What was the worst thing or event ever happened to our world?
What was the worst thing or event ever happened to our world?
The Great Flush of 1906.All those innocent babies, gone like they never existed.
Chernobyl was pretty shit. Destroyed public faith in the best method of power production.
Honestly though probably either WW1 or 2.
The fall of the Western Roman Empire.
It is depressing just how many utter catastrophes exist in human history.
Off the top of my head and in no particular order:
>The bronze age collapse
>The fall of Chinese Legalism
>The extinction of the Tocharians
>The destruction of the Library of Alexandria
>The fall of the Indo-Greek Kingdom(s)
>The death of Socrates
>The decline of the traditional Hellenic cults
>The fall of the Western Roman Empire
>The fall of the Eastern Roman Empire
>The failure of Julians reforms
>The rise of Islam
>The fall of Zoroastrianism
>The destruction of the Ming
>The deaths of the natives of the new world
>The first World War
>The rise of post-modernism
>Neo-liberalism and Neo-Conservatism in general
>The invention of nuclear weapons
Last friday at nandos when they had to take the spwcial off the menu
>The invention of nuclear weapons
literally the only reason why there hasn't been WWIII,IV and V by now
when the sea people's attacked
ur birth lmao
I'd say black death. Only time in human history where world population went down.
are you also including the small pox epidemic?
The birth of Donald Trump
The unification of the krauts
But the Spanish flu killed more
This. The decisions made by the Americans in the 20th century are going to haunt us for centuries.
OP's birth
The World Wars
caesar getting stabbed
>>The fall of Chinese Legalism
Boohoo. The law of nofunallowed died.
>The death of Aetius
>The death of Majorian
>The destruction of the Armada Invencible
>The destruction of Baghdad and Samarkanda
>The Holodomor
>The Armenian genocide
>The Irish famine
>The rise of Peronism
Yes, I'm including smallpox and the Spanish flu.
The Spanish flu killed more people, but the world population was far larger in the 20th century than in the 14th.
inb4 "muh six billion pre-Columbian Native Americans"
>fall of legalism
Your probably one of those fags who say everything that's fun is "degenerate"
Difficult to say, due to chaos theory and the butterfly effect you can't really accurately judge the longterm effects of a specific event or its widespread rammifications.
In and of itself...... i'd say the discovery/invention of torture is probably the worst.
I agree, but I think there's a point to be made that the proliferation of nuclear weapons may hurt humanity more in the long run than if they'd somehow never been invented. Metaphorically speaking, until someone can invent the perfect missile defense all of humanity is standing indefinitely in a pool of gasoline with everyone holding matches.
And how do you know that there no will be ww3 some day? Fucking retard.
>>The rise of Islam
Without being all "muh terrorists" etc, what makes this one of the catastrophes of human history?
Seriously, fuck that asteroid.
I mean, you could make the argument that Islam being so closely tied to temporal, political power, as well as the infighting within it, greatly hindered the modernisation of the entire Near and Middle East. You'd be mostly wrong, though, as Europe had similar issues with Christianity for well over eighteen centuries, and yet somewhere along the line was able to somewhat separate religious and political issues.
The discovery of the atomic bomb.
Weapons that humans should have never come into possession of having, gaining the capabilities to wipe themselves out and ending humanity in a series of simple strikes.
Is it, as some people say, because Islam is a comparatively newer religion and is going through the same process that Christianity went through, just later on in time?
I imagine that the fucked up situation in the Middle East doesn't help, though Europe was no less fucked in the middle ages - the difference being there was less intervention by foreign powers.
I'd say there is a strong argument that the creation of the atomic bomb has saved countless lives as it has significantly reduced the appetite for war - who knows what wars may have been fought had the atomic bomb never been created?
>muh six billion Europeans
The election of Ronald Reagan.
That's my thought on the situation in the Middle East. I honestly thought we were going to get the Muslim Westphalia during the Arab Spring, but sadly that never came to fruition.
