What are some matriarchal civilizations?
Or just interesting/successful women rulers.
What are some matriarchal civilizations?
Or just interesting/successful women rulers.
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Queen Margrete I, built the foundation for the Kalmar Union
Ancient Slavic societies.
The Minoan civilization immidiately comes to my mind
Queen Victoria
poo woman
hmmm I never heard of that one
Elizabeth I
Bona Sforza
Catherine II
Marie Theresa
>successful women rulers
Sources for this?
But there have been, don't apply modern feminism to woman who understood their place, like Queen Victoria, or even Queen Elizabeth I.
The Celts, they even let women fight.
Who is this Nubian goddess?
Senait Gidey
Ethiopian Model
There has never been a female ruled society
Men are stronger than women and make better leaders
Why would you save this gif.
Hatshepsut for most based ancient female ruler hands-down. She actually ruled, did war, played political intrigues with the memphis priesthood elites and ordered yuge projects. She got cucked by her younger husband a couple of decades later tho and he usurped her (and he was Thutmoses III, literally the egyptian napoleon). Not a bad record all in all for a genuine middle kingdom pharaoh, all the cleopatras were greek larpers.
>drawings mean matriarchy
really made me think
The West is practically a matriarchy.
>Women have all the power in the home
>Women are getting more educated
>Women are now among the most powerful people in the world, Merkel, etc
>Women are privileged in legal disputes of any kind, up to and including getting lower sentences for the same crime as a man, as well as child custody/alimony in any part of the Western world
>Genital mutilation is commonplace for men, but gential mutilation of any kind is completely illegal for girls and women, and is punished severely
I could go on.
impossible. matriarchy can work on a small scale systems maybe. but you cant have a matriarchy and a civilization as we know it. Civilization is intrinsically tied with masculine modes of thinking.
No mention of Slavs anywhere.
I believe the notion that they were matriarchal comes from Marija Gimbutas' writing. But it's been discredited, even if Gimbutas did some good work in other fields.
oh great, here come the butthurt mras
Oh great here comes the zero arguments.
Apart from the genital mutilation bit, you are basically whining at egalitarianism
So a woman getting less jail time for the exact same crime than a man is egalitarianism?
Some egalitarianism then. Sounds like injustice to me.
Basically none, but some societies are less male-dominated than others.
Look up matrilineal societies (primacy of ancestors through the female line over ancestors through the male line) and avuncular power structures (brother-uncle-figure as leader, instead of a husband-father-figure).
the privileges in legal disputes are the worst, and probably the only real issue.
a friend of mine caught his wife cheating on him, she hit him with a brick when he said something, ran away and then had him arrested on fake charges of spousal abuse. the cops and the judge never gave him a chance.
>Apart from the genital mutilation bit,
even that is weak. circumcision for male and for females are completely different things. Female circumcision is associated with all sorts of health complications; not to mention vastly reduced if not completely eliminated sexual pleasure. This sort of false equivalence logic is precisely what is wrong with identity politics that characterize much of feminism and mra thought alike. to be fair, the latter is a response to the former
Not all female circumcision is the same dude. There are types of female circumcision that are analogous to male circumcision(e.g removing the labia minora, or just a ritual pin prick of the clitoris), but they are ALL illegal regardless.
I agree it's not perfect in its current state (gender paygap meme, etc) but the concept itself is valid. A lot of the court loopholes modern get to exploit like child custody/alimony rights are remnants from the old system when women werent in the workforce. Those need to be purged. Same for preferential treatment in law. But those pushing for those corrections is a more feasible solution than rolling back the clock because muh minor inconsistencies
Ataturk nailed it when he said educated women means educated children and that egalitarianism literally doubles the workforce.
male circumcision also reduces sexual pleasure and can have health complications (especially if it's not done by a medical doctor like all female circumcisions are)
Its very rare that people stop at the earliest stage. false equivalence. you're as bad as the feminists you hate
Well they will never get purged, so that's just a moot point.
