Just put $3000 on my credit card for a trip to London/Paris

>just put $3000 on my credit card for a trip to London/Paris
>$800 in my savings account

Who /irresponsible/ here

You should've put it in ANS you retard.

>600k mortgage
>40k cc debt
>Bankrupt once before
>I earn 40k/yr


Why would you visit Paris? Are you murrican?


Just put $1000 on a credit card to buy ANS and LTC, gonna make quadruple what you spent OP

how the fuck did you get a mortgage

I had 50k in my bank account and 5k in my 401k, I make 80 grand a year. I just spent 20k on a vac truck from a government auction and I plan to sell it for at least 40-50k. I also lost some money on crypto since I bought in right before crash and literally bought high sold low, but I converted everything to golem and ants so I'm about to be rich as fuck

have fun seeing all the refugees


dont you mean North Algeria?

It's not the 1970's anymore user


literally muslim and nigger infested shitholes

The banks are the retards here. Must be Canadian.

Oh yeah and where are you from?


rural kent in england

98.5% white village


>come to australia senpai, get 5% deposit on a million dollar house at 4% interest rate on 30k/year. you can also negatively gear your property for dat government money

Take it from a frog, going to Paris on your own as a foreigner is more irresponsible than having no money.

>accept thousands of pounds of debt so I can buy the dip
>rinse and repeat

-£3500 ( overdraft )

I'm sorry for you user. Although I understand now why you don't like the scary wide world out there.

Enjoy watching niggers and muslims. KEK.

i've been to london every now and then to see family

if that's the scary wide world i'm missing out on then i'd rather stay in my bubble

pakis and blacks talking in ghetto gibberish, the few white kids left imitating them, the infamous london cockney culture has been entirely replaced by ethnic thug culture, this island is becoming less like a country and more like a geographical location

at least british culture is still alive and kicking in my quiet village

Thanks capitalism!

top kek

Normal thing to do, enjoy your trip OP

France is nice.

It is about to blow all the time but nice anyway. It all depends where you are from.

I'm am from a shitty 3rd world and france looks awesome compared to this but at the same time india looks shit compared to where I'm from.