It can be argued that nuclear MAD was a good-enough deterrent for the major powers not to go ape shit on each other in another global war, thus saving humanity in the process. However, unless the aye lmaos are going to invade, they've outlived their usefulness. The sanctions against the DPRK's nuclear program are well-deserved
Do you think there will be a period of Muslim Enlightenment, similar to the European period of Enlightenment?
Personally I don't see it in the next few decades. The situation in the ME is too fragile, too divided - Europe at least had stable borders and stable states. The current ME doesn't even have that. And that's not even going into the interference by external, global powers, which undoubtedly causes confusion - supporting oppressive dictators and funding conflicts. The comparison with middle ages Europe is similar but there are some significant differences that I think will mean there will be no Muslim Enlightenment.
What could this mean for the rest of the world? With mass Muslim emigration from the ME to places like Europe due to the strife and exploitation, where are we heading?
Sorry I just typed out my train of thought. Be interesting to hear if anyone has any thoughts on what I said
That happened during the Ottomans. For example in the 19th they decriminalized sodomy, which the British didn't do until the 20th century, and many US states still haven't done.
Except we actually have records such as the Domesday Book for Medieval European populations. Native American population projections are subject to a lot more guesswork.
The Ottomans are/were a single Muslim polity. In most of the ME today, homosexuality is either despised or criminalised.
I don't want to get into a debate about homosexuality and Islam though, I'd rather talk about the bigger picture
>all of humanity is standing indefinitely in a pool of gasoline with everyone holding matches.
I disagree with your outlook but I really like this analogy
Thanks, but I basically stole it from a quote by Carl Sagan:
>"Imagine a room awash in gasoline, and there are two implacable enemies in that room. One of them has nine thousand matches. The other has seven thousand matches. Each of them is concerned about who's ahead, who's stronger. Well that's the kind of situation we are actually in. The amount of weapons that are available to the United States and the Soviet Union are so bloated, so grossly in excess of what's needed to dissuade the other, that if it weren't so tragic, it would be laughable. What is necessary is to reduce the matches and to clean up the gasoline."
-ABC News Viewpoint following the TV movie The Day After (20 Nov 1983)
>The rise of post-modernism
Do you not like Warhol's paintings of soup?
The rise of Islam
2017 Shayrat missile strike
Which is a bad thing. More wars and less exestential threats, please.
see thread:
lol this fucking guy
The murder of Franz Ferdinand. Princip really fucked up killing the only guy who didn't want a war with Russia and even though he personally hated Slavs with a passion was sympathetic to giving more autonomy to unfuck A-H.
it depends on whose life will end first, mine or existences
The Holocene Extinction.
His butthurt
lmao imperial scum still salty
>The fall of the Indo-Greek Kingdom(s)
Good fucking riddance
The Austrians weren't really pissed though, Not many people actually liked the archduke. His funeral service was like 15 minutes long. It was a convenient excuse.
The Great Oxygenation Event.
Invention of agriculture
The slave trade, should have left them in Africa
The Sea People invading
The Holocaust.
Never forget the 6 million.
As soon as a perfect defense system is made, that side will actually consider using their nuclear weapons.
The creation of the US
>In most of the ME today, homosexuality is either despised or criminalised.
Someone post that "he was that kind of a boy" webm.
The jews
t. 95% Spanish Juan 'Montezuma' de la Cruz
If we're counting just human history than I suspect upcoming climate change will screw things more than the last ice age.
But the Ottomans weren't arabs. The Arab world is the issue .
They were just as much victims of the events happening in the Bronze age collapse.
God you're a fucking faggot.
When Cyrus the Great let the Jews back into the Holy Land. That's when they started to spread like the cancer they are. Now Jews have the world in their hands.
That never happened.
This. They may have prevented many conventional wars, but they also gave us the ability to wipe ourselves out. No war before that would have resulted in the extinction of the human race. Even WW2 cost us only about 2.5% of the world population.
