Universal Basic Income when?

Universal Basic Income when?

It's here. it's called crypto. just sit on your lazy, neckbearded ass and watch the gains

2019-2020 , President Gabbard, screenshot/cap whatver you wanna call it.

hopefully not soon. i wanna be rich while everyone else is a poor wagecuck

When you have a homogenous society of only whites with closed borders

You'd still have rich people and poor people, it's just that your poorest people would be just poor rather than homeless or borderline homeless.

I heard they started implementing this in small towns ($15) and it hasn't caused bad inflation as speculated because people are willing to spend money when they think they have surplus. Don't know how it'd work over the whole country though.

But where will you find the money for it ?

It's pretty sad that while UBI deserves to be discussed at least, liberals and commies just want it as some additional form of welfare. Under these conditions, the UBI will never work and the economy will collapse within months.

If you abolish all welfare, social security, and every semblance of a social state (socialized healthcare, free education, etc) then UBI might work.

fuck off commie scum. You realizer that when the civil war starts, we're literally going to kill you?

ETA on civil war?

November 2020

Fascists vs commies. hope you choose the right side

>But where will you find the money for it ?

All the other tanking entitlement programs that could be rolled into one simple cash payment

>It's pretty sad that while UBI deserves to be discussed at least, liberals and commies just want it as some additional form of welfare. Under these conditions, the UBI will never work and the economy will collapse within months.

Fucking moron. You don't know the first thing about a UBI

thanks but i'm safe living in another country and i'll watch the shitshow from here

...as you ride off into the sunset on your government built roads, your government provided gasoline, your subsidized vehicle, etc. etc.

Its like you don't have any debt

can i fight for the south and gibbed me nigger slaves and robots

We're killing the jews first and foremost. Everyone, the asians, the whites, the niggers, everyone should finally come together to exterminate every jewish scum off this planet as our ancestors wanted to do for thousands of years. Then you can do whatever, race war, civil war, global war doesn't matter, the world and the human race will already be a much better place that will start thriving again.

the government is on my side.

>implying the jews arent the leaders of the commies
they will be killed or at least exiled, dont worry user

its called welfare

but whites call it basic income

>ancap thinks he knows shit

UBI+ wellfare is the future reality of full automation

Never, poorfag. Get a job.

>the government is on my said

famous last words, kulak

No you brainlet
>Crypto trading

Sounds wonderful

Most homeless people in western countries are unhinged and refuse the help given to them. The US is the odd developed country in which it's possible to be homeless, but even the vast majority of poor people are "just poor", not homeless.

I agree, communism does sound wonderful

The socialist parts of western economies are the worst parts though

The roads and social services struggle

>Government provided


The government doesn't provide anything, it uses tax payer money to give a negative ROI.

bring back insane asylums
anyone can check in if they want to stay
people are literally robbing banks to go to jail to have somewhere to stay

There are no homeless people in the US.

If liberals ever actually met any homeless, then they would realize that every homeless person is either on drugs or has some kind of mental disorder. They can't be helped and they are a tiny insignificant percentage of the population.

Also, virtually no one is poor in the US. Even the poorest people still have a massively better and completely sanitary and comfortable life compared to even other western countries.

Universal basic income will just cause inflation. Just like raising minimum wage so losers settling for jobs at mcdonalds can get paid MORE for doing literally the exact same amount of "work". Consumer price index goes up, the currency gets inflated as fuck. Next thing you know, you're paying $30 for a shitty hamburger and the minimum wage needs to be $50/hr. Not a good thing. What we need is more automation which can LOWER the CPI and make currency stronger. The ((big guys)) with capital need to fund automated technologies in all three economic sectors. Take away ALL busy work and make more engineers and technicians that solve real problems. It'll be a tough shift, but it's already happening very slowly.

How does that solve joblessness and an even bigger increase of joblessness due to more automation?

Automation is a liberal meme

The economy will adapt to driverless cars in the same way it did with typewriters and Apple II computers

That's a nice delusion you've got there.

Fuck off retard. UBI has never been tried and never will be. You commie retards are obsessed with imaginary solutions that will make us all rich out of nothing so you never have to work again.

Just get a job and stp whining.
>b-but le evil robots are taking my jobs
Get useful skills then you piece of shit. Flipping burgers isn't one.

Welfare is dysgenic. If you want proof look at niggers - they were almost people once... long long ago... Now they are pavement apes.

This. Unfortunately, (((they))) will never allow that.

It wont be classified as true communism, as asset pools and property ownership will still exist which will be held by the wealthy

>liberal meme
mcdonalds literally has counter attendants that JUST hand you food. there are kiosks now. a mechanical arm could do that fucking job, or a conveyor belt even.. A METAL SLIDE COULD DO THAT JOB.

These people ARE receiving basic income for not eating their own excrement and not being constantly on heroin and addicted to amphetamines.

At least all the money we spent on education and healthcare has allowed them to control pregnancy rates.

>capitalist mechanization will lead to everyone getting unemployed and broke
>communist mechanization will lead to everyone not having to work and living like billionaires
wtf i love communism now

>I'm a fucking retard
You have the mental perception of a teenage girl

Definition of poor: lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society

Try to understand the systems and powers which govern our society, before you try and direct blame/responsibility to people with the weakest links in society

US has the highest debt per person in the world,

Yeah, but who is that debt owed to?

The average nigger has no problem with abortion because despite the Black Lives Matter meme they value human life less than anyone, hence the black-on-black murder statistics.

Universal basic income simply allows the least fit among us to breed equally.

But think of all the great inventors we would lose if we didn't allow the urban population to continue breeding.

What relevance does that have to anything ?

If we all owe debt to each other, it's not that big of a deal. But if we owe debt to a group that has self-segregated for generations and believes themselves to be g-d's chosen people among all others, that may lead to problems.

>November 2020
>Fascists vs commies
Statists vs. statists?

Sounds like the battle of piss vs poop.

Also, you should really quit crypto if you're a statist. There's no future for you if you believe in the "strong hand" of the government.

Talking about basic income, isn't it supposed to replace things like welfare, pensions, reparations, nigger money etc?

USSR was probably the most communist country in the world

You got into jail if you didn't work. There was an official law against not having a job.

Show me where in the US that you have people living in the streets and not even able to afford food. It simply doesn't exist outside of extreme outliers.

The actual numbers disagree with you, so you can't argue facts with emotions.

fuck back off to fagbook.

You want free money buy beans and get sprouting you POS!