How come so few German or English Americans care about their ethnicity compared to the Irish, Scots or Italians?
How come so few German or English Americans care about their ethnicity compared to the Irish, Scots or Italians?
Also why weren't there very many French people that moved to the US after independence?
Because Germans and English are by nature liberal cucks (protestants) who abandon tradition and pride for quick pleasures. The bastardization that is the English language is a metaphor for the spirit of the english
Many German Americans gave up their traditions and things like using the German language by the time WW1 started, when suddenly the Germans were the bad guys
Because papists are a fifth column that will always take their marching orders from Rome.
wtf? i hate papists now!
Celtic racial purity
The Celts were always very keen on kinship while the Germans never were, same goes for the Italians
Our country was never poor so we didn't need to leave it
t. ouiaboo
I'm able to relate deeply to any of those groups and many more, although the Germans are the hardest ones to really know for some reason. It's not so much that people care about their ethnicity but about other people, about their ambitions, desires and goals. Fraternity is instilled with sentiment because it is so immediate among those that feel it, although it's in contrast to a considerable amount of propaganda.
I think England will enter this circle of friends eventually, as about 10% of Englishmen have an Irish grandparent, which does not even take into account the many Gaelic names which have been anglicized in Britain for well over a thousand years (names like Clarke, Smith, Hunt, etc.).
>The Celts were always very keen on kinship while the Germans never were
Thats so wrong it hurts, its actually literally the opposite way around. Historically most tribal societies didn't give a shit about larger ethnic groupings and the germanics were even in roman times considered unusual for a tribal society because they classified themselves as part of a ethnic group and saw others, like Celts and slavs, as distinctly foreign.
Sorry that was a fairly complex sentence, but anyway you do see this kind of fraternity among the Scots and even the Australians.
I don't know what you're going on about mate
Englishmen get on with Aussies very well and Australia is and has been a major designation for the English to migrate to for hundreds of years.
Sauce on the pic?
You don't want that. She's literally twice as big now and looks twice as old.
Germany is 50/50 Catholic protestant actually among Christians.
So any more old pics of her
because the English and Germans achieved more, and also you would be seen as a traitor because ww1 you're fighting Germans, other times you see them as a corrupt despotism when it was actually far more representational than America and it's empire, which it did actually have btw
Her name is Olivia Jensen
Do you mean from France or from Quebec. England colonised well because it just had an exponentially increasing population and larger middleclass.
Because they aren't (as) stupid and don't fall for the biggest idiot traps.
It's like the lotto of ideologies. Case in point:
You are well-know racemixers, stop being delusional, Hans
Well thats only because the communists made most of the east germans atheist
inside the Hajnal lines= elevated out-group empathy ie cucks
outside the Hajnal lines=clannish and ethno-chauvinists
The englishmen mostly arrived before America became independent so they are basically regular americans while the germans were forced to give up their national heritage after two world wars
There are literally no people in the world who have other races around that aren't racemixers, you think celts weren't?
Thats completly seperate from a strong sense of ethnic identity.
I think of the Western "Celts" as highly-Romanized Gauls. It seems like the Gallic culture must have played a role in connecting these groups. The Normans would have advanced this unity as well.
The Germans must have felt themselves to be outside the Gallic-Roman culture, but also removed from the "Keltoi" society (which aimed to embrace humanity generally).
When I think of the ancient "Keltoi", I think of the Macedonians or even the later Poles. Could the i2a group be "Keltoi" instead of Slavic?
Basically I see It like this
>Western Europe
Gallic-Roman and German
>Central Europe
German and "Keltoi"
>Eastern Europe
"Keltoi" and Slavic
This would mean that modern globalists have a greater claim to being the ancient "Keltoi" than the people of the British Isles.
>Shit site
>Shit map
As usual
The Anglos systematically stripped Germans of their identity because they were scared of Aryan pride in the US.
>Also why weren't there very many French people that moved to the US after independence?
France had the highest global standard of living, for the average plebeian, until 1914
Thanks mate
>english american
this is were you're wrong
Americans of English/Scots/Dutch heritage are less likely to feel insecure and "prove" themselves
Afterall, their bloodline descends from those who actually invented the USA
Someone of more recent Polish or Irish heritage is more likely to make a big deal about it
"Irish hands built America"
"Italian hands built America"
it stems from an inferiority complex (particularly among males)
Those fucking hips.
Shit taste boyo
She's still cute and sexy but this gal has gained a LOT of weight recently because of chubby-chasers pushing her.
Shit testosterone level, child.
It's because those two groups are incompatable with the American identity.
America established itself by fighting the English.
America fought the Germans in both world wars.
The biggest enemies of America were in fact the same ones who were its earliest settlers.
America fought the British not the English people still larp about their Scottish heritage with the highland games and stuff.
Because it literally doesn't matter at all
who would want to be English or German
Both Britain and Germany fought a war against the US.
You sound extremely low test.
So did Italy
Redcoats, same shit.
No one in America considers the scots british, everyone's seen braveheart. They're irish-lite
Italy was super benign and they allied with the US during the war
English and German people mostly settled in areas where they were the majority population. Irish and Italians tended to live in areas where they were the minority population. Being a minority makes you more aware of your ethnicity.
Sauce for recent pics? I like fat girls.
Olivia Jensen
Google her
If you're American, you're American. Not Irish, or Norwegian, or - god forbid - "Scotch". America isn't Europe and never was. A little bit of solidarity and research is good, but obsessing over your ancestors is just LARPing.
Other countries went to France to get away from their shitbox war-torn hellholes if they didn't want to try to cross the Atlantic. Also, a lot of "French Immigrants" going to the USA were actually from somewhere else and went to France before USA because the USA had a very strict immigration policy for a long time. France was already nice and had a larger acceptable volume because USA and France were best friends for a long time, so they rarely met the limit, so a lot of people would go to France and pretend to be French, then try to go to USA. My great grandfather did this, he was part Ukrainian and most likely also part gypsy, went to Paris, told everyone he was French, and used that method to get to live here in the USA since most Eastern Europeans and Gypsies weren't allowed in at the time.
>If you're American, you're American.
Whatever that means. Civic nationalism is lame.
Oh sure but some atheist white kid from Pasadena is an ancient Israelite
Poor losers always care a lot more about ethnicity than well-off winners.
Is there any other country where people act like Americans? Are there french people calling themselves Irish?
Twice as big? What is she now a fucking mastodon?
>German Americans don't care about their ethnicity
know how i know you aren't american?
the fuck does collectivism/individualism even mean at this point
Because he can string a coherent sentence together?
you seemed to understand it
The English are basically proto-americans, i.e. they started the whole thing by colonizing America, so they didn't have to build a sense of being part of a race, pretty much what happens to while males today.
German-americans had their cultural identity erased during WWII for obvious reasons.