Historical feels
Historical feels
Anne de Gaulle was the youngest daughter of General Charles de Gaulle. She was born in Trier, Germany, where her father was stationed with the Army of Occupation in the Rhineland.
She was born with Down Syndrome and lived with her family until her death. There was one sacred rule in the de Gaulle household: Anne was never to be made to feel different or less than anyone else. Charles de Gaulle was noted for his reserve and even with family members he was usually not very demonstrative. Not so with his daughter Anne, who received a warmth that he had seemed to be storing for his entire life just for her. He would entertain her with songs, dances, and pantomimes, he would often act as a child himself to bring her joy. One Colombey resident recalled how he used to walk with her hand-in-hand around the property, caressing her and talking quietly about the things she understood. She was, he said simply, “My joy. She helped me overcome the failures in all men, and to look beyond them.”
In 1948, Anne succumbed to pneumonia, a month after her 20th birthday and died in her father's arms. Upon her death, weeping, her father said: "Now, she's like the others."
On 22 August 1962, Charles de Gaulle was the victim of an attempted assassination at Petit-Clamart. He later said that the potentially fatal bullet had been stopped by the frame of the photograph of Anne that he always carried with him, placed this particular day on the rear shelf of his car. When he died in 1970, he was buried in the cemetery of Colombey beside his beloved daughter.
She could only utter one word clearly in her entire life: ‘Papa’
>She could only utter one word clearly in her entire life: ‘Papa’
That must have been brutal for her mother
ITT: reposts of reposts
I'll get this one out of the way.
>"what? what?"
Gotta get the feeings flowing though. And besides, isn't that what history and Veeky Forums is? a retelling of past events over and over? I swear I have seen the same Hitler did X thread at least 100 times now.
I'm a grizzled, rather cynical TR scholar at this point, so I've read that story many times.
But shit the first time I saw that, man it hit me hard.
>"Sophie! Sophie! Don't die! Live for our children!"
She didn't make it.
Einstein's last words were lost to a language barrier.
I'm sure he would have thought that was hilarious.
>died in her father's arms. Upon her death, weeping, her father said: "Now, she's like the others."
Fugg that hit me hard
fuck me...
the fell when you could have changes history if someone had listend
"If the allies had obliged me just one single time, I would have brought the German people behind me, yes; even today, I could still get them to support me. However, they (the allies) gave me nothing and the minor concessions they made, always came too late. Thus, nothing else remains for us but brutal force. The future lies in the hands of the new generation. Moreover, they, the German youth, who we could have won for peace and reconstruction, we have lost. Herein lies my tragedy and there, the allies' crime." - Gustav Stresemann 1928
that makes me happy, they loved each other so much and that little girl had a happy loved life and as we all know Mr De Gaulle had a very rich life.
so they were both very fortunate people.
Posting some of the classics.
The guy who hated his republic did everything to keep her alive and worked himself to death
Thread needs some happy feels.
Pic: Victorian couple trying to pose for photo bursting into laughter with the wife hiding her face in embarrassment.
>Born and raised on a farm outside Melbourne, Victoria, Coulthard led the Carlton Football Club to premiership success in the fledgling Victorian Football Association (VFA), and was, in the opinion of many of his contemporaries, the most skilled player yet seen in the Australian game. However, in a VFA first, Coulthard was suspended in 1882 for fighting during play, effectively ending his football career.
>That year, Coulthard had contracted tuberculosis, and was feared to be on the verge of death by the start of the 1883 VFA season. On 20 October 1883, Coulthard was reportedly "confined to his bed in a dangerous state". Delirious as he succumbed to the disease, Coulthard made apparent references to his suspension from the VFA, saying "It is not true they're going to disqualify me. Surely they won't disqualify me." News of his death on 22 October was met with an outpouring of public grief, and a large procession followed Coulthard's remains from his Lygon Street home to his funeral. He was buried at the Melbourne General Cemetery next to Princes Park, home of the Carlton Football Club.
>Recognised as the game's "first bona fide superstar", he was an inaugural inductee into the Australian Football Hall of Fame.
>reposts of reposts
The preferred nomenclature is "pasta"
>OP ask for feels related to history
>posts about some guy from a country with no history
>reposts of reposts
Yeah, that's called "history"
Charles Darwin's memorial to Anne is pretty touching. The most quoted is the last paragraph.
>We have lost the joy of the Household, and the solace of our old age:— she must have known how we loved her; oh that she could now know how deeply, how tenderly we do still & shall ever love her dear joyous face.
ironically Australian football is older than soccer
I am Australian and I have no idea who this fuckwit is desu. Also
>Pre-federation history
strike me dead you must be a boring person
>We two dear men, friends forever, were here. If you want to know our names, they are Gaius and Aulus.
