LOL@everyone, must mesh ethtrader and Veeky Forums here you faggots all popping the champagne and declaring yourselves kings. Back to normal! Fucking redditors entitled as fuck, you are really this stupid that think we've recovered and going back to lamboland to new all time highs? Have you had any experience in trading, like at all? Have you have any knowledge? Have they ever heard of a fucking 'bull trap'? Hmm, I wonder where I have seen this chart before, oh I know, just about every crash in human history, of course we know they all just go and reverse to new all time highs straight after the crash. Ahahahahhaha I'm going to enjoy watching that smile wipe aware from your face thats for sure.
Back to Normal, Lads!
sorry you're losing money shorting, better luck next time.
nocoiners btfo
it's funny how many people think cryptos are already well past the public phase
ahahhaha I cant wait, I will be right there on your little ethtrader reddit and screencapping all your denial 'hodl guys' 'its ok everyone my wife told me to hold' all the while you crash down another 80 % and that is going to be pleasurable to me. oh yes. it will be beautiful because you may have won this round, you all came together and temporary agreed for old times sake to go 'back to normal' so you can live in delusions for at least a few more hours. but you are living a lie. you are not going to win when it all is pulled out from under you. you only got a taste of it so far of the unfairness of life that will soon last for your entire lifetime, I promise that.
y-y-y-you t-too
fucking tl;dr you salty ass bitch.
This is Veeky Forums m8. Maybe you should mock them on reddit.
Using the right strategy helps both on declines and on growth hey
Bernie supporter spotted
Fuck you Op, I wanted to sleep ok tonight
Is that chart Ethereum or bitcoin, ill literally go all in on that, Op looks pretty convincing.
wtf are you talking about nigger? the amount of butthurt you carry around is a clear sign that you either got in ATH and lose a shitload of money or worse, you were doing fine and you panicked and you fucked up and you are angry.
Just sit there and think for 10 seconds, you are making promises to random internet people about imaginary meme internet money and how you will laugh and gloat when some number changes. Is that how you like to spend your time? are you that fucking pathetic and lonely? are you that insecure? What could have possibly happened in your life that you've become this huge raging hating faggot? Did your uncle touch you in your no no place?
Try /rk9/ and vent your problems there man. Good luck.
ETH will be sub 200 tomorrow n00b, drop drop drop motherfucker
classic dubs of truth
nice fuckin try OP flmfao. check the volume increase
enjoy your digi bags op. this eth rocket is going to saturn
I too will also masturbate to this.
Remember that feeling when bitcoin dipped the last few times and the whole altcoin market got crushed ever so slightly? It's been doing that each time. Remember the threads of people losing money? Remember refreshing your blockfolio hoping to see that you made money, but then telling yourself it's just a dip this is normal for cryptos?
Surely someone is going to throw hundreds of millions of dollars into the ecosystem to send BTC to a new ATH at this point in the market cycle.
This is unreadable. You are clearly too emotional to be posting right now.
you need to chill senpai head on back to bitcoin talk and divise another PnD coin to make up for losses famarino. Don't worry we will be here.