Does Veeky Forums have culture, or is it the literal Canada of Veeky Forums?
Does Veeky Forums have culture, or is it the literal Canada of Veeky Forums?
Well we do have Anne Frank.
That was originally a /mu/ meme.
Veeky Forums is where /pol/ and Veeky Forums come to die
>jews didn't do the mongols
Veeky Forums is just the contrarian version of /pol/
we are united by our love of fapping to art
Yep, we talk about how civilization X was actually black
or how civilization Y was actually white
then we tell people GET BACK TO POL FAGGOT when they disagree with us.
Oh also the sometimes we get an actually decent board about greek/roman history or innate human morality or art.
Oh and I personally really love the threads on radical political theory, weather its about communism or fascism or anarcho-primitivism, even tho thats technically /pols/ territory we pick up the slack sometimes.
>also this
a hentai drawing of pregnant Ann Frank getting fucked while having contractions originated here. I think that counts as enough of a contribution to the meme
Our esoteric knowledge of the hwan dynasty exceeds all other boards
molten gold
I'm still waiting for the anarcho-monarchism thread.
How would that even work?
Seems like that would almost describe the governance system described as heaven, a universally compassionate and just populous ungoverned by any textual laws or regulations due to their moral nature and only bowing down to a singular throne not a bureaucracy
I'm half-convinced it's a joke somebody made up, and then somewhere along the line it was told to someone who didn't get it.
Isn't anarcho-monarchism just feudalism?
I'm confused.
well it is. that doesn't mean we can't have a thread dedicated to figuring out how such a political system would work
From what I could read (It still need to read more, thus why I'm waiting for the thread to happen) the monarchy is suppose to protect the people from outside threats (some also believe that the government/monarchy should have hospitals/policing/firefighters/ and or education), but the king/queen is also not exempted by the law, for example if the king raped a women, then by law he is too be punished. I'm still super fuzzy with the details, because I'm still learning. But a super long quote from Tolkien (who was an Anarcho-Monarchist)
>My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy (philosophically understood, meaning abolition of control not whiskered men with bombs) – or to ‘unconstitutional’ Monarchy. I would arrest anybody who uses the word State (in any sense other than the inanimate realm of England and its inhabitants, a thing that has neither power, rights nor mind); and after a chance of recantation, execute them if they remained obstinate! If we could get back to personal names, it would do a lot of good. Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so as to refer to people. If people were in the habit of referring to ‘King George’s council, Winston and his gang’, it would go a long way to clearing thought, and reducing the frightful landslide into Theyocracy. Anyway the proper study of Man is anything but Man; and the most improper job of any man, even saints (who at any rate were at least unwilling to take it on), is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity
still way behind Veeky Forums, /k/ and Veeky Forums. even behind /an/ and Veeky Forums.
>for me, it's the mcchicken.
Veeky Forums culture was appropriated from /gsg/
Veeky Forums has the great advantage of having an anthropomorphic sandwich that can take a dick, though. None of the board culture we've produced so far can take a dick. We're deficient in that regard.
come on, loli stirner can take a dick
loli Stirner is from Veeky Forums.
assorted horribly drawn stirners can take a dick
Just face it, we're the unholy combination of /pol/, Veeky Forums, /int/, and /gsg/.
this is correct.
its mostly romeaboo culture, which I proudly support
For some reason every time I read "/lit" in this thread my brain interprets it as "Veeky Forums" and I keep getting really confused thinking that Veeky Forums is some secret society of dudes reading greek philosophy while doing bicep curls and shitposting about niche and absurdism.
Fuck you! We may be the unholy combination now, but we'll break those chains and become something else! The fucking Russians did it with the Mongols, we can do it here!
That was /fitlit/ user. It's gone now.
We, like Canada, are an emerging cultural powerhouse.
A cozy land of Fjords and lakes, where man can live a simple life, free from populism, uninterrupted by a mass media machine, unburdened from the past, under the Queen in a comfortable corner of a dead Empire. A noble people, who want to live life in quiet dignity, free to enjoy their micro brews,dope, and prescription opiates... but I digress.
