Dearest user, I have been researching the origins of Fascist Political philosophy and have found 3 major influences from the 19th century that can be directly connected politically in terms of end goals and in rhetoric.
the first is Hegelian views concerning the relationship between the individual and the state, that having a strong effect on Italian fascism.
The second is the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, having an especially strong effect on the political philosophy and world view of Nazism. This is especially prevalent in their attitudes regarding the concept of "The Will" and the creation of a superior man by culling the weak. Though I'm sure Nietzsche would hate the Nazis, Unlike his sister.
The third is Marxism in general, as many of the early fascist movements grew out of Marxist political movements and even kept a great amount of their doctrine from socialist and national syndicalist movements. See the 25 points and Mussolini's roots at "Avante!"
My question, my dearest user, is what else might there be in regards to the roots of Fascism in the 19th century besides the above points in regards to political and philosophical theory? Would Social Darwinism have played a significant role due to it's effects on the Eugenics movement and Nietzsche's philosophy? Please, say anything you like, I would love to see some other views and opinions that may aid me in my research. Any book suggestions are welcome as well.
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