>Charles de Gaulle was the victim of an attempted assassination at Petit-Clamart. He later said that the potentially fatal bullet had been stopped by the frame of the photograph of Anne
Reality is often stranger than fiction, sadder too.
the guy survived a shark attack, caused international sport's first riot, dominated australian football, was a celebrated knuckle fighter, suffered a downfall in the original trial by media, convinced the race-going public to bet on a shit horse because he dreamt it would win, and then died tragically before his career even peaked. but he lived pre-federation so it's "boring"
what's sad is that if this was an american story, you would think it's fucking amazing, because hollywood would have told you so
>Anna Demidova, Alexandra's maid, survived the initial onslaught but was quickly stabbed to death against the back wall while trying to defend herself with a small pillow which she had carried that was filled with precious gems and jewels.
>While the bodies were being placed on stretchers, one of the girls cried out and covered her face with her arm.
>Ermakov grabbed Alexander Strekotin's rifle and bayoneted her in the chest, but when it failed to penetrate he pulled out his revolver and shot her in the head.
Would you mind giving a story behind this?
Journal entries are the prime feel worthy material.
humans truly are monsters
>the first international sporting riot
unlikely, seeing as how a Chariot race set off the Nika riots that burned half of Constantinople and killed some 30,000 people in 500-ish AD
if this was an american story I would be equally unlikely to care. nice attempt at a first post btw, you really called me out on being an australian replying to an australian-tier shitpost about some random idiot who did nothing of note in >>history
t. australian (AU)
> ". . . I must not allow myself to dwell on the personal - there is no room for it here. Also it is demoralising. But I do not want to die. Not that I mind it for myself. If it be that I am to go, I am ready. But the thought that I may never see you or our darling baby again turns my bowels to water. I cannot think of it with even the semblance of equanimity.
> My one consolation is the happiness that has been ours. Also my conscience is clear that I have always tried to make life a joy for you. I know at least that if I go you will not want. That is something. But it is the thought that we may be cut off from each other which is so terrible and that our Babe may grow up without my knowing her and without her knowing me. It is difficult to face. And I know your life without me would be a dull blank. Yet you must never let it become wholly so. For to you will be left the greatest charge in all the world; the upbringing of our baby. God bless that child, she is the hope of life to me.
> My darling, au revoir. It may well be that you will only have to read these lines as ones of passing interest. On the other hand, they may well be my last message to you. If they are, know through all your life that I loved you and baby with all my heart and soul, that you two sweet things were just all the world to me.
> I pray God I may do my duty, for I know, whatever that may entail, you would not have it otherwise."
Capt. Charlie May died on July 1, 1916.
1961 Venezuela, commies attempted a coup with some Naval Infantry unit they got under their control, Army sent to put them down, that's a mortally wounded Army soldier and the military chaplain who ran through a hail of commie bullets to help the man up, he said in Spanish "Father, don't let me go, don't let me go". The priest didn't let go but the lad didn't make it. :( And eventually the commies got their dream of making our country into a living hell.
international sport is sport between nations you dumb cunt. it's the first such riot
but yes keep shitting in your own nest, it shows the foreigners how enlightened you are
Don't forget the brilliant
>Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!
yes because there were never any athletes that claimed to represent their nation in ancient times at all
good thing we have you to set things straight by telling me about the terribly sad death of a man whose claim to fame is being the first man to start a fistfight between patrons at a sports game, it really ranks right up there with people like Scott of the Antarctic and Winston Churchill
fucking moron
Fate refused to give Pompey and Julia happiness. :(
>On the other hand, the resentment felt against Pompey also increased. This was because he handed over his province and his armies to subordinate commanders who were friends of his, while he himself spent all his time with his wife, going about Italy from one pleasure resort to another, whether because he was so deeply in love with her or (this reason also is given) because she was so much in love with him that he could not bear to leave her.
>Certainly the young wife's fondness for her husband was notorious, and Pompey, at his age, scarcely seemed to be a fit object for such passionate devotion. The reason for it seems to have lain in his constancy as a husband (since he remained entirely faithful to his own wife), and also in his ability to unbend from his dignity and to become really charming in personal relationships.
>Once it happened that during the elections for the aedileships a fight broke out and numbers of people were killed near the place where Pompey was standing. As he was covered with their blood he changed his clothes. His servants ran to his house with the blood-stained garments, making a great noise, and his young wife, who was pregnant at the time, fainted at the sight of the toga all covered with blood, and was only brought back to life again with great difficulty. As it was, the shock to her feelings caused a miscarriage.
>It was natural, therefore, that even those who most disapproved of Pompey because of his friendship with Caesar could not blame him for the love he felt for his wife. Later, however, she conceived again and gave birth to a daughter; but she died in the process of giving birth and the child only survived her for a few days. Pompey made preparations to have her buried at his country estate near Alba, but the people insisted on taking the body down to the Field of Mars to be buried there. They did this rather out of pity for the young woman than as a mark of favor to Pompey.
he's not as historically significant as churchill. wow, such a brilliant point. agreed, he should be forgotten entirely
also, we should demolish all of our pre-federation buildings, since none quite match up to st. peter's basilica. i feel so worldly and cultured now, thanks faggot
>person is murdered
>humans are truly monsters
Fucking deep user, are you sure you're old enough to be posting here?
Feel ya, Venebro.
How are the protests/riots going? Any chance of reform?
Hope you're getting enough to eat
My great uncle William Shearer fought as part of the Royal Irish Rifles in WW1.
