1000 BNT will get you girls like this

1000 BNT will get you girls like this.

Screenshot shot this post and repost it 1 year from now.

there's literally a dick under those.

what the fuck op.

Fuck off with your shitcoin

Stop supporting jewish tricks OP.

that camel toe is hypnotic. Don't even know what this post is about.

0.1 ETH will be enough to cum into this bitch
1 ETH will be enough for the kids college fund

Thanks for letting everyone know that you are a virgin.

save the effort and just download tinder

You're a trap loving faggot

Will Bancor cure me of my premature ejaculation?


>tfw no qt trap gf with feminine penis

why live.

Do you even know what a pussy looks like?

not biting the bait, just want to post more Nicky

>belly piercing
>flat chested

I'll pass thanks

aaaaaaaand it turns out she's a coal burner


For one hour, night, wife? How much are you shilling that BNT will be worth

When will nobancs learn the only way to beat them is to become them?

Yea, your moms.

are you old enough to be here?

Your mom likes younger men


>dating biological women

You're just setting yourself up for failure.

is it gay to want to suck on her meaty pussy? isn't a meaty pussy just like an underdeveloped big cock head?

this kid is 100% 13 yrs old


if that isn't a dick then she is a roastie of the highest degree