Mfw people don't recognize a bear trap

>mfw people don't recognize a bear trap

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Law

bull trap*

we are not done crashing

hopefully for the last time. this will be a big one though probably

Bear flag, dumb shits


noob here. what does the mean? i expect to get flamed so do it if you must..

that hammer means that it was the bottom of this bear trap, now it'll go back up slowly

since you're a newb, let me give you a piece of advice:

never trust Veeky Forums

most of em are FUDders don't know shit

including this retard who actually think it's a bear trap

i'm not actually new, i just wanted to see what he'd say. interestingly, he is either uninformed, or he's just lied to me for some reason. why do that? do you just want people to lose money for some reason? what is the point?

are you autistic? Serious question. His answer wasn't incorrect. buyers just wrested control from sellers indicating trend reversal.'s_Law

also, thanks for your answer. sorry to mislead, but it's honestly the only way to get a straight answer around here

Stop looking at this time scale.

This is a bearish trend, expect sub 2k soon.

people are free to believe whatever they want

take whatever i said with a grain of salt

>t. poet

i couldn't care less

Enjoy Earth saltynocoins

If BTC dips below 2k would ETH dip with it?

I sold at 250 trying to short, got greedy and didn't rebuy in time. Now I wanna die.

Anyone else think bulltrap headed up to 3.1k and then correction dipping to 1.8k, low of 1.5k ish

Me too, I think this fucker will drop by the early morning.

That's actually pretty funny, but you also confirmed your autism.

i'm placing a buy at .095

these two posts contradict each other

>implying anything is certain

it's from the same ID saying two different things

That's the worst fucking hammer I have seen, TA noob, check your charts

Doesn't matter because it only may or may not happen, and no rational person would actually try to ascertain the values of the dipping/recovery/pulling the floor out will be, because they cannot pinpoint how many people are involved, and how much money they all have. It is all conjecture at best. The smartest people realize what they cannot predict and are more attracted to fundamental valuations when available.

Didn't buy ETH when it went down to $216 earlier cause I thought it could drop more. I wish I would have though cause I could have made an easy couple hundred selling it at $270 now.

If it drops close to $200 again I'm going to buy at the slightest raise.

you made the right decision. don't be sucked in emotionally by short term spikes. this rebound was tame. i wouldn't even buy it when it dips back down to 200 personally, too risky

LIDL hammer

99.99% of chart analysis on biz is retarded.

>trading based on hopes and dreams

Damn I need to stop doubting myself so much, I feel like I'm not confident enough and miss trade opportunities sometimes purely out of humility I guess. But then I realise there are loads of actual retards just throwing money away to the markets and I feel better.