>Contemporary artwork depicts Moors as not actually West African looking
Who came up with the Moors are Basketball American/Black/Negro/Tyrone maymay?
>Contemporary artwork depicts Moors as not actually West African looking
Who came up with the Moors are Basketball American/Black/Negro/Tyrone maymay?
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Less than Germnegroes tho
>We Wuz Pure Aryans N Shieet
Try actually including Southern Spaniards.
Moor just means Muslim. Lots of Sub-Saharan Africans are Muslim. Plenty of Sudanese and West African slaves were brought to Al-Andalus, plus indigenous North Africans are 25% black themselves.
>indigenous North Africans are 25% black themselves
Because of the Arab slave trade that shipped millions of niggers there. Berbers used to be white before that.
Art does show the occasional black moor. Certainly it was not anything close to a majority black population.
It's a lot for whites...
>Saudi only 0.31 Sub-Saharan
Well for one Alcalcer, Cordoba and Sayago are no where to be seen in the Spanish samples. We know that along with a very old L1b there are newer L haplogroups running around.
I'd also caution the Tunisian sample as a proxy for average urban North Africans. If I am to understand it they use inland groups.
They have little Sub-saharan admixture but have "a lot" of North East African admixture.
But they weren't and we know that archaeologically, genetically and written over two thousand years or so
It's sampling biases
Berbers clustered with Euros, did they?
There are a lot of Saudis that look mulatto.
Most of Berber ancestry is similar to Sardinians.
But they are 20% Negroid admixed.
Northeast African are black too, it doesn't just include the Caucasian looking Ahmara.
Ethiopians are mulatto
With the Ethiopic gene not niger-congo or nilo-saharah
They vary from those the same Europeans vary from South Asians
So Ethiopians have 0.77 dist to Niger-Congo.
If they weren't mixed with haplogroup J carrying West Asians it would be more like 0.3 or something. Very interesting. Niger-Congo are very closely related to the native Ethiopians it seems.
>If they weren't mixed with haplogroup J carrying West Asians it would be more like 0.3 or something.
U fucking retard
Its .77 without the admixture. The Ethiopic gene is a isolated gene not a fucking person
The West asian part is the Ethio-Somali part
They isolated them
For fuck sakes read a little
Plenty of East Africans to Horners are distinct from other populations in Tropical Africa (West Africa, Central to South Africa). They're too distinct to just get grouped with them all as "Black." Any more than you can do that with Iranians and Europeans.
Not sure what you're trying to say. You must be a native speaker of Somalian.
>The West asian part is the Ethio-Somali part
Haplogroup J carriers increased the genetic distance to Niger-Congoids in East Africa. Would be hard to argue against that.
Can't tell if this is bait or not
Ethiopians are a mix of Ethiopic and Ethio-somali
They are much more than .77.
.77 is just the african component
I don't really think it matters, point is that Ethiopians used to have lower genetic distances to Niger-Congo speakers as they used to be legit black Africans instead of mulattoes.
Okay u have an IQ of 70 lemme go through this slow
Ethiopic = Native component of Ethiopians
This is .077 away from Nigerians
Ethio-Somali= West Eurasian component
Which is .106 away
Ethiopic + Ethio-Somali = Modern day Ethiopian
They are very unrelated read the study if you can spare the brain cells
>I don't really think it matters, point is that Ethiopians used to have lower genetic distances to Niger-Congo speakers as they used to be legit black Africans instead of mulattoes.
Thats the Unmixed Ethiopic component which is .077
Which is not related to Niger-Congo You fucking retards
This guy is not that related to Nigerians deal with it
Nonsense. We have no reason to assume these components represent the pure types since they are just theoretical. Both seem to be mixed since Ethio-Somali has a lower distance every African pop so it's not purely Eurasian.
Yes he is very related to them especially his African part. see
>Who came up with the Moors are Basketball American/Black/Negro/Tyrone maymay?
Othello is a "moor" but constantly called black even in reference to his skin.
>they are just theoretical
Okay you are trolling. They go in depth as to how they isolated the genes in the study
It really is just theoretical since Ethio-Somali has too high genetic distances to people like Europeans. How can a component from Eurasia have the same distance to Nilo-Saharan and European?
He's also called a Barbary horse.
>Black means Basketball American
Well Moro in Italy did and does mean black. Just look at St Benedict the Moor.
Does that mean the Egyptians aren't White?
Because olive skinned people being considered white by northern Europeans is only a recent thing. Compared to the people at the time, Spaniards are dark fellows, if not in skin than in hair or eyes.
Swarthy is the word. Ben Franklin even didn't consider Germans and Swedes white because of how Swarthy they were. White Nationalists are retards and are globalists in regards to skin color. (all Europeans are the same bro! Muh heritage, much culture).
> White Nationalists are retards and are globalists in regards to skin color.
They're also American or drawing from American sources. No different than Afrocentrists (New World or New World drawing Niggers) claiming Egypt or whatever.
they aren't mixed with niggers lmao
>20% mixed
good math job, idiot.
You sure?
West-african subsaharan is almost irrelevant in al Europe, close to zero in all population for autosomal
I just realized that everything in regards to race and culture in recent years has been new worlders 'muh heritage'-ing and 'we wuzing' coming to its logical conclusion, identifying themselves as more *insert thing here* than the originators of said thing.
White Americans will be saying they are more European than the Europeans, and blacks will be saying they are more African than the Africans. Just like some Romans used to say that Rome is the true inheritors of classical Greek culture, not the contemporary Greeks (who were failures and not worthy of Greek civilization).
Its the next evolution of identity politics of a post-colonial people grasping for an identity.
can this spics are white meme stop
T-they still exist?!
>This trigger the muh 100% Aryan blood amerishart.
You are right.
If someone ask me to imagine a white guy, I'll imagine pic related not Ben Franklin.
>If someone ask me to imagine a white guy.
>long hair.