My fukken grandmother

Congratulations you have our grandmothers on your side! Real cool kids

Ahhssad, hand over the chemical weapons

I like the idea of getting rid of millions of illegal aliens

>tfw there's so much wrong in one post you have to just ask them to explain everything they said in great detail

Explain everything you just posted in great detail

Hahaha we dare not and President Trump will never do it. He's too smart for that.

Do you want $9 avocados and $16 loaves of bread?

The entire Baby Boomer lifestyle is dependant upon a non-citizen ethnic labor underclass, from the Hispanics who pick their strawelberries and mow their lawns to the Hispanics who cook their food, wash their fukken cars, cut their hedges and paint their homes.

The Baby Boomers created all on their own and with their own money this oppressed non-citizen class on par with slavery.

President Trump might make overtures but no way is he upsetting that apple cart.

what a load of crap

This is the dumbest thing I've ever read

[Error 404 argument not detected]

I don't need an argument to say I've trod upon a road apple

It's funny how America was built on an economy dependent on slave labor

And liberals today want to keep our economy dependent on slave labor

More blase' nonsense

Let's both pretend we each are intelligent and work from there

My vote goes to monarchy as well

So much truth in one post

Every liberal hive is dependant upon ILLEGAL ethnic non-citizen labor.

Just look at California. Holy shit it's the antebellum South on a new scale, with good PR!

correction, one region's economy was dependent on a slave labor force

hundreds of representatives of congress of United States of America for hundreds of millions of citizens is terrible. We elect millions of representatives for hundreds of millions of citizens.

Haha the North had 4 slave-holding states in it's ranks at the moment of Delcaration of War.

If any part of your life is benefited by ILLEGAL ethnic underclass labor you are a defacto slave enabler.

blah blah blah that didn't last, and many wanted it verboten in the constitution to start with

Yeah the north grew all of their own crops. The southern plantations only supplied food, cotton, and tobaccos to the rest of the south

did you know you live on this planet that benefits from slave labor, you are defacto benefiting from lave labor you monster

Every time they mow your lawn, or clean your house, or cook your food or provide your food you are benefiting from an ILLEGAL slave non-citizen ethnic labor force.

Put that in your vaporizer and smoke it.

hispanics aren't doing any of that for me, fuck off and kill yourself

Oh good now force the antebellum Californian white Democratic class to live the same fucking way.

The saddest truth is liberal Democrats only survive on the labor of an enslaved non-citizen ethnic underclass no different that the African slaves.

The only difference is a slight color hue.

And these slave enablers in LA and San Francisco want to reasonably lecture the rest of the county on systematic racism!

And what do these antebellum Liberals hate most??

The one man who promised to take away their slave labor force.

>immigrants working illegally is slave labor
If things were better in their country, they wouldn't have come here

The only "monarchy" that would work is a worldwide "monarchy" controlled by an advanced AI

How is that my fault or responsibility to help