Why aren't you playing Paragon, Veeky Forums? It has actual graphics.
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Veeky Forums? It has actual graphics
Other urls found in this thread:
That's just your mutilated Jew cock. Grossiosso!
>googles size of PS3 game boxes
nice camera angle, tiny dick
I'd suck it.
>using a PS4 game case instead of a normal DVD case
Why do they mutilate babies in America?
Kike doctors advised all boomers to do it to their kids by starting a scare about foreskin infections, that's why I was mutilated. My son's dick remains whole thanks to /pol/.
Probably the most ugly dick I've seen on this board today.
>doesn't trim the jungle
never gonna make it
Is it still common practice?
>PS4 case
Just wow my shit up senpai
lel i'm so glad i don't have a gross mutated cock
looks so dry and ugly haahah
Yes, there are still jewish doctors advising non-jewish families that male genitals should be mutilated. One more reason we need to gas the kikes.
PS4 cases aren't even 6 inches nigga what the fuck are you doing
just .... wow
They're actually 6.7 inches long.
Kikes. We're fixing it.
thread getting slid hard
No thanks. And trim that filthy bush.
Where is the skin that is supposed to covers your penis? What happened to it user? Huh? Huh?
What exchange is paragon on?
>he doesn't know the jungle is making a huge comeback
be honest, how long since you're last lay ?
lol yes, and see all the women with sons who fucking fall for it. Some girl on normiebook on my friends list just posted about scheduling her son's circumcision and needing transportation to get it done. They really believe the stupid infection bullshit hook line and sinker. Americans are seriously fucked by the Jews.
>the I realize that's a girls hand
>tfw she's showing off his dick to her friends later
I didn't ask for these dgb
Yo what the fuck I'm in class right now and just moused over this a fucking dick fills up my whole screen now all these kids behind me keep snickering where are the mods I'm reporting and sageing this shit
where the fuck are the mods. jesus
>browsing Veeky Forums in public
I doubt anyone knows what I'm doing anyways they probably think I'm doing forex
nice one mods
How in the fuck is this god damn schlong still on my fucking board Jesus CHRIST MODS YOU FUCKS
>implying there are mods in Veeky Forums
Oops, accidentally tagged.
Yeah, I got banned almost instantly for posting a vitalik death topic yesterday. Why is this still up?
Thin penis
We have mods?
le penor pleases le mods with its presense
actual bump
Would suck and swallow / 10
the hotpockets find your cock pleasing, consider it a compliment
Mine might be a stubby chubby, but it sure can cum diamonds! Top that!
this is really sad.
top kek OP you made me open it
You know this is an imageboard, right? Fucking newfag
That thumbnail is clubbing somewhat.
Get your minerals checked
This dick has been on my screen all day
Just having this convo on /b/
No, it's only common in Jewmerica and sand nigger infected countries.
Damn this nigga has a bigger dick than me :(
This was posted by moot that's why it hasn't been deleted
The rate for Australia is always wrong on these infographs, it's somewhere between 15 and 20%, but they always have it at 40%. 20% is still too high though.
Depends on context. Sometimes these info graphs are on modern rates,sometimes as in this case, total rate across all males.
I would believe current rates of circumcision for newborns are around 10%, but it wouldn't surprise me if the rates among ALL men (including boomers) was closer to 40%.
Why is your dick so nice looking
Damn, we have very similar dicks. I'm mostly heterosexual, but I'd love to swordfight with you if you're cute and skinny (like me).
page 1
there are dudes probably masturbating over this, just so you know
mirin pen0r OP
It's also a blue board. It baffles me that mods haven't gotten rid of this thread.
The mods are gay as shit to leave this up.
Weiners are gross, man.
alright lads, let's make something fun out of this. post dick, size, and the biggest portion of your portfolio
>pic related
why do cut dicks look so ugly? those hideous circumcision scars and dried-out looking heads make me cringe.
why do people mutilate themselves like this, it's worse than tattoofags or tongue piercings aaaaaaaa
Americans will give you all sorrs of stupid reasons, but the simplest one is that Americans are completely enslaved by the Jew.
What age do you think cutting happens? There's no choice involved, I'd be uncut if I had a say. Also, I hope you're a European. American girls usually think the same way about uncut dicks, since it's all they're used to seeing.
>American girls usually think the same way about uncut dicks, since it's all they're used to seeing.
>Ewwwwww user, you're not eternally marked as jewish property, that's disgusting!
There's nothing Jewish about it for them, they don't know that much about circumcision. It's just all they really see. Whenever cut vs uncut would come up in conversations with girls I know, they'd describe uncut dicks as "scary" or "weird". Regardless, I'd still prefer to be uncut.
>get buttmad about female genital mutilation in shithole countries
>meanwhile practice male genital mutilation on an industrial scale
lmaoing @ burger life
Female genital mutilation is like cutting the entire head of your dick off.
God, everyone is so melodramatic. Fucking hell, m8
>people who get beaten the fuck out are victims
>people who only get beaten a bit are not victims
>wake up next morning
>thread still up
I was sort of joking at first, but there truly are no mods...
I reported it 8 hours ago. They just don't give a fuck.
Got banned for advertising. Should've posted a picture of my average sized white dick instead.
>the thread's been up for 13 hours
The worst part? I applied to be a janitor, nothing happened.
Veeky Forums - Penis & Video Games board
Nice penor pls be my bf
guys what if it's a mod that posted his dick