Personally I'd like to see us make a conscious effort towards the improvement of our board. Meta-threads like this can help. If 20 people can make an effort of making one high quality thread per day, we' d do wonders towards shaping the culture of this board, which will have an impact for years to come.
If we can force the right memes, the ones with the highest complexity, depth, meta irony, and usability, that also vastly improves the culture of the board. Veeky Forums for example is ironically Catholic, so why not take the contrariness and aesthetic taste to yet another level and become an ironically Muslim board? Another thing I admire here is, despite our being a history board, our unabashed salivation over Futurist art. I hope I'm not the only person who admires the irony.
Our culture is on a much higher level than the bullshit 'memes' that choke the discourse from the long rotting corpses of other boards on this site. Lets appreciate it for that.
this. we're still a fairly new board. it's not really a surprise that the many of the topics on here that used to be covered in different boards are dominated by memes made by those other boards. the only real issue we have is that we're deficient in drawfags
What did I miss? Was there some sort of Veeky Forums combination which embodies that famous guy on twitter? "Bronze Age Pervert" or whatever his name is, basically shitposts about grecco-roman aesthetics , Atlantian mythology, and esoteric fascist nation worship? Oh yeah and bronze age nudist supremacy.
I still cant tell if its 1 massive troll or if the guys actually serious about it.
>Veeky Forums for example is ironically Catholic, so why not take the contrariness and aesthetic taste to yet another level and become an ironically Muslim board?
Do you want, like, a crusade between Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums?
>he missed April Fool's Day
You poor bastard.
>Veeky Forums for example is ironically Catholic, so why not take the contrariness and aesthetic taste to yet another level and become an ironically Muslim board?
Manichaeism would be better, or Aten/sol invictus. Muslim isn't obscure enough.
This years. April fools joke where they merged two boards together. It's dead now.
Yeah fuck that, I think we could probably pull of a sort of an interesting hyper-intelectualized christian board and BTFO lit and pol at their own game.
Side note yet somewhat related, Have any of you guys looked into "Distributism" Seems like an interesting political philosophy but I still dont know much about it. There are some really good history/christian related youtube channels called "the distributist" and "fritz imperial" which are breddy good imo.
>christian board
Took a quick look and it's not bad. Obscure enough to fuck with people, plus you get some people pissy because it's a middle eastern religion (hey, some people are that easy to troll).
Ahh thats interesting, I basically just go to work and then sprint inside my home and bar all of the doors and windows because April fools ins basically the worst day of the year imo.
>Hey guys lets make a holiday about tricking people and making people disappointed by thinking their favorite movie/videogame is going to actually get a sequal after years just to fuck with them.
Post it please
there's too much Yahweh dick around here to be a christian board
Now that I think about it, why have I never seen a drawing with Jesus with his dick out?
>Not embracing the Zoroastrian supremacy
Take a listen to this and tell me it doesn't make you want to be some sort of desert dwelling blacksmith guru of proto-indo european wisdom.
This is literally the only place on Veeky Forums where I can discuss a topic I'm interested in with minimal memeposting, I'd like it to remain that way.
Hmmmmmm, I could probably find a picture, but then I would get banned. Possibly killed by Muslims too, since I would grab up the picture with Jesus fucking Muhammad in the ass.
>Taking the swastika back from /pol/
>Pissing off the Catholics from /pol/ and Veeky Forums
>Riding the mother fucking white elephant while looking Veeky Forums as fuck
I think I just got converted.
Not only that but the entire religion is based upon doing good things - but with the realization that you can only do that which is "Good" by understanding all of the variables in play and having perspective on each situation encouraging wisdom and learning. Also would make all of the Persia-boos super excited, as memory recalls it was pretty much the default religion in all of the big middle eastern empires at the time.
/pol/ expat here, I am enriching this board with my vibrant culture
I can dig it. Seriously though, I've got nothing wrong with learning new things and I like the concept of encouraging wisdom and learning.
You can't convert to Zoroastrism dumbo
Christians have nothing to do with Yahweh you illiterate cretin.