>The highest quality evidence indicates that circumcision does not decrease the sensitivity of the penis, harm sexual function or reduce sexual satisfaction.[20][70][71] A 2013 systematic review found that circumcision did not appear to adversely affect sexual desire, pain with intercourse, premature ejaculation, time until ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or difficulties with orgasm. However, the study found that the existing evidence is not very good.[72] Another 2013 systematic review found that the highest-quality studies reported no adverse effects of circumcision on sexual function, sensitivity, sensation or satisfaction.[21]
It still is child mutilation. And the memes about "it makes your penis cleaner/lowers chance of diseases or injuries" are just disproven memes to excuse it. The gains, if any, are absolutely minor. It's a vestigial remainder of our cultural/religious past; and should be done away with it on the same basis as FGM.
>Its very rare that people stop at the earliest stage.
It doesn't matter. It isn't equality that only one of them is illegal and socially unacceptable.
It does matter. Female circumcision as its carried out the vast majority of the time is objectively harmful. Male circumcision has not even been solidly proven to be harmful and there is some evidence of certain benefits. At best, there isn't enough evidence to say anything either way for sure. Two completely different things.
Old laws being reviewed/nullified happens all the time. As I said, I acknowledge there are still inconsistencies in our egalitarian systems but fixing minor biases in one specific court of law or in one industry is easier than throwing away the baby with the bath water.
Your source pretty much proves you wrong retard.
The point isn't what is more harmful you retard. I mean, you don't need your earlobes either, but you wouldn't advocate for people to cut off the earlobes of healthy newborn babies would you?
No you wouldn't. So shut the fuck up.
Your wikipaste clearly states it does nothing one way or another (according to those studies). So it IS a pointless procedure that is imposed on an infant purely for cosmetic/religious reasons. That is ethically wrong whichever way you look at it.
I'm not advocating throwing the baby out with the bathwater either.
But the people who claim to be egalitarian or feminist usually are monumental hypocrites on this issue and in my experience they support the things that I mentioned earlier, which to me doesn't make them egalitarian at all.
then just make past the first stage female circumcision illegal. that would actually make it easier to wipe out the harmful kind because it allows more room for the culture to adjust by giving a compromise.
Most people lack nuance and refuse to acknowledge that what we typically mean by "best" actually is "the least worst"; therefore they take any constructive criticism as a personal attack, as if things couldn't possibly be improved. I agree with you on that point.
>Women are getting more educated
This is partially true.
>Women are privileged in legal disputes of any kind
Only with Family Law in mind.
>getting less jail time for the same crime isn't a privilege
It is. But the sentence is the same (there is a difference between sentence and condemn) and at least it can be appealed and expanded. The only real completely unfair Matriarchal branch of law is Family Law.
All of them before modern publishers got to retell the story.
Sounds like bullshit rationalization to me. Either people are equal before the law, or they aren't.
she's a cutie
I agree
Sexist judges doesn't mean the system said sexist judges are working under is sexist, the individual scruples of judges is put under the test in any judicial system, and in some aspects they may fail due to the backround radiation of cultural norms like women being deserving of less jailtime.
Choose one.
there are none. women are too important and men are more or less disposable. So this, in combination with men's inherent physical superority, is why men rule.
as for female rulers, Catherine the Great is my favorite. She was so cool. Kicked Turkish ass, joined in Enlightenment thinking circles, and slutted it up.
I can't even think of any successful Matriarchal civilizations, though. I know there's some tribe in southern China where the women rule and make their brothers do all the housework, but they're so dumb and irrelevant they don't know what war or rape is (their bastard language don't have words for it), they got conquered really easily, are a laughingstock among other small isolated Chinese tribes, and pretty much live on commie neetbux at this point.
>educated women means educated children
lol more like no children.
>matriarchal civilization
one thing have never went along with another
>inb4 Boadicea
Tumblr is for that way ----->
Haha well meme'd faggot
fuck off please
shitty "points" regurgitated from reddit isn't arguing either
I'd colonize her desu
Zenobia of Palmyra
don't know about ancient ones but can confirm modern slavic societies are a matriarchy
why would you compare mra to this shitpost
>implying we know shit about Minoan government
they could have had a non linear egoist Anarcho syndicalist collective for all we know
But slavic societies worked on kinship/clan system. You had your extended (very extended) family living together more or less communally, with all married men making decisions and fighting, and everyone else working and helping.
I really like this word, since it was used to replace "fellowship" in the Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring in translation. Gave the adventuring party escorting Frodo a different meaning in slavic languages, like they are now brothers.
Katherine the Great
Empress Irene