This is very mean and has hurt my German feelings. I'll just go to a free top class hospital and have my feelings checked for free; then, I'll be more than glad to see that the economy flourishes, to some extent due to the fresh energy and work power of folks from Syria, Turkey etc. Have fun with your far- right leadership, other countries! Feels good to be a German
Has anybody got any good books or articles about the bronze age and its collapse?
World War I gets my vote
Leaders throwing soldiers at each other because "Man there hasn't been a war in awhile and we have all this neat new technology... Lets have at it!" to cause the literal largest war to ever happen for the time for that reason is fucking infuriating to me
Plus, the Christmas Truces just went to show how nobody even gave a fuck about the politics of it and were just doing what they were being forced to do and risked their lives just to spend fucking Christmas with the enemy
The creation of Anime and Video games.
he asked what the worst event was not the best
Hitler losing WW2.
The fall of Constantinople 1453.
Turned the worlds greatest city into a mudslim filled shithole.
If only it had closed that bottleneck
New Coke
premature death of Alexander the great
imagine a world where Abrahamic religion never happened
>fall of communism
>bronze age collapse
>fall of Chinese Legalism
good point
>extinction of the Tocharians
no one cares
>destruction of the library of alexandria
yeah this one is bad, but really these were copies of literature and the originals were allowed to leave the city and go wherever - also the Alexandrians by law had to copy every book they came across with no vetting process to separate total shit books from important ones, most of the books in the library were crap ones and even they had originals somewhere.
>fall of indo-greek kingdoms
>death of Socrates
his martyrdom probably help spread his philosophy which is far more important than the man himself who was already old Socrates himself realized what good his death would do.
>decline of hellenic cults
read Joseph Campbell, all cults and myths are generally the same
>fall of the western roman empire
these guys fucked up the world and Carthage should have destroyed them, hell even if the Gauls destroyed Rome once and for all we would all be better off.
>fall of Eastern Roman Empire
see above
>failure of Julian's reforms
see above
>rise of Islam
probably the single most destructive and worthless figure in human history is Muhammad. People wanna go back in time to kill Hitler? You could save billions more people by going back to Muhammad's birth and handing his parent's a sack full of gold. If the little shitstain wasn't such a poor greedy slob and had everything he wanted he wouldn't have invented his asshole religion.
>fall of Zoroastrianism
this one sucked for humanity. The Persians should have conquered the Greeks and Alexander should have had the backbone to preserve Persepolis.
>destruction of the Ming
yeah, China would be better off if they didn't become isolationist.
>deaths of the natives of the new world
>first world war
probably inevitable
>neo liberalism and neo conservatism
political ideology probably doesn't matter as much as major historical figures individual whim
>rise of post modernism
it's just another resurgence of sophistry no different from all the others in human history - it will rise again even if it again becomes unpopular.
>nuclear weapons
isn't this just too shrouded in mystery to be judged either a good or bad thing? Who the fuck were the sea people?
Paris Peace Conference 1919.
Caused WW2 and all the trouble in the middle east. Only good thing to come out of it was that it punished the turks for the genocides they commited but that got partly cancelled after the turks fought back.
French Revolution
pffft... Caesar was a dick and the Romans were always fucking up their own shit with assassinations, coups, the praetorian guard selling the empire to the highest bidder, and so on.
I feel like you dropped some mico-trolling in there.
this is a top candidate tbqh
What a good analogy user, I'm going to steal it.
Jealous that our nation become an unstoppable superpower in less than 300 years of existence?
World War 1 and World War 2 are the easy answers. WW1 had millions upon millions of people dying in horrible ways and unbelievable levels of human suffering.
The sequel had pretty much all that too but also had the holocaust, all the war crimes Japan committed (rape of Nanjing, unit 731, etc.), 20 million Russians dying, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and lots of other fun things like that.
And of course nuclear weapons being invented skyrocketed our chance to destroy ourselves.
The industrial revolution.
Many of these would not exist to later fall in the first place if it wasn't for another event collapsing. For example, no roman empire or socrates without a bronze age collapse,