/pol/acks are like American tourists. They stick out like a sore thumb.
Funny how America alien tourist stick out like a sore thumb as well.
I meant the idea of Veeky Forums being an ironically Zoroastrian board, plus I like the idea of learning new shit. Silly user, I know you've got to be born into the religion.
You just might be retarded.
Not all /pol/acks are nazicucks though. Some of us just go there for the news and memes. I go back and forth between Veeky Forums and /pol/ when I get too sick of the joos meme and need a little detox.
>edgy /pol/ reiteration of "we wuz da catholic church/paganists/Greco-Romans
How is this even original?
Islam isn't obscure, but any actual knowledge of it or it's history beyond "ebil terrorists lmao look at my cartoon of Mohamed" [peace be upon him] bullshit. Plus it's about as contrarian as you can get these days, especially within the context of Veeky Forums. Not to mention it pisses off /pol/, which is allahways a bonus
Seriously no one on the planet talks about pol as much as Veeky Forums does
It's quite the infatuation
Im not even arguing for a bunch of autists on the Veeky Forums board to actually convert rather to use the iconography and overall philosophy as a sort of identity or flag
Imagine the irony:
>Zoroastrianism is at all time low
>Its actual population is slowly going extinct
>There is only like 200,000 of them left
>In a few years there are only a few scattered enclaves
>Now the "Sect" or "Denomination" found on Veeky Forums is the largest form of Zoroastrianism
>History will always note that some anime imageboard created the last bastion of one of the oldest and most obscure historical religion which is a huge basis of the development of theology.
>As the largest sect of Zoroastrianism left we could actually create "Canon" doctrine
>Incorporate all of the greatest works of philosophy and history into our new Frankenstein creation
>It catches on
>Membership rises
>MFW Veeky Forums literally brings a religion back from the brink of destruction
>MFW zoroastrianism begins to compete with Islam over membership
>MFW islamic countries start kvetching about these "Fucking religious foreigners who keep immigrating to their countries (iran) and modernizing all their shit"
aaand just like that we bring the fist monotheistic religion back from the dead and revitalize and resurrect the great nation of Persia.
All from shitposting. Its Veeky Forums as fuck.
>trying to get Veeky Forums to become muzzies
Only if they include multiple qt teenage old wives for me to marry will I convert to Islam.
Having a harem is halal, so yes.
yes, show these kuffars the way of muammad (pbuh)
One day soon brother
>wanting to do things ironically
Irony is poison and will only lead you to your ruin.
I would unironically convert
Angra mainyu did nothing wrong
Well, the whole Kek thing is much farther ahead already, might even be remembered in the future. Could have more presence if we knew more about Egyptian religion and rituals, but still
It's not like weird offshot religions are uncommon, you have Nation of Islam, Rastafarians, Mormons, and that pooinloo who clains to be Caliph (nothing to do with the Mughals)
What if we were Greco-Buddhists?
Canada has a culture, it's just immigrant-and-frog washed because the East is full of virtue-signalling narcissists.
At least we can all agree we're Persiaboos
I know its incredibly larpy, but if Veeky Forums took on that image, philosophy, and symbolism similar to how /pol/ pretends to be some sort of esoteric hitler worship board - we could actually save a historical religion from the brink of destruction.
+ would be literally impossible for any sort of MSM to claim we were some hategroup if we are acting in reverence and preservation of a middle eastern/ Iranian cultural artifact.
That BTFOs whatever autistic flag stealing /pol/ does.
Technically, it's just the Parsi of India who do not allow converts. Zoroastrians of other communities do, though for political reasons it is not encouraged within Iran proper. Zoroastrianism was historically a proselytizing religion.
Granted, the Parsi constitute the largest Zoroastrian community still in existence.
>real world change
>through the power of memes
If /pol/ memed some chaos darkness frog god into reality why cant we meme a philosophy of wisdom and light into reality? We would be doing good while zoro-posting and would be an interesting way of identifying people from Veeky Forums on twitter and the like.