His fate always makes me a bit sad
>captured with several others
>managed to escape, told everyone he would go and get help
>made it across hostile land and "no man's land" back to a friendly line
>informed them of the position of the prisoners, who was guarding them, etc
>a rescue was organised
>he left to return to his fellow captives to inform them that rescue was coming
>on his way there he was killed by a shell
>both the rescue party and the prisoners asked where William was after the successful rescue, as each party believed that William was with the other
That's a pretty great story, thanks for sharing.
What county was he from?
He was a spiteful, horrid man but this is touching.
>She could only utter one word clearly in her entire life: ‘Papa’
I don't know much about DeGaulle aside from some basic knowledge of his military history, why is he hated so much?
Because he refused to suck anglo cuck and tried to rally a broken french spirit behind him during a speech after the liberation of paris, rather than paying the "le autistically accurate respect to all muh allies". Also both US abd UK didnt want france to develop their own nuclear program but he lol'd in their face and did it anyway.
It was actually more brutal than that being shot, unfortunately. Two of the girls were still alive when they brought them outside.
>But Anastasia was still alive, and Marie, too, for as their bodies were carried to a Fiat truck that stood waiting in the courtyard, first one, then the other, suddenly sat up, coughing blood, moaning, screaming. They were outside now, and the men couldn’t shoot them; the bayonets came out, slashing through the air, but the knives struck the hidden jewels. And so someone grabbed a rifle, turned it around, and hammered away at the barely conscious faces, driving the wooden stock down again and again and again. Battered into silence, choking on splintered bone and shattered teeth, drowning in her own blood - this was how Anastasia died
>I think about history. I think about the future. And when we will all be dead. Life is so short, and so precious. And now that I see it being squandered criminally or pointlessly all around me, on what can I rely? Everything loses its meaning with death constantly staring you in the face... I fear that I won’t be here when Jean returns. It’s a very new feeling. I still imagine him coming back and I still think of the future. But when I am fully in reality, when I see it clearly, I am gripped by anguish.
>But it is not fear as such, because I am not afraid of what might happen to me; I think I would accept it, for I have accepted many hard things, and I’m not one to back away from a challenge. But I fear that my beautiful dream may never be brought to fruition, may never be realized. I’m not afraid for myself but for something beautiful that might have been.
Written when she was still living in Paris, died in 1945 at Bergen-Belsen.
>And so someone grabbed a rifle, turned it around, and hammered away at the barely conscious faces, driving the wooden stock down again and again and again. Battered into silence, choking on splintered bone and shattered teeth, drowning in her own blood - this was how Anastasia died
>Zanjeer... was a Labrador Retriever who served as a detection dog with the Mumbai Police in Maharashtra state of India. Due to his impeccable service detecting many explosives and other weapons—in particular during the 1993 Mumbai bombings—he was honoured with a full state funeral.
>In 1948, Anne succumbed to pneumonia, a month after her 20th birthday and died in her father's arms. Upon her death, weeping, her father said: "Now, she's like the others."
Well how else would you kill them at that point
She suffered birth injuries which the doctors told DeGaulle that she would likely be lame for the rest of her life. Through help of a brace, De Gaulle taught Anne to walk.
>Be Charles De Gaulle
>Be 1945
>Find out about the Action t4 program.
No fucking wonder why he wanted French judges at Nuremberg.
Scipio Aemilianus upon viewing the fall of Carthage in 146 BC:
>Scipio, when he looked upon the city as it was utterly perishing and in the last throes of its complete destruction, is said to have shed tears and wept openly for his enemies. After being wrapped in thought for long, and realizing that all cities, nations, and authorities must, like men, meet their doom; that this happened to Ilium, once a prosperous city, to the empires of Assyria, Media, and Persia, the greatest of their time, and to Macedonia itself, the brilliance of which was so recent, either deliberately or the verses escaping him, he said:
>A day will come when sacred Troy shall perish,
>And Priam and his people shall be slain.
>And when Polybius speaking with freedom to him, for he was his teacher, asked him what he meant by the words, they say that without any attempt at concealment he named his own country, for which he feared when he reflected on the fate of all things human. Polybius actually heard him and recalls it in his history.
>entire childhood consisted of being restrained to a toilet
They say she later showed joy when dropping objects and breaking them. I would buy her her very own china shop.
Commies aren't human.
It always reminds me why I hate California.
What kind of autist goes to the beach in a suite?
Then why did anyone think that Anastasia survived?
TFW watching all this happening and somehow being able to write it down.
Communist are worse than nazis
Commies are humans, but not all humans are humane.
Is it messed up that this one doesn't really resonate with me? I didn't really feel anything reading that.
Algerian? Breton?
One that can afford to bring an entire fancy room with him from the hotel?
Who cares if he didn't actually write it
>Then why did anyone think that Anastasia survived?
Because those details were unknown until just a few years ago, they were from several documents in Soviet-era archives that were kept sealed until recently.
You would prefer they gassed them for efficiency?
There are people out there who willingly abuse these creaturea. I put animal abusers on the same level as child killers/molesters.
Brittany was the most gaullist region until the 80s
How appropriate.
what about people who molest child animals