What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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800 years of Anglo-saxon invasion
If the Hiberno-Spanish alliance had won at Kinsale then everything would've probably been fine
Alas it was not to be, and Ireland was doomed to suck forever
monocrop potato farming
eternal anglo
"Ireland" is as much a nation as macedonia, Italy or G*rmany
Haha Ireland is the last holdout of the ancient Celts.
This is embarrassing
No it isn't, the Celtic race died out hundreds of years ago, the Irish are a race of mongrelized half-anglo half black savages. Which explains their wewuzzing.
Weak b8 m8 would not r8 8/8
and to add the British were right to enslave them, shame the great potato famine didn't kill them all
Not an argument faglord
technically irish genetics are objectively among the most successful among european nations along with scottish, english, spanish, and german.
Well luckily for all the British are being invaded without a shot fired as we speak.
The UK belongs to the Muslims.
He doesn't need an argument against a claim with no sources.
>UK 80% white
>US 53% white and dropping rapidly
*Shameful FTFY
>80% white
you're not white, paki
Wales is more Celtic than those potato niggers.
>Muslim is an ethnicity
Haha it was 92% in 2001. 12 whole points lost in under 2 decades.
Really stirs my tea
Welsh doesn't count as a Gaelic language. It's just welsh.
Still a Celtic language.
Speaking Celtic in Ireland was at one point punishable by death
I'm actually an a quarter afghan, mick
When did I say that
>a quarter afghan
Did you actually just cite the ethnicity of an American black-Irish as a source that all Irish are half black? Let me help you, a real source would have been something like a study on the genetic makeup of Ireland.
I'm an Aryan unlike you mick
>American reading comprehension
The article is about the DNA of Irish Americans dickhead
>he still thinks aryan german = aryan furryranian
Ehh, have you heard it being spoken? Sounds like Joe Pesci with his head stuck in a mascerator. It's really phonetically distinct from scotts Gaelic or Irish Gaelic, as it developed from the languages of mainland Britain, whereas the Irish language developed separately in Ireland, and bled across into Scotland for Scots gaelic
THIS...shitty luck and weather thwarted multiple Spanish liberation attempts.
The Afghans are part of the Iranian (Aryan) people, try not to be jealous :^)
Btw Germans and Europeans are not aryan
it's talking about irish ancestry in ameriblacks.
But it's not, it's about the DNA test results of ONE irish American. Irish is one of the most common ethnicities in the United States. The fact that a black dude has Irish blood isn't evidence for a claim.
This was supposed to be in relation to
The dulcet tones of joe Pesci in a plumbing apparatus are obviously more suited to the welsh enunciation, not the Irish. No idea how I got the post number wrong.
So the Irish are africans....
It's not that hard to find real academic sources proving that the Irish are africans
Eternal anglo pls go
And take your b8 with (You)
Then why didn't you produce one? Why did you post a source that didn't support your claim? The burden of proof is on whoever is making the claim. If you can't produce a source then you can't be taken seriously.
I don't have the time to argue and find sources
I'm not English, I'm most likely Scottish or dutch
Because I don't have to, it's a known fact and most credible sources back my statement.
You don't have time because they don't exist. Thanks for playing.
Of course with some afghan as I stated before
>an American calling someone else a nigger
He's taking the piss mate
I'm not an American I am from Australia
Butthurt mick detected, I am completely serious
I hope President Trump nukes you fuckers. We are trying to get rid of our shitskins, not take more. Your arrogance warrants war.
>Nuking his second greatest ally
I am white
You gave me a source listing which African ethnic groups are in Ireland, you failed to present a source that says anything about African genes in modern day ethnic Irish. You're 0 for 2 so far maybe you should stop trying.
He's so obviously full of shit it's ridiculous, but it's funny to watch him try and find sources to support a false claim.
I'm not full of shit, im right I'll show you
0 for 3. The website failed to cite a study to support it's claims. A legitimate source would have a sample size of people living in Ireland and how many of them have significant amounts of African DNA.
Fuck King Billy, and fuck Orange People
>B-but thats not legitimate!
>But where did the early Irish come from? For a long time the myth of Irish history has been that the Irish are Celts. Many people still refer to Irish, Scottish and Welsh as Celtic culture - and the assumtion has been that they were Celts who migrated from central Europe around 500BCE. Keltoi was the name given by the Ancient Greeks to a 'barbaric' (in their eyes) people who lived to the north of them in central Europe. While early Irish art shows some similarities of style to central European art of the Keltoi, historians have also recognised many significant differences between the two cultures.
The latest research into Irish DNA has confirmed that the early inhabitants of Ireland were not directly descended from the Keltoi of central Europe. In fact the closest genetic relatives of the Irish in Europe are to be found in the north of Spain in the region known as the Basque Country. These same ancestors are shared to an extent with the people of Britain - especially the Scottish.
Oh and the word African doesn't appear once in the entire article, so you apparently didn't even read it.
Where does it say that in the article hmmmm
It's time to stop
They actually though they would do better as an independent nation
>Phoneposting redditor
Opinion discarded
Ulster is what happened faggots. Take a look at the constant fighting between the green and orange my nig nogs, you can't settle an area already settled by another group of people and expect to get along. Everything from the Irish civil war in 1916 and the troubles were results of this. The paddies and scots who had the brains to leave this shit went to America and became what all us fags call, "hillbillies"
>guys at one point we had an empire!
The empire's been dead for a while now, and it even looks like the kingdom is shrinking.
>Ad Hominem
Opinion discarded, of course I discarded your opinion around the 2nd bad source.
desu all things considered Ireland did okay
Probably thanks to Collins. It absolutely astounds me every day that we allowed the bogshits to exist. I dunno if we found in us a deep rooted anglo sympathy for them or if Collins was just a bad enough dude, but Ireland existing is so bizarre to me. GG bogshitters
Friendly reminder that the Irish resistance invented petrol bombs during the Norman invasion.
this is sad
england, why
Catholicism and a perfidious Spanish bastard named de Valera
>Irish is one of the most common ethnicities in the United States.
no it isnt, people with 1 or 2 irish great grandparents arent irish. If you dont have at least one irish parent you arent irish.
Apparently my grandmothers ancestors were Spanish that stayed after that battle
thats since been debunked
>hurr durr i have black hair my ancestors swam ashore from the spanish armada!
Wales doesn't distinguish between native speakers like we do afaik, over 1.5 million claimed to "speak" Irish in the last census so we beat Wales out by a factor of 3 to 1 of people lying
honestly republican bants are the greatest
As an irishman I will forever have a cucked irish but rather that than be a stuffy ulster loyalist
The Irish attacked the mainland first.
nobody could be arsed to translate the bible into gaelic
>muh fookin ate hundrit yeers! Blue-dae anglish koontz!
pulling that out of your ass
Why are unionist murals so cringe?
Scotland is still 95% white
yeah, and if one black man were to visit it would plunge to 72%
And that's why I nail bombed a school bus
Anglo-Saxon? lol
That was quoted from his source
>hey guise remember the somme
Romans never went there.
Scotland is full of gommunists. They regulate BB guns like firearms because one person managed to kill a baby with one.
Scots should be lucky the independence vote failed. They would be Venezuela tier.
The brits didn't bake the potato fast enough before they became self aware
Nothing, there hardworking people (Except for there gypsy's). If your talking about ancient times then I would guess because Romans never got there.
Good god that video is cringey as fuck.
t. IrishCatholicAmerican