Zoroastrianism is monolatrist, not monotheistic. Hinduism and Christianity are monotheistic.
I'm sure they're excited to be joined by former atheist Americans
>people thinking some tiny niche board like Veeky Forums can compete with one of the largest boards on Veeky Forums
>people unironically thinking you can just force a meme religion instead of letting it happen organically through happenstance and coincidence
I would imagine the less traditional ones would be happy to see their philosophy propagating through formerly atheistic westerners - especially at a time when they are falling into extinction.
Like I said in 100 years they might not even exist as a religion due to religious persecution and (frankly) the pevalance of the males of the religion foregoing their traditions for muslim/hindu poosey
Also Veeky Forums becoming a light/fire meme board would contrast amazingly to the darkness chaos esoteric memetics that pol engages in.
>people thinking some tiny niche board like Veeky Forums can compete with one of the largest boards on Veeky Forums
Christianity transformed from a tiny Greco-Semitic niche religion to the official religion of Rome, while overcoming a tradition of Mediterranean polytheism that had lasted thousands of years.
larping is the bread and butter of history, user
Apparently the ancient zoroastrianism doctrine was fully open to conversion, you just need to do a "kushti" ceremony. It's only the modern zoroastrian sects who larp as oldfags and pretend you can't. I say fuck them and their faggotry.
Is it time for a revival? I want my zoroaster pepes.
christians were also far more willing to sacrifice their comfort to proselytize
also that process took centuries.
It took centuries, but became 'official' in much less time. By the time it became official, it already won.
Check it out guys, We could totally do this. His is a small board but will grow with time and could quickly outnumber the native inhabitant worshipers of iran.
whatever you gigantic dweeb, all I'm saying is that this yin yang bullshit with /pol/ is slightly cringey to read through.
Veeky Forums is a jewish board mVIIIs
I'm in, but how do we go about doing this exactly?
Just repost images of Zoroastrian? Weekly study threads? What?
Despite my respect toward Zoroastrianism, I'm not willing or even able to convert from non-sectarian Christianity.
I don't disagree, I am just saying it is kind of possible.
Yeah i'm Muslim iIRL but i'm all for Manichaenism to be the official religion of Veeky Forums
> Islam and Christianity are too influential IRL and too heavy handed
>Zoroastrianism is a good choice, but still too ethnic
>Greek/Hellenic religion makes me think more of Veeky Forums more than anything
Manichaeism is the perfect choice. It combines Eastern religion as well as principles which shaped the West. Its pretty obscure and has never officially been a state religion IRL and has qualities of both gnostic religions(by extension Abrahamic) and Zoroastrianism.
All for Manichaism say "I".
>not knowing jews were the biggest persiaboos in history
Come home, heeb man
I say aye!
Manichaism is very simple and rational compared to most religions if we have to pick one, this seems very serviceable. The all or nothing, good or bad, light or dark seems to fit the nature of the discourse here.
/fitlit/ ruled. Great threads like "What is the heaviest book?"
Well this thread to begin with was about building a board culture, we already have lots of people who are interested in Persia (It is pretty much one of the most important empires in history) - it would be super fun to fuck with the catholic and atheist OPs. Also threads on the subject would be neat because I feel that alot of us on Veeky Forums dont really know much about it. I know linguistically the chants of Zoroastrianism are unique because they actually have Sanskrit words which tie it to the proto-indo-european or "Aryan" movement through northern india - which means we would be closer to aryans than pol ever could claim (which im sure some of them would get quite butthurt over). Overall we should try to make it happen as naturally as possible - if there is real interest in Persian and Zoroastrian history and philosophy it will manifest naturally and maybe oneday require a "Zoroastrian general thread" but for now this idea is just a framework for an identity of our new board .
Judaism/noahidism is the ideal religion for Veeky Forums:
>triggers /pol/acks
>values education
>too esoteric for crossposters
>top tier aesthetics
>no dumb evangelism
>be noah
>get circumcised/buttfucked by your son in your sleep
I dunno desu, seems a bit gay to me
Hinduism is actually